Conquer the World

Chapter 45

Fang Xie got into the carriage, threw the horizontal knife aside, took the wine bag from Mu Xiaoyao\'s hand and poured it hard. The big dog outside the car waved the whip to speed up the carriage and keep a distance from the team of red tea. There is no doubt that if we catch up with the people of red tea move, we will deal with danger more calmly along the way. After all, there is a sick old lame over there.

Although the old cripple has never shown any extraordinary strength, Fang Xie is sure that an old man who can guard the whole tea move alone will never be a bag of wine. You should know that there are so many Yingyan and Yingyan in tea. Are there few things to attract bees and butterflies these years?

Since the old cripple can carry it down, he will not be as unbearable as he shows.

"Now you can be sure it\'s from the big Sui court."

Fang Xie put down the wine bag and found that his palm was wet.

"If I\'m not wrong, something must have happened to fan Gucheng."

Mu Xiaoyao\'s body was stiff and subconsciously looked to Fang Xie. But see this never showed a sad look of the youth, the corners of his eyes have been wet. This is the first time that Mu Xiaoyao has seen it in 15 years.

"Maybe... It\'s just your own wishful thinking."

She can only comfort.

Fang Xie shook his head slowly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "Even I don\'t know my life experience, so it\'s impossible for the imperial court to use such a powerful killer to collude with the people who chased us before. Moreover, the imperial court of the Sui Dynasty has always been arrogant and powerful, and it\'s impossible to collude with people from other countries because of a small person like me. So it\'s much easier to speculate... As I said just now, it was the people of the imperial court who killed us I\'m sure someone doesn\'t want me to enter the martial arts academy. "

"I don\'t have any secrets that they are afraid of. If I have to say so, it\'s easy to think of Li Xiaozong. The people who died in fan Gu that night should be sent by the imperial court. The reason why the imperial court wanted to kill me was because the imperial court wanted to inspect the corruption case of the border army. In order to escape, Li Xiaozong put the blame on me and tried to kill me and clean himself up But when those people died, Li Xiaozong must have no way to explain to the court. "

"What I\'m thinking about now is how Li Xiaozong covered it up. Too many people knew about it that day, and all the border soldiers knew... If you want to hide it... Unless..."

He paused as if he didn\'t want to go on.

"Unless you kill all the soldiers of the border army and then make up an excuse for the war? You are the only living person of the border army, so there must be someone in the imperial court who doesn\'t want you to enter the imperial capital. If you want to hide such a big case, it can\'t be done by a yamen of the military department. I said why are you so unlucky? Taoist priest, I can only tell you what the fuck Heaven. "

This is not what Mu Xiaoyao said, nor is it a big dog.

It\'s a green bull.

Fang Xie was stunned and looked at the fat Taoist who lifted the curtain and got into the carriage.

"When did you get on the bus?"

Fang Xie asked in surprise.

Xiang qingniu rubbed his nose and said proudly, "I told you earlier that I am a very tall expert. Don\'t mention that you are such a broken carriage. There are two guards who are barely ordinary experts. Even if I want to enter the first-class place with strict security in the world, no one can stop me."

"Of course..."

Xiang qingniu sat down and impolitely turned out some food and held it in his arms: "It\'s because I\'m really hungry and can\'t ride a horse. Although I\'m a top expert, I tremble when I\'m hungry. I have no strength, and even my hands and feet tremble. It\'s terrible. So when I feel hungry, I have to eat. So... I\'m not eavesdropping on your conversation, but looking for food."

Fang Xie was silent for a moment. He took the greasy and cold roasted wild chicken leg from his hand, took out a small paper bag from his arms and handed it to Xiang qingniu: "if you feel like this again in the future, just eat two pieces of this."


Xiang qingniu opened the paper bag and couldn\'t help glancing: "can\'t you be so stingy? You\'ll be distressed if I eat a wild chicken leg?"

"This works."

Fang Xie is too lazy to explain anything.

Xiang qingniu looked at Fang Xie suspiciously. Originally, he didn\'t like to eat sticky candy. Because his hands and feet began to tremble and his panic became stronger and stronger, he had to grab a handful and put it into his mouth. When he wanted to continue eating, Fang Xie stopped him, wrapped the paper bag again and stuffed it into his arms.

"That\'s enough. Sit still for a while and you\'ll be fine."

Xiang qingniu was stunned and couldn\'t help but wonder: "do you know the way of medicine?"

"I don\'t understand, but I happen to know what\'s wrong with you. I used to... I had this problem a long time ago. Just eat a few sweets."

"What disease is this?"

"It\'s difficult for me to explain to you. In short, you can understand it as sugar deficiency in the stomach."

Fang Xie pointed to the big dog outside the car, and then pointed to Mu Xiaoyao and said, "he has stomach meat deficiency, she has stomach wine deficiency... It\'s not a serious disease, but it\'s very uncomfortable."

After a while, Xiang qingniu was pleasantly surprised to find that the symptoms of hand and foot deficiency and heart panic really disappeared, which made him admire each other\'s solution more and more.

"In the future, you don\'t have to put anything in your mouth. Just take a bag of sugar with you."

Fang Xie said faintly.

"How can I thank you, or I\'ll let you in when the martial arts academy takes the exam?"

"Don\'t do this... Tell me who those assassins were before."

"This... Is a secret... Oh, don\'t rob my sugar. I said it\'s not enough?"




This is the largest ferry that must pass from Xiangcheng to the imperial capital. After passing Xiangshui by boat from Fenglin ferry, you can get out of Longxi County and enter Hedong county. Xiangshui is one of the five most famous rivers in the Sui Dynasty and the largest river in the west of the Sui Dynasty. The narrowest part is also a hundred feet wide, and the water area of fenglindu is the place with the most gentle flow of Xiangshui. Dozens of ferries travel back and forth every day.

On one side of fenglindu trestle is a reed marsh, where many people fish every day. There are many fish in Xiangshui. If you are lucky, you can catch dozens of fish a day in this crowded place. It is said that a long time ago, an old man once caught a big fish more than ten meters long on the edge of the trestle. The fish was named iron head and had infinite power. I don\'t know how to bite the hook and drag the old man from the shore into the water.

This iron head fish is indeed something. Many boaters have seen this big fish show its back on the river. If you encounter it, you must throw down the pig head necessary for boating on the river, which is filial piety to the river god.

It\'s just that this story has been handed down for many years. Originally, the big fish was the protagonist. Later, I don\'t know how it changed its taste. Up to now, the most popular version says that the old man dragged out the big iron head more than ten meters long from the river when he was carrying a fishing rod with one hand.

The iron head fish is very fierce. Its mouth full of steel teeth will be fierce. The old man stretched out his hand and pointed out a ray of golden light, which was right in the head of the big fish. He drank a sentence in his mouth: "evil animal! Don\'t subdue the law quickly!"

Then the big fish gradually shrunk, and finally turned into a human form to worship at the feet of the old man. The old man thought that his nature was not evil and accepted him as a disciple. Since then, there has been no trace on his long journey.

The story is so vivid that many children along the coast go to the river every day to rub earth for incense and kowtow to the East. They hope that one day the old man will come and take them as disciples.

Legend is a legend. It can\'t be true.

But these days, dozens of meters away from the trestle, there is a middle-aged man fishing here every day. The man came with a big hat and a gray cloth, carrying a bench, a fish basket and a fishing rod every day. He sat down all day. I don\'t see how many fish he can catch every day, but his interest is not reduced.

The local ferry watchers found that since there was a middle-aged man fishing on the shore. Many more people set up stalls near the trestle, all strange faces. Others inadvertently found that many rare war horses were tied in a secret place in the forest behind the reed marsh.

The fishing middle-aged man didn\'t talk much with people. Occasionally, someone went over and said a few words politely and then left. So this man aroused the fishermen\'s idea. When someone went up to talk, the man was also very easy-going and polite. He could hear that he spoke with the accent of the capital. This accent is called Beijing Film by the people. His pronunciation is clear, which is very different from the local accent.

This man looks very ordinary. If he walks into the crowd, he will never attract other people\'s attention. Such people may encounter hundreds of them every day when walking in a prosperous city. He was of medium build, neither fat nor thin, nor had a beard. He didn\'t Tan even after sitting by the river for several days. His face was white and seemed to be ill. Sword eyebrow, long eyes, high nose, thin and cool lips. He should be a very beautiful boy when he was young.

However, although there are many wrinkles on the corners of the eyes and there is always a trace of fatigue between the eyebrows, it still has a man\'s charm and appears very calm and calm.

At noon every day, someone will deliver food to him. The food is not luxurious and exquisite. It\'s almost just a few plates of stir fry, but there must be a fish, whether it\'s fried or cooked.

And wine.

Most of the ferry people are good drinkers. They can smell the wine coming from a distance. So someone brazenly put up a piece of bacon and smiled and asked for wine. The man didn\'t refuse. He always smiled and nodded, and then stayed to drink with the fishermen. So gradually, the man met many friends in fenglindu.

But one thing that makes people feel uncomfortable is that the man only needs a pot of wine for each meal. Ten people can drink it or one person can drink it. After drinking this pot, you won\'t drink any more. Even if the fisherman took out his own wine to persuade him, he would never touch it.

So the fishermen finally reached a consensus... This is a good man and a strange man.

The man appeared at noon on the sixth day of fenglindu. His family came to deliver meals and a pot of wine as usual. The meal was delivered by a very young young man, with handsome faces and eyes and a strong figure. Although he was also dressed in cloth, he was very clean and refreshing all over. The only fly in the ointment is that the young man is blind in one right eye. There was a scar, straight across his right eye, from his forehead to his jaw.

Everyone felt that this must be the son of the middle-aged man. So everyone said that the young man was very filial and would come on time to deliver food to his father every day.

The blind young man put down the food box, hung his head and whispered a few words.

The middle-aged man nodded slightly and then waved his hand. The young man then turned to go, but was stopped by the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man pointed to the hem of the young man\'s cloth robe and said in a flat tone, "Tianbao... Do you remember how you were blind?"

The young man named Tianbao was shocked, and his eyes were full of uncontrollable fear: "go back to town and caress the envoy. I dare not forget my humble position."

The middle-aged man said, "next time I make such a low-level mistake, I\'ll blind your other eye. It\'s useless for me to keep people who are blind in both eyes."

The man whose real name was Gao Tianbao immediately bent over and hid the brocade robe with a corner exposed inside.

This brocade robe is very beautiful. It is dark red and silver lines can be seen faintly.

People in the officialdom of the imperial capital will recognize even if they only see a corner of the brocade robe, and then their hearts will be cold.

Flying fish Robe