Conquer the World

Chapter 33

Wanyan left the demon holding the jade cup in his hands. He stared at the heat curling up in the cup. His legs were tight and his toes moved from time to time. He could see that he was very embarrassed. The old man sitting in front of him is the Shangshu of the ceremony Department of the great Sui Dynasty. He is a senior member of the second grade. Since Yan Yong, the Khan of the northern Liao Dynasty, decided to leave the Mongolian Yuan Empire and take refuge in the great Sui Dynasty, he sent no less than ten groups of envoys to quietly enter the great Sui Dynasty to meet the emperor of the great Sui Dynasty, this is the first time to enjoy such a high standard of ceremony.

After those envoys arrived in Chang\'an, although the imperial court of the great Sui Dynasty treated them with courtesy and received many rewards from the emperor of the great Sui Dynasty, they did not make any progress in claiming to be the Minister of the great Sui Dynasty. The emperor of the great Sui Dynasty, whom they regarded as a heavenly Khan, did not see them at all.

This time, it seems that things have taken a turn for the better.

Wanyan Liyao is familiar with all the books about the great Sui Dynasty and has inquired about the great Sui Dynasty with many people. He even pretended to be a Han when he was young and lived in the Central Plains for three years. If something important had not happened to 100000 mountains in northern Liaoning, he would even prefer to be an ordinary Sui people in a small town in the great Sui Dynasty.

100000 mountains are too bitter and cold to compare with the beautiful world of the great Sui Dynasty.

He likes the beautiful scenery of the great Sui Dynasty, the self-confidence on the faces of the people of the great Sui Dynasty, the words of the great Sui Dynasty, and even the women of the great Sui Dynasty. Although those beautiful women in northern Liaoning are willing to marry him if he wants. Northern Liao is poor and extremely poor, but women\'s beauty is the best in the world.

In the imperial harem of the great Sui Dynasty, there were also several beautiful women from the northern Liao Dynasty. Da kedun of the Mongolian Yuan Empire came from the Mongolian Yuan aristocracy, but three of the twelve Xiao kedun came from the northern Liao Dynasty.

The nobles of the Mongol Yuan Empire and the rich merchants of the Sui Dynasty also boasted of marrying a woman from the northern Liao Dynasty. The women in the northern Liao Dynasty not only have white skin, but also naturally flirt with bones. I don\'t know how many rich businessmen lost interest in the Yingyan in the brothel after they got a woman from the northern Liao Dynasty.

But even so, in the three years when he lived in seclusion in the big Sui Dynasty, Wanyan left the demon and felt that he was more willing to marry a big Sui rural woman with thick hands and big feet. It was also a great enjoyment to farm and raise flowers quietly for a generation. When he got up in the morning, he went down to the field with a hoe. His wife wiped his sweat and handed him water. The days were light, but stable and steady.

In northern Liaoning, there is no land to cultivate.

"I\'ve heard that it\'s cold in the world. When I was young, I wanted to visit you. Later, I didn\'t have time to become an official. Later, my burden was lighter and I couldn\'t walk any more when I had leisure time."

Huaiqiugong saw Wanyan\'s embarrassment from the demon, smiled and said, "the big Sui has always treated you people in the northern Liao Dynasty as friends. You can feel it if you want to come here. So you shouldn\'t be so upset when you arrive in Chang\'an. You can take this as your second hometown."

Wanyan Liyao quickly put down the jade cup in his hand and said sincerely with his hands together: "Hundreds of thousands of people of northern Liao are willing to crawl at the feet of the great Tian Khan to declare their loyalty. You know, we have incomparable sincerity and loyalty. As long as the great Tian Khan is willing, we can even migrate our whole family into the Central Plains and become obedient people of the great Sui Dynasty. We are willing to cultivate land for the great Sui Dynasty and donate our horses, money and food."

Huaiqiugong couldn\'t help laughing, stroked his snow-white beard and said with a smile: "Your Majesty doesn\'t lack hundreds of thousands of people, and there is also land in the Sui Dynasty."

Wanyan left the demon and his eyes were dim. He didn\'t know what to say.

"Your Majesty values your sincerity."

Huai Qiugong personally filled the tea for Wanyan Liyao and said kindly: "Before I came, your majesty specially told me that he knew what you people in northern Liao thought of Dasui. Let you rest assured that this matter can not be decided in a day and a half. Dasui has the highest national strength in the world and never fears any enemies. But it is foolish to do something blindly without any preparation... Do you understand what I say?"

"The grass people understand."

Wanyan left the demon\'s heart moved and could hardly help laughing. Huaiqiu Gong\'s words already understood what he meant. How could he not be surprised?

"You\'re not a grasshopper."

Huai Qiugong picked up a thin pile of paper on the table beside him, turned it over and said with a smile: "In the third year of the great Sui Tianyou, you entered the pass from the Niangzi pass of Shandong Dao under the name of Chen Sansheng. The great Sui road guide you carried was opened by the Xiangcheng County Government of Hexi Dao. I don\'t know how much money you spent to buy it, but it doesn\'t matter. The Xiangcheng County Magistrate was cut off because of this matter, but he just declared that he died of illness."

"You have lived in Xiangcheng countryside for three years. Besides visiting the mountains and rivers, you just shut yourself at home and read books. You are very diligent and have mastered good calligraphy. Even the words written by the professor of Xiangcheng Township school are not as beautiful as yours. Only three years later, your knowledge can\'t be compared with that of the professor. Three years later, because of your father... That is, Khan Wanyan Yong in northern Liaoning, you want to eradicate him Brother plotting to rebel, I called you back for consultation, so you left Xiangcheng and returned to northern Liao. I firmly believe that the reason why Wan Yanyong made up his mind to become a minister to the great Sui Dynasty is absolutely related to your three years in the great Sui Dynasty... Am I right, your highness Wan yanchongde, Prince of northern Liao? "

Wanyan Liyao\'s face changed greatly, and he subconsciously shrank back. His eyes looking at huaiqiugong were full of incredible, more fear.

"Don\'t be afraid."

Huai Qiugong smiled and raised the paper in his hand: "I just know this. This thing was given to me by Lord Hou, the caretaker of Qing Ya town before I came here. In Qing ya, there are more information about you than that. If you hadn\'t lived in Xiangcheng countryside for three years, you really studied your own part. You didn\'t have any other thoughts and didn\'t deliberately inquire about the situation of the border army of the great Sui Dynasty. How could you live until now ?”

Big Sui love yamen!

Governor Hou.

Wanyan Liyao deeply remembered these two names in his heart, and his awe of the big Sui increased a lot.



The great Sui Dynasty occupied the Central Plains and never lacked large-scale cities. Naturally, the largest one was the imperial capital Chang\'an city. I\'m afraid many old people who lived here all their life could not tell how big Chang\'an city was. Because the construction of Chang\'an City has not stopped for more than 100 years since the founding of the great Sui Dynasty. The emperors of the great Sui Dynasty have two things to do, never Has changed.

First, foreign war, seizing a piece of other people\'s land and turning it into the land of the great Sui Dynasty.

Second, repair and expand Chang\'an city.

Compared with his father, the current emperor of the great Sui Dynasty, Tianyou emperor Yang Yi, has one thing to commend. That is, his majesty, who does not seem to have a tough style, has completed most of the repair and expansion of Chang\'an city. Because the great Sui Dynasty has a rich man, Wu Yidao, who is willing to give half of his family property and property worth hundreds of thousands of gold to repair a whole wall. It also includes four walls in the city Of course, as a reward for the construction of the 18th square, the emperor of the Sui Dynasty not only granted Wu Yidao a first-class Marquis, but also gave him a whole street in the 48th square.

Chang\'an city is 128 Li long from east to west and 108 Li from north to south.

Just building the city wall is a huge project?

For more than a hundred years, Chang\'an City has been under construction. Only when Tianyou emperor finally finished the repair, can Chang\'an City really be regarded as a complete imperial capital. The wall is two feet wide and four feet nine feet high. On the wide wall, more than a dozen soldiers can walk side by side. There are horse faces and arrow towers. A heavy crossbow is installed every 30 steps, and a wolf is installed every two steps Dental racket.

Just the money for making heavy crossbows and wolf teeth is enough to be amazing.

Chang\'an City has 13 gates in the East, West, north, South, East, West and south, and 10 gates in the north, taking 49. Wanyanli demon walked through the smallest Dingqian gate when he entered the city, which shocked him beyond measure. If he walked through the Yongding gate in the south of Houde gate in the north, I\'m afraid he would be surprised that he couldn\'t even walk.

Chang\'an city is the heart of the great Sui Dynasty, and Tai Chi palace is the heart of Chang\'an city.

The imperial palace is located in the North City, covering an area of 10000 mu.

The imperial palace is generally divided into four parts. In the middle is the Taiji palace, which is the place where the emperor held discussions in the last dynasty. To the west of the Taiji palace is the yeting palace, to the northeast is the east palace where the prince lives. To the south is the Imperial City, where the queen and her concubines live.

The emperor went to court in the Tai Chi hall.

Not far north from the small gate behind the Tai Chi hall is the Baohe hall, which is more than a circle smaller than the Tai Chi hall, but its importance will not lose much compared with the Tai Chi hall, because it is the place where the emperor rests and handles government affairs. The so-called imperial study is located in the Baohe hall.

The imperial study is the East warm Pavilion of Baohe hall.

God bless emperor Yang Yi is one of the emperors who did not love women since the founding of the Sui Dynasty. The number of his concubines is less than one third of his father\'s. his favorite woman is the queen. Even the most picky people can\'t blame the emperor for his fault in this regard.

The emperor seldom went back to live in the Imperial City, and generally lived in the Dongnuan Pavilion. The ministers said that the emperor was diligent because he was too lazy.

The emperor had complained privately more than once about why he wanted to build the Imperial Palace so big, why did he have to go so far to get a girl, and what could he do if his legs were sour? But he didn\'t know that the people in the west city had been complaining for a long time. If the people in the West City wanted to go to the Huifeng building in the east city for dinner, they had to start one day in advance and run all day and a half in the through carriage in the city Stay overnight

Huai Qiugong, the Minister of rites, has the privilege of not kneeling when he sees the emperor because he is old and has great credit. Instead of kneeling, he will have a stool to sit on as long as he comes in the Dongnuan Pavilion.

"How\'s it going?"

The emperor pinched a piece of almond cake and put it into his mouth. While eating, he looked through the memorial. This is a strange emperor. He doesn\'t like to sit in a chair. Instead, he asked people to build an earth Kang in the Dongnuan Pavilion. When dealing with government affairs, he likes to sit cross legged on the earth Kang and lie down and squint when he is tired.

Of course, this was praised by the ministers as a performance of diligence.

In fact, it\'s because he\'s lazy.

Laziness is laziness in some way. He has never been slack in handling state affairs.

Huaiqiugong pursed his mouth and didn\'t answer.

The emperor Yang Yi waited for a while, but didn\'t see the answer. He looked sideways and found that the old minister with white hair and beard stared at his almond crisp and couldn\'t help licking his lips. He couldn\'t help smiling and ordered the waiter Su Buwei to bring the remaining half plate of almond crisp to huaiqiugong.

"It\'s not a shame to be old."

Huaiqiugong pinched a piece of almond cake and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing it, he replied, "it\'s greedy to see that your majesty eats sweetly... There should be no problem with the northern Liao people. It doesn\'t look like a conspiracy set up by Meng Yuan. The old minister thought, if Meng yuan did it, it would be too rough."

"Mengge has this idea, but he doesn\'t have the courage."

The emperor smiled and asked, "is fan Gu in the border city guarded by Li Xiaozong? He is smart and knows to send people to Chang\'an immediately."

"After listening to Yan Chongde, it was a man named Fang Xie who saw through their minds. He also said to reassure him that there will be a lot of officials to see him in Chang\'an."

"Fang Xie?"

The emperor was stunned: "why does the name sound familiar?"

Su Buwei, a eunuch standing next to him, whispered, "it\'s not the examinee selected by fan Gu for the martial arts academy. Your majesty talked to Lord Hou, the caretaker of Qingya town yesterday."

"Is that him again?!"

The emperor sat up straight, thought about it, then picked up a thick book from the table, picked up the Zhu pen, wrote the two words neatly on the book, then wrote notes under the name in small letters, dried the ink, closed the book and put it aside.

The book is very thick. It looks like it\'s been years. Cyan, with three big characters on the top of the cover.

Chu Cailu