Conquer the Beautiful Boss


Ma Yingjie originally thought that a single Ran Bing Bing couldn't lift a big wave, but when he found the Wudu forum's moderator, the moderator said, "Our forum protects the privacy of the person who posted it." Then, the moderator took advantage of the matter and ignored Ma Yingjie.

Ma Yingjie reported it to Tian Ya and Sina Weibo. This was a fake message. He asked them to remove the fake message. However, the reply he got was that they would naturally give him a reply after their investigation confirmed it.

Ma Yingjie then understood that Ran Bing Bing was not fighting alone, but a group of people. The target of this war was Luo Tianyun. What Ma Yingjie did not understand was that the group of people behind Ran Bing Bing joined hands so quickly? In what way did they join together? Also, how powerful was their combined attack?

All of this was a mystery to Ma Yingjie. All of this was a huge challenge to Ma Yingjie. How Luo Tianyun was going to deal with this and how he was going to play his role was a game of chess.

Officials had their own game rules, but Ma Yingjie was caught unawares when the game rules collided with the internet. He wasn't sure how powerful this network was, nor was he sure about the relationship between this network and reality.

Over the years, the internet had repeatedly exposed the privacy of the officials. Some of them had fallen behind while others had crawled out from the whirlpools. What kind of mentality should he and Luo Tianyun have when dealing with such a sudden event?

Ma Yinjie was having a hard time with the internet world in his computer.

At the same time, Su Xiaoyang brought Ran Bing Bing into Meng Chenglin's secret room. It was a suite in the Vienna Hotel that Su Xiaoyang had rented for Meng Chenglin to relax and relax.

Su Xiaoyang looked at Ran Bing Bing. Ran Bing Bing didn't move away from Su Xiaoyang.

"Sit down." Su Xiaoyang opened his mouth first.

Ran Bing Bing swept her gaze over the room. The outside of the room was a silver cloth sofa with silver tea leaves, giving people a simple yet elegant feeling. The most interesting thing was the pictures on the walls, the green map of the Wu Du Lake, Wu Du City was a water city, not only was the main city built around the lake, the following counties all had their own lake features, especially the Shuixian, where the county was located on the island in the center of the lake, it gave off a kind of paradise. The sight of a lake of various sizes appearing in this not-so-eye-catching hotel had caused Ran Bing Bing to be quite surprised.

As a journalist, Ran Bing Bing thought she knew a lot about Wu Du City. However, when she walked into this suite, she realized that the most unique hotel in Wu Du was not the Wudu Hotel, but the Vienna Hotel.

Ran Bing Bing sat down on the sofa. Su Xiaoyang didn't sit down and glanced at his again. Ran Bing Bing had a devilish body, and this kind of body was usually gorgeous. Women's beauty is divided into different types, and the type of beauty needs to meet the man who appreciates it. Su Yang Xiao himself, for example, liked to play with girls in school. Those girls were immature, and were very shallow in the world. A girl like Ran Bing Bing, who roamed the world, had long been soaked in the colourful water of society. This type of girl, his little secretary couldn't stand it. Of course, this kind of girl was the type that the big boss liked. She was gorgeous, passionate, and extremely proud. Now that he was face to face with Ran Bing Bing, Su Xiaoyang confirmed his feelings once again.

Late at night, Su Xiaoyang saw the news about Luo Tianyun having a stomach for the Cleaner online. It was his habit to pay attention to Wu Du's forum every night and search for Meng Chenglin's name in Baidu. This place had been neglected by the officials, but it was also a headache. Of course, this was what Meng Chenglin had taught him. He wanted him to search the people and things in Wu Du every night before going to bed, and to develop a good habit of paying attention to the internet.

In the government, the struggle in life was not scary. Whether it was open strife or covert fights, there were living people that could be seen and felt. Whatever he could see and touch, Meng Chenglin always believed it to be safe. Men always liked to fight, and government was a place where men played a part in the war. Whoever played it to the extreme was the winner of the game. However, Meng Chenglin couldn't see or touch the internet. Over the years, more and more officials have been defeated by the Internet, and the term Internet has become a field that officials must pay attention to and guard against. However, this was exactly where Luo Tianyun had been hit. He had been waiting for Luo Tian to come in, but every time, Luo Tianyun had been the one to get rid of him. He had no choice but to compromise and let him in. Take Wu Du's Professional High School for example. Although he wanted to see the benefits, Luo Tianyun was sticking to his so-called ideal of leaving a cradle for his children to learn techniques. When interests and ideals conflicted, Meng Chenglin would choose the benefits. However, Luo Tianyun had to choose the ideal. A piece of land as good as this would be considered as the revenue, but Luo Tianyun insisted on not giving up, forcing him to stop. But now, Luo Tianyun's privacy had been leaked to the internet. To him, this was an opportunity. So when Su Xiaoyang reported this to him late at night, he told Su Xiaoyang to find the person who posted it.

Su Xiaoyang looked at the photo again and again. He recognized the hotel, and when he checked the hotel, he found Fang Yang. He called Fang Yang and said, "The Secretary General's subordinate, Xiaoli, is beautiful and touching. When will she be introduced to your brother?" With this sentence, Fang Yang's back was covered in sweat. Under Su Xiaoyang's threats and enticement, Fang Yang admitted to everything. That night, he had a good time with Huang Xiaoli in the hotel. He thought he was being followed by Su Xiaoyang, and everyone in Wu Du knew of his abilities. Those who were targeted by Su Xiaoyang would either follow him or die a horrible death. In Wu City, this was already an open secret. Now that he was being watched by Su Xiaoyang, Fang Yang realized that he had no other choice than to submit to him. It wasn't until Su Xiaoyang asked who else it was that he understood that he had been tricked by Su Xiaoyang. Su Xiaoyang wanted news about Luo Tianyun and Ran Bing Bing. Thus, he told Su Xiaoyang everything about the events of that night. He told him about Su Xiaoyang bringing Ran Bing Bing to Vienna.

"Speak, why are you looking for me?" Ran Bing Bing looked straight at Su Xiaoyang. She knew him, but Ran Bing Bing preferred him to Ma Yingjie. This was a woman's intuition, to the point where Ran Bing Bing had never seriously thought about why she had such a intuition. In her eyes, there could only be two types of people. They were either rich or were officials. For her, power and money had become the pursuit and aspiration of her worship. What Gu Yan Ling had, Ran Bing Bing would have one day. She had no parents to be proud of, but she had beauty and wisdom to be proud of.

Su Xiaoyang was full of smiles. Ran Bing Bing had also heard some things about Su Xiaoyang, but she was not interested in him, nor did she think much of him. Now, such a person had actually come looking for her and even brought her here. She could tell that this place was not Su Xiaoyang's place with just one glance. The owner of this place should be Meng Chenglin. Meng Chenglin was looking for her? Why would Meng Chenglin think of her? When she was first assigned to the newspaper, she followed the director to interview Meng Chenglin. Meng Chenglin only glanced at her from the interview to the dinner before not taking a second glance. Now, why did he suddenly invite her? Ran Bing Bing was confused.

"There aren't many women that dare to look at me like that." The smile on Su Xiaoyang's face was still there, no more and no less.

"I think that the Senior Secretary coming looking for me so early in the morning, it isn't to discuss this issue with me right?" Ran Bing Bing did not give Su Xiaoyang any face.

"Indeed, you're worthy of being a reporter. Formidable." Only now did Ran Bing Bing feel that Su Xiao Yang was human, and that he had the aura of a human being. She couldn't help but ease her attitude and say: "Thank you Senior Secretary for the encouragement, tell me, what's the matter?"

"Ran reporter is indeed a hero among women. I directly said it, I saw your posting on the internet, but your photo is on a PS post, and that cleaning lady's head is on it, but her body is from your University Journalist? " This time, Su Xiaoyang didn't smile. The professional look on his face had disappeared, leaving behind a serious and serious look.

"I don't know what the Senior Secretary is saying, I completely don't know." Ran Bing Bing said.

"Stop pretending, Ran reporter. "If I, Su Xiaoyang, am not certain, would I come to a conclusion?" Su Xiaoyang looked straight at Ran Bing Bing, his expression was one of panic. She wasn't sure what Su Xiaoyang meant by that. The note was indeed posted by her. She was angry that she was defeated by Luan Xiaoxue. He pulled out the photo of her and Luo Tianyun on his camera. He had just wanted to make a prank on them, but was now called over by Su Xiaoyang. Furthermore, they were talking about it seriously, and Ran Bing Bing was a little scared.

"What do you want?" Ran Bing Bing asked Su Xiaoyang guiltily.

Su Xiaoyang glanced at Ran Bing Bing. With just that one glance, he knew that Ran Bing Bing had sent him the sticker. This woman was smart on the outside, but she was still too naive to fight for the office. Therefore, he said to Ran Bing Bing: "Well done, Big Boss wants to reward you."

"Reward me?" Ran Bing Bing asked uncertainly.

"Yes, I want to reward you." Meng Chenglin's voice suddenly sounded. Someone from the inner room walked up to Ran Bing Bing. She was so nervous that she quickly stood up and greeted, "Greetings, Secretary Meng."

At this time, Su Xiaoyang left the room without a word.

Ran Bing Bing became more nervous after Su Xiaoyang left. She didn't know how to move her hands and feet, so she lowered her head timidly. But after a second, she curiously raised her head to look at Meng Chenglin. The slightly red face of Ran Bing Bing instantly turned red.