Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 47

The other boys, Shen Anyan, were really not impressed at all.

It can be seen that in her previous life, Shen Anyan didn\'t care about the prime minister\'s house, so she was killed like that.

Until finally, I suddenly realized that yeqiuni\'s ambition was too big, and they had reached the point of common anger.

"See your father and mother." when they arrived at the main hall, they all saluted first.

Shen Shen nodded and looked in a good mood, "get up."

Then night autumn Ni smiled and asked everyone to sit down. After sitting down, Shen Anyan saw several handsome and tall teenagers standing in the center of the main hall, with different looks and temperament, but their eyes were full of young people\'s ambition and blood, full of hope and strength for the future.

This is the child of the prime minister\'s house!

Young people\'s ambition and enthusiasm for the future.

For the sake of safety, Shen Shen Yin invited many famous teachers and famous literati and poets to lead his entourage to study and let the children go out together

I haven\'t had any practical experience yet, but judging from my deep contacts and strength, it\'s easy to arrange one.

"Look at your brother. He hasn\'t seen you for several years, and he is becoming more and more tall and straight." yeqiu Ni is also in a good mood today, because she finally met her son Shen Qichen. As the eldest son of the prime minister\'s house, just like his name, Qichen, treasure, treasure of everyone. I\'m afraid Shen Qichen is the only child Shen Shen Shen Shen Shen Yan loves sincerely.

Shen Anyan couldn\'t recognize Shen Bingde, so she had to listen to them quietly, tell Shen Shen Yin about her study abroad experience and introduce herself.

Shen Qichen\'s speech on the 15th of this year shows that this person is calm but insidious, because it gives people a feeling that is too similar to Shen Shenyin.

Shen chaoming is Su Wu\'s son. He is as old as Shen Bingde, but two months younger.

Shen Anyan looked at the three people and couldn\'t help sighing that there were too few sons in the prime minister\'s house.

Shen chenyin asked them to sit down first, then talked some words, and then mentioned his daughters.

"You\'ve been out for many years, and you should be a little bit different." Shen Shen Yan raised his hand and introduced to Shen Qichen, "the first is Ling Yang, the second is Changbi, the third is Wei Jie, the fourth is an Yan, the fifth is Yingqing, the sixth is Qingrong, and another one, your ten younger sister, Shen Yalan, is ill and keeps her in the house."

Shen Anyan smiled, and Shen Yin forgot Shen Yuke who was praying for the Empress Dowager.

"What disease is so serious that you can\'t even get out of bed?" Shen chaoming is a smart child, smart, not as smart as Shen Qingrong.

Shen Shen Yan wanted to stop talking, and Ni helped Shen Shen Shen Yan say, "cold epidemic."

Several people looked at yeqiu Ni in shock. The cold epidemic was going to kill people!

However, several teenagers were calm people. They didn\'t make any big moves, so they were silent again.

"You should have come back early. Yesterday, Lord Nanyu was on behalf of the imperial censor\'s platform. If you were here, you could talk about your ideas." night Qiu Ni smiled, "but it doesn\'t hurt. Ling Yang gave a plan and played it today."

Shen Qichen exclaimed and said, "Yang er\'s sister is really beautiful. She is not only talented and graceful, but also has an understanding of the political situation. It must be a lot of research on history to come up with a plan to manage the cold epidemic."

Yeqiu Ni knows that Shen Anyan already knows about it. Today, she deliberately raised it to let everyone know that the letter was written by Shen Lingyang.

Yeqiu Ni looks at Shen Anyan. Shen Anyan looks low, looks cold, and moves as usual. There is no big change, but yeqiu Ni can guess that Shen Anyan is very angry. Shen Anyan, who knew about it last night, must have made a scene.

In fact, Shen Anyan\'s face is cold because she is observing Shen Chenyan. How deep Shen Chenyan\'s city is, Shen Anyan, who is familiar with Shen Chenyan to death, can\'t estimate. With yeqiu Ni\'s cautious character, she took out the letter yesterday and certainly didn\'t dare to directly say that it was Shen Lingyang\'s. yeqiu Ni was on guard against Shen Anyan. If it was Shen Anyan\'s set, it would fall out greatly. However, how yeqiu Ni smoothly let everyone present have no doubt, so he put forward the absurd conclusion that the letter was written by Shen Lingyang. Shen Shen Yin must have kept an eye on it and deliberately read the letter to let yeqiu Ni know the content, so that he can answer the phone immediately after reading the letter without going to get the letter and read it again, which makes people suspicious.

OK, you are prime minister Shen.

Shen Anyan suddenly thought of the possibility, which made her cold from head to toe. As long as she turned back and asked Shen Yingqing whether Shen chenyin had read the letter, everything would be known.

Night autumn Ni is all right. If Shen Anyan attacks today, she has a way to suppress Shen Anyan and give her an accusation of attempted theft. Just like taking her poetry before, it\'s not much worse to take her plan now.

Night autumn Ni no longer looks at Shen Anyan. She is knowledgeable and has no attack. It seems that Shen Anyan is a smart person who knows how to advance and retreat.

Shen Shen Yin was ready to tell his sons about the situation in the imperial court, thinking that his daughter\'s family didn\'t understand anyway, and because they had to eat, he simply didn\'t let them go and let them talk for a while.

Naturally, the ladies didn\'t speak, but just drank tea.

"You must know something about the imperial Bureau when you study abroad." Shen Shen Shen said, "this morning, the emperor announced the enfeoffment of the royal palace."

Shen Shen paused, his look changed, and his eyes flashed something hard to capture, saying, "At the palace nearest to the palace, the original plaque of the prince\'s house was going to be hung. As a result, Princess Xiao insisted that she missed her Highness the third prince and was reluctant to let the emperor place Her Highness the third prince. After a few days of debate, the emperor ordered that the first Prince\'s house nearest to the Palace should be used for the third prince, and the plaque was also hung on the plaque."

Because they are not officially granted the king, they only write a few royal houses without titles, which means that they are still qualified to compete for the throne.

"Such nonsense!" Shen Qichen was filled with righteous indignation. "How humiliated the prince must be. Isn\'t it equivalent to spoiling his concubine and destroying his wife?"

Shen Shen Yan closed his eyes and said, "Qichen, you haven\'t entered the officialdom yet. My father reminds you that you can\'t say something if you know it."

Shen Qichen blushed. He was impulsive, so he sat down quietly again.

"Finally, for the sake of the crown prince\'s face, the emperor said that he would not come according to the regulations. Choose whichever one you like. The crown prince chose the third one with the most luxury and the best scenery, which is located in the middle of the palace group. He chose this as the crown prince\'s house." Shen chenyin said, "the second one was chosen by the ninth crown prince."

After hearing this, everyone was silent. Shen Anyan felt more and more strange and indulged to such a degree!

After lunch, everyone was going back to their room to have a rest. A notice came from outside that someone was coming from the palace.

Night qiuni\'s eyes immediately lit up, and Shen Shen Yan took the people to meet him.

After arranging the tables and some things according to the rules, the people in the palace began to read out the imperial edict: "carry it by heaven. The emperor said: I only care about the emblem in five codes, Gui Yu pays attention to the transformation of the people and Yu. Yu Sheng is a famous valve, assists the people in difficulties, and Wen Huizhai\'s heart. Duanliang writes virtue, and Lin Fang follows the rules of history. Li Jixiang, ceremony Youlong, Wen huiduanliang, and Yan Yimao write. Give 100 liang of gold and ten Dendrobium of treasures. Qinya."

"Thank you Lord longen!" Shen Chenyan said with people.

When the reward was given, Shen Shen Yan asked people to open the things after they left. The jewels in them brightened people\'s eyes. Ye qiuni couldn\'t close his mouth happily, "look at our central son, the emperor must be very happy."

Shen Changbi is also happy. Shen Lingyang and she are in the same family. Shen Lingyang\'s scenery is her scenery. As Shen Lingyang\'s own sister, as long as she has a direct sister Shen Lingyang, she will naturally marry higher.

Shen Qichen was also happy. As soon as he came back, his eldest sister won glory for him. In addition to his lineal status, even the glory of his return to the house was higher than that of Shen Bingde and Shen chaoming. They just returned to the house and couldn\'t integrate and adapt immediately. The glory brought by Shen Lingyang stood in a dignified position for their lineage. Let others understand that the other lineages are just furnishings and lining Toto, can\'t shake!

Shen Shen laughed a few times, and the original calm and thick voice became a little light because of the joy at this time, "yang\'er, you are really proud of your father! This is the daughter of our prime minister\'s residence. It should be the best in our capital. Come on, carry everything to the eldest lady\'s room."

Shen Shen Yan\'s heart was full of the glory of the prime minister\'s residence. Shen Lingyang just offered advice and received this reward. If it was implemented, let alone the county Lord, the benefactor of the great Zhou Zimin, how would it be calculated to seal a patent.

Shen Anyan smiled without leaving a trace, watching a large number of gold moved to the direction of Shen Lingyang\'s room, and then deliberately showed a sad look.

The good play is still ahead.

After eating, Shen Shen Yan left several sons to sit for a while, and Shen Anyan listened to the beginning.

"Yang\'er\'s plan will be implemented tomorrow. Today\'s formula for relieving the cold epidemic has been verified and approved by the famous doctor Zhang Zhenlu. The two drugs have appeared on the market. It must be more powerful and simpler for yang\'er\'s plan, so that the epidemic can be resolved. At that time, yang\'er may be sealed as a patent or county lord or princess." Shen chenyin talked freely and introduced the situation reported today.

Shen Anyan was very interested and wanted to continue listening, but Shen Yan felt that they had nothing to do with them and asked them to leave quickly and go back to rest. Shen Anyan could only sigh that Yin Chenlang was fast and leave bitterly.

Unfortunately, this scene is being seen by yeqiu Ni, Shen Lingyang and Shen Changbi. Quan should be Shen Anyan, who has no choice but to be deeply helpless and sad because of the theft of her strategy.

It\'s not just a laugh in my heart.

Shen Anyan returned to ronghua Pavilion in a good mood, humming a minor and practicing calligraphy there.

Practicing, I also looked at Yin Chenlang\'s words. What beautiful words. Compared with my own, I couldn\'t bear to look straight at them.