Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 28

The queen also glanced at Shen Anyan. She couldn\'t help wondering why she hadn\'t seen Shen Anyan before, but she still said, "Changbi and Shen Wunv are two people\'s harmonies, and Ling Yang is one person. It\'s really hard to judge."

Shen Lingyang knew that there was an impasse. If the queen and concubine Xiao insist that her talent is higher, it is inevitable that some people will not accept it. With Yang Lingyun\'s character, they will make a big fuss. They look for excuses everywhere to say that they are all internally determined hundred flower women. If they rely on their strength, they must be Yang Lingyun\'s. And Shen Lingyang himself, a flower girl, was not happy enough.

Shen Lingyang is very sure. Although Shen Anyan\'s zither may be a little better than her zither just now, if she is better than others, Shen Anyan will never have such good luck. For example, Shen Lingyang is better at dancing than Shen Lingyang, but Shen Anyan hasn\'t learned it. She has only seen a few dances.

Shen Lingyang thought carefully. With ten percent assurance, the empress who was difficult to judge asked for an excuse and said generously and appropriately: "empress, it\'s not easy to judge. It\'s better to have another competition between the minister\'s daughter and sister an Yan. The minister\'s daughter hasn\'t been so happy for a long time. She wants to offer another dance!"

When they could watch the dance again, everyone agreed, and the queen seemed to understand the meaning. Lang said, "OK, Ling Yang, you have another game, and the winner is this year\'s Baihua girl. Unexpectedly, Ling Yang said that it is better than dance. For better comparison, Shen Wunv, you are better than dance."

Shen Lingyang cast a contemptuous look at Shen Anyan, and Shen Anyan didn\'t respond when she saw it. Just nodded silently to the queen, blessed the body, and went down with the maid of honor to prepare dancing clothes.

Shen Anyan followed the palace maid out of the Baohe hall. Instead of going down the high stairs, she turned directly to a corridor. Fan Jin is the pillar base on both sides of the corridor. The six foot wide aloe wood broad LAN pole is hung with a shark gauze treasure tent, which is embroidered with beads, silver thread and Begonia flowers. The wind moves the gauze like a falling cloud mountain and a magic sea.

At this time, it is early autumn, the wind flowers fall, and the flowers on both sides are paved for several layers. It was very clear and beautiful. The sky was dark. A crescent moon crossed the exquisite turret and sprinkled a hazy yellow light on the high wall.

There is a viewing spring among the passing flowers and plants. After a few steps, the gorgeous corridor will be surrounded by pool water, duckweed everywhere, green and clear.

"Miss Shen, here we are." the maid stopped, bent slightly, stood at the entrance of the hall and asked Shen Anyan to carry her in first.

Shen Anyan was so absorbed that she unknowingly came to the side hall of Baohe hall.

Shen Anyan went in and crossed the lake blue marble gauze curtain. Several palace maids and rows of gorgeous clothes. The palace maids\' blessing signaled that she could start choosing. After choosing a purple and purple elegant silk and satin cloud water dance skirt, the maid of honor took Shen Anyan into the back of the screen and helped change her clothes.

Shen Anyan wears a blue jade pendant around her waist. The long hair like ink was untied and hung freely in front of the chest. Behind it, it fell like a waterfall. It was wrapped around the hair with a cyan ribbon. The black hair was like clouds, and the green ribbon was interspersed in it. It was a special flavor.

He lit some rouge on his face and put a thin layer of vermilion on his lips, which was new and enchanting. Crow yellow half forehead, waist branches like willows, sideburns like clouds, slowly curling hair, wearing bright yellow star beads; Gently close your lips and press a piece of cinnabar as light as cherry.

"Thanks a lot, let\'s go." Shen Anyan looked at the palace maids. It should be good.

The palace maid who brought her nodded and led Shen Anyan back to the Baohe hall. Shen Lingyang was already inside.

Originally, everyone was talking with Shen Lingyang. After a notice attracted everyone\'s attention, they were nailed down and never took their attention away.

Shen Anyan came from the Tongchuan Pavilion of the Baohe hall, turned around, and the purple skirt crossed a beautiful arc in the air and fell down gracefully.

Before, I saw that the floor of Baohe hall was paved with white jade, embedded with gold beads, and chiseled into lotus, which looked like a five stem lotus, fresh and exquisite. Now the thin embroidered dance shoes feel almost barefoot. They are only warm and moist when they step on them. They are chiseled from Lantian warm jade, just like jade lotus step by step. Shen Anyan was surprised that she was so extravagant, so poor and extremely beautiful.

Shen Anyan wears less purple and gives a new look this time. When Shen Anyan came to the center of the hall and stood with Shen Lingyang, the people in the hall also came back to God for a long time.

The queen asked, "what are you going to perform?"

Shen Anyan sees Shen Lingyang wearing a light green gauze skirt, with light blue lotus embroidered on the cuffs, several auspicious clouds drawn by the silver thread, a row of blue sea clouds at the hem, a wide piece of brocade wrapped around the chest, and the body gently turns the long skirt to spread. The color change from green to blue, coupled with her beautiful appearance, makes people look very comfortable.

Shen Lingyang casually wears tassels, and most of his hair is scattered. In order to make the green silk dance more beautiful after the people dance, the tassels at the back of his head are obliquely inserted with hibiscus and warm jade. He walks with a gentle sweep of her eyebrows and eyes with spring. Her skin is as fine as warm jade, soft as greasy, and her lips are painted just right and charming as drops. The Pearl Earrings swaying in the ears, the gemstones on the nails are gorgeous and dazzling, a pair of gilded shoes on the feet are decorated with gemstones, and the beautiful eyes will hook people\'s souls in a blink.

"Sister, I\'ll start first. How about warming up?" Shen Lingyang asked. Shen Lingyang is ready. When she finishes dancing, Shen Anyan is embarrassed to dance again. Even if Shen Anyan wants to jump, she will play abnormally because of the pressure in her heart. If you let Shen Anyan dance first and then dance by herself, although it can suppress her, it also makes people have no comparison. The direct first impression is that Shen Anyan dances well.

Shen Anyan\'s objection is useless, because the queen has nodded and agreed to let Shen Anyan sit in the side pavilion of the main hall and prepare.

Shen Anyan can see Shen Lingyang very clearly in the pavilion. She\'s going to start.

"Emperor, the minister\'s daughter performs a green waist." Shen Lingyang bows and prepares to start.

All the musicians raised their hands together and were ready to start playing.

Green waist dance highlights the characteristics of waist and sleeve, which is extremely light, beautiful and elegant. It is most suitable for Shen Lingyang, the first beauty and noble lady of the country. Temperament is displayed incisively and vividly in the dance.

The musicians\' rhythm changes from slow to fast, playing beautiful tunes together, and Shen Lingyang\'s dancing posture is also light and soft. At the beginning of the dance, the dance posture is slow and changeable, like kingfisher and swimming dragon.

The singer opened her mouth in a gorgeous voice and color:

? "There are beautiful women in the south, light green waist dance.

The feast is in the late autumn, and the clouds and rain are brushed with flying clothes.

It is as graceful as orchid and sweet potato, and as graceful as dragon.

The more beautiful the Qianxi River, the more beautiful the Wuji river.

Slow state can not be poor, complex posture curve to the end.

Low back lotus breaks the waves, messy snow lingers in the wind.

It flows when it falls, and it is necessary to repair the train to go back to the air.

Only worry can\'t catch it and fly away to chase the startled Hong. "

Shen Lingyang\'s sleeves danced like snow lingering in the wind, and the lower part was like a lotus breaking the waves. At the end of the dance, the rhythm changes from slow to fast, the accessories shake, and the skirt also floats up, like riding the wind and chasing the startled bird.

One song, one dance.

excite people\'s mind!

It seemed that a golden lotus was born under Shen Lingyang\'s feet. She was the fairy in the sky.

"I\'m lucky to dance like this!" I don\'t know who praised me from the bottom of my heart. The applause thundered for a long time.

Shen Anyan stood in the cabinet and saw Shen Lingyang\'s dance. She was also shocked. The reason why Shen Lingyang became the first beauty in her last life is not a little plot and empty shelf.

Shen Lingyang\'s dance can be said to be unmatched!

Shen Anyan pinched her fist and danced. She couldn\'t win her. She had to prepare something new. However, it also depends on the level and degree of play. Without the support of strength, there is no new idea.

"I need something to dance. Please prepare first." the applause outside thundered. Shen Anyan in the pavilion said to the maid in waiting, "crystal plate and a seven treasure screen."

The palace maid wondered what to do with the two, but she couldn\'t ask, so she answered and went down to prepare.

Shen Anyan continued to sit well and looked outside. She couldn\'t see clearly under the faint shelter of the curtain.

The applause finally stopped. After a long compliment and appreciation, someone informed Shen Anyan to go up.

Shen Anyan first worshipped Yingying, and then said, "emperor, Minister women perform palm dance."

Everyone talked about it.

"What dance?"

"Did I hear you right? Did she just say palm dance?"

"Palm dance is also called palm dance. It has been lost for a long time. I have never seen anyone who can do it." the Minister of rites said. He doesn\'t believe anyone can do this unique dance. Palm dance!

Everyone heard the Minister of rites say so and agreed one after another.

"No one can dance in the palm. Miss five must not talk nonsense in order to frighten everyone. It will be hard for a while."

"Yes, and palm dance has been lost for a long time. How do you learn it?"

Shen Anyan smiled and didn\'t answer. Zhang jingwan, a musician and dancer, was the choreographer. Her palm was her original creation and was not famous. Later, empress Cheng was good at singing and dancing. She was thin and light. She could also "palm dance" and fried the name of palm dance.

Empress Cheng is also a powerful Queen. In the farewell biography of Zhao Feiyan, there is such a description: "Zhao\'s back bone is particularly thin and good at walking. If he trembles with flowers in his hand, others can\'t learn."

"Walking alone" is an original skill of Zhao Feiyan. It can be seen that he has deep dance skills and can control his breathing.

A folk martial artist with excellent lightness skills can not only "fly on the grass", but also "walk against the wind". It is easy to dance in the palm. Palm dance is just for this reason. Many folk people have this guess. It\'s just that dance has nothing to do with folk martial artists, and they don\'t bother to study it.

Shen Anyan, who followed Qiao Jianyu to the north and south, easily figured it out. How can these people who don\'t go far several times in their life know?

"Emperor, the minister\'s daughter has begun. Can you put out a few candlesticks in the hall?" Shen Anyan worshipped Yingying. Biqiong light gauze and purplish silk ribbon swung along with her movements.

The emperor is very interested in this long lost "palm dance". No matter how good other dances are, they are also danced by people. The palm dance is a legendary dance, which is danced by God and man. It\'s rare to see!

Today, Shen Anyan\'s Crimson purple silk satin water cloud skirt also has a moral.