Concubine Raiders: Rebirth As a Queen

Chapter 2

The Phoenix does not cry blood, but can Nirvana by bathing in fire. They devote themselves to the raging fire. Only after the body has undergone great pain and sharpening can they be reborn.

"Cough, cough." lying on the edge of the pond, I found that my Ru skirt was wet. Looking up, some Ru skirts and gauze around shook, and a clear sound of pearl jade collision sounded.

Shen Anyan looked around at all the strange and familiar things around her. Looking at the reflection in the water, her body was just her young appearance. Wasn\'t it when I was 12? Why am I back?

Could it be that she returned to the 14th year of Dazhou!

Shen Anyan stretched out her hand to catch something, but found that everything was gradually gone, life came to an end, and there would be eternal darkness ahead. Which is real and which is dream?

If I remember correctly, I was pushed down to the pool in the backyard by a black hand at the annual flower banquet in the prime minister\'s house.

Shen Lingyang, the eldest sister, showed her worried expression because she fell into the water. It was very beautiful and soft. People in Beijing praise it as kind as Si. It has a good reputation, and because of its good talent and morality in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, it is known as the first beauty in the capital. Those who propose marriage break the threshold.

Later, Zhao Qixian, the eldest son of the Duke of the Kingdom, wanted to seek a good reputation and asked to marry Shen Lingyang, who was dignified. As soon as Shen Lingyang became the Duke\'s wife and glorified his family, he became rich and dignified.

I remember in the last life, Shen Lingyang surprised the world at the state banquet. The first beauty in the capital was no longer a joke title, but was appointed by the emperor! Therefore, we can marry Zhao Qixian, the son of Lord Xun, who has power in the government and the opposition and holds a heavy army.

Before long, I didn\'t know where Shen Changbi got this peerless medical book. In addition, she was surprisingly beautiful and opened a medical store to save countless people. She was called a medical fairy by the world. These sisters can be said to bring glory to the prime minister\'s house and preach for the world.

But the truth is not the case. Shen Anyan was the main force in those pharmaceutical stores. Shen Anyan got a unique medical book when she copied the Shangshu mansion with Qiao Jianyu. Although it is far inferior to the one in Shen Changbi\'s hand, Shen Anyan has studied it carefully for several years and finally achieved success.

At this time, Shen chenyin came to Shen Anyan to help open a medicine store. Qiao Jianyu said he wanted to have a good relationship with the prime minister. Knowing Qiao Jianyu\'s idea, Shen Anyan agreed to help.

But later, I don\'t know why, the name and glory of the medicine store were all installed on Shen Changbi, which had nothing to do with Shen Anyan. Everyone only knew that Shen Anyan was salt free and infertile. Under the instigation of her aunt in the house, Shen Anyan became a domineering, unreasonable and notorious stingy mistress.

Shen Changbi learned a few tricks in the peerless medical book, pretended to save several people, and became famous.

Shen Anyan now thinks of it and feels strange.

This banquet is said to be a hundred flowers banquet, but in fact it is approaching autumn. The real purpose is to let officials talk to each other and discuss the current situation.

"Sister Yan\'er, are you all right? I\'m scared to death! Why are you so careless? Do you know how worried I am about you!" Shen Lingyang held his handkerchief in horror and put it on his chest. This gesture is Shen Lingyang\'s favorite when frightened, because it\'s like the wind holding willows, and her appearance is like flowers and water, which makes people pay attention to her immediately.

However, her most beautiful poses are still behind.

In fact, the deepest part of the artificial pool was just her neck. How could she be scared to death? She was stupid in her last life and was moved. She forgot what Shen Lingyang\'s usual style was. She always thanked her and told everyone that Ling Yang was also very good to her daughter.

Shen Lingyang is really beautiful. She walks out of the crowd. She is a beauty with shoulders and waist cut and a long body. She has handsome eyes, eyebrows and looks forward to flying. She wears a light green Sura dress. The skirt is embroidered with crabapple flowers as bright as clouds. Her waist is filled with a bunch, which makes her figure look like a soft willow and has the delicate and timid posture of flying swallow facing the wind. The hair style is also simple. She only wears a golden pearl peach blossom hairpin. The long pearl jade necklace adds her delicate and beautiful color, which has a fresh and elegant natural beauty.

Under the blue sky, she came slowly and smiled. They only felt that if the flowers of spring dawn were blooming, like the moon of Mid Autumn Festival, there seemed to be elegant music playing around, fairy birds flying around, and it seemed that half of the three souls and seven souls had been taken away.

Shen Anyan tried her best to pull her clothes properly, "thank you, elder sister." she stopped talking and put on a frightened look, which wouldn\'t make people think it was impolite. Besides, he was saved by his maid. Shen Lingyang just pulled Shen Anyan up and didn\'t enter the pond.

Shen Lingyang didn\'t get the expected effect. He looked at Shen Changbi, and Shen Changbi immediately understood, "sister an Yan, the elder sister is so good on weekdays. What\'s the matter with the family? An Yan is just a concubine, and it\'s inevitable that she walks improperly. Ah! Elder sister, your clothes are wet, and it\'s really a pity to save an Yan..."

Oh, still want to confuse black and white? Shen Anyan slowly saluted and slowly opened her mouth: "elder sister, I\'m sorry. It\'s all my fault... If I hadn\'t been hungry all day yesterday, I wouldn\'t be hungry today. I stepped into the pool..." Shen Anyan twisted her handkerchief and looked wronged, very like fear.

Shen Lingyang didn\'t expect her to say so. She actually said it and was still thinking about how to speak. Shen Qingrong, only nine years old, couldn\'t help falling into the well. "Second sister, you forgot! Yesterday, you and your eldest sister asked someone to whip sister Yingqing. Sister an Yan contradicted you and your eldest sister in order to protect sister Yingqing. You were punished to kneel in the yard and didn\'t eat all day!" The young and sharp voice pierced the sky, but the words spoken were very pleasant in Shen Anyan\'s ears.

"Oh, my God, Shen Changbi and Shen Lingyang whipped Shu Mei!"

"I can\'t see that she is such a person!"

"Tut tut Tut, people can\'t judge by appearance."



These words seemed to stick in Shen Lingyang\'s heart. She quickly explained: "no, everyone, Shen Yingqing violated the teacher\'s words yesterday and was unreasonable. As the eldest sister, I was slightly punished, just slapping my palm."

Shen Lingyang looked at Shen Anyan and motioned her not to speak. Shen Anyan didn\'t have to break her face at this time, so she shut up and didn\'t speak.

Many people immediately believed what Shen Lingyang said without thinking, and turned to boast that she was generous and decent, elegant and good at discipline. I think so. I\'m really different from this legitimate young lady!

Shen Lingyang quickly changed the topic, put on a gentle look, and took Shen Anyan\'s hand: "Anyan, you are weak and have fallen into the water again. Go back to your room first. Lan Tian! You help your sister back..."

Lan Tian, the big girl beside Shen Lingyang, answered and came forward to help Shen Anyan walk back to ronghua Pavilion.

"The clouds want clothes, the flowers want looks, and the spring breeze blows the sill. Luhua is a favor. It\'s good to have thousands of favors, but it\'s better than being happy and natural." things have their capacity, and wood is called Hua. Aunt, I don\'t want to call Luhua Pavilion, I want to call ronghua Pavilion. "

The six-year-old an Yan made a blessing. Everything develops naturally. Tolerance and generosity will always be good luck. Therefore, she tolerates fate, does not resist and accepts silently, which leads to a tragic outcome. Now think about it, those who suffer are close relatives and those who shine are enemies. Her own point of view is really stupid.

In fact, Shen Anyan is not stupid. She can see a lot of tricks, but she doesn\'t want to fight. But gradually, she becomes ineligible to fight and has no position in the government.

However, God had pity on her and gave her a new life. Then Shen Anyan will make a change and change her destiny!

As soon as she returned to ronghua Pavilion, Qin\'s mother immediately welcomed her out. Lan Tian saw that her task had been completed and left quickly. She didn\'t have a way to leave. Shen Anyan was no wonder. After all, Lan Tian was the big girl of the first daughter Pavilion.

"Young lady, why do you dress like this? Hurry in and change your clothes so as not to catch a cold. Yuxiang is called to help in the kitchen today. She will be back soon." Qin\'s mother is the one who watched Shen Anyan grow up. After she got married, Qin\'s mother was detained by her mistress and refused to take her away. Later, I don\'t know how things are going. I heard that she was sent back to her child again, Qin\'s mother was so old at that time that she couldn\'t help tossing.

Shen Anyan smiled and watched Qin\'s mother open the cabinet and take care of each piece of clothes in a clean and tidy manner. However, these clothes are either monotonous and simple clothes with color matching, or formal clothes with rustic color, which are deliberately arranged by the master\'s mother to set off the beauty and luxury of her legitimate daughter with the rustic atmosphere of a common woman.

When she changed her clothes, Shen Anyan found that more than that. Her cuffs and waist had been changed. When she wore them, her newly grown figure was completely covered, just like a fat little girl. Oh, Mrs. night is really trying her best.

Looking at the bronze mirror, in fact, she looks really good. After being Nanyu Hou\'s wife, Qiao Jianyu\'s mother thought her makeup was old-fashioned, so she arranged Shen Anyan to make new clothes and change her dress.

At the beginning, Qiao Jianyu was stunned and praised her that "Hibiscus is not as good as beauty makeup, and the wind in the water hall comes with pearly fragrance".

Even made the oath of "getting married and loving without doubt", which made Shen Anyan turn around fooled and devote herself to him, risking her life. When I think of these, Shen Anyan\'s hatred is stronger in her eyes.

Shen Anyan\'s cold and piercing eyes really startled Qin\'s mother, "what\'s wrong with Miss?"

Shen Anyan put away her eyes, smiled and said, "no, mom."

Looking at Qin\'s worried eyes, Shen Anyan bowed her head again. Qin\'s mother, in this life, I will let you live a safe and rich life.

"Mom, I wonder if Yuxiang will be put back in a moment and a half. Go and get me some cakes. I\'m a little hungry."

Qin\'s mother thought for a moment and thought that it was also true that the people in the kitchen would not release jade fragrance so easily, so she said, "Miss, you have a cold, have a good rest, I\'ll go." Qin\'s mother asked Shen Anyan to go to bed, put a pillow on her, and then left.

Shen Anyan sat in the pavilion, smelling the faint incense, closed her eyes and began to sort out the characters of this life.

The mistress, ye Ni, is the eldest daughter of the right waiter of the second grade. Shen Lingyang, the eldest daughter of the prime minister, is 13 years old; And her second daughter, Shen Changbi, is 12 years old.

Yin zhenshu, the concubine in the house, who is called the second lady, is a late one. Her mother, Princess Jing\'an, is the first emperor\'s cousin and today\'s holy aunt. Unfortunately, the prince married by Princess Jing\'an rebelled during the reign of the former Emperor and was beheaded and copied. The former Emperor was so angry that he demoted the cousin to the county head that he left her and her children alive. A few years later, the Lord of Jing\'an County married the heir of Guozhuang as his wife. He was born with Shen Yalan, ten daughters of the Shen family. He was eight years old. He taught himself on weekdays. He had privileges in the family and didn\'t like to go out.

Aunt Su dance was the number one brothel in the land of fireworks. Shen Yuke, who is 12 years old and has six daughters, prayed for the Empress Dowager a year ago. It will take a long time to come back; Shen Qingrong was nine years old.

Aunt Yexiao is the third daughter of zhengerpin right waiter and the dowry servant girl of yeqiuni. Shen Weijie, the third daughter of a concubine, is twelve years old; After giving birth to Shen Weijie, she immediately became pregnant with another four concubines, but the four concubines died as soon as they were born, and they were still born prematurely. Normally, they should be born after Shen Anyan.

Aunt Yun Qiang, the eldest daughter of Zhongwei Bo\'s concubine. She is the biological mother of Shen Anyan, a concubine of five daughters; Shen Yingqing, a concubine of seven, was born at the age of eleven.

It\'s still a miss eight.

But Shen Anyan doesn\'t remember who miss eight is. She was born to a housegirl. Not only did she not have her own yard to live with the housemaid, but she also ate, greeted and distributed clothes and gifts. She never had her. She was received according to the month of servants in the house. Although she was called Miss eight, in fact, the masters of the house had hardly seen her.

As for the young masters in the house, they are now taking them outside for academic training. Shen Shen Yin cares more about his sons than his daughter. It is said that they were sent to the martial arts school first and are now traveling with famous teachers. Shen Anyan was not impressed by these people. She had to see them before she could remember them.

But now, there are five aunts and ten young ladies in the house.

Shen chenyin is the prime minister, and the population in the house is naturally large, which has something to do with Shen chenyin\'s ruthlessness.

Just because of this aunt, in the last life, even if Shen Anyan was quiet and unobtrusive, she lived like a war every day. In this life, I\'m afraid it will be more difficult.