Conan's Almighty Extraction

Chapter 54

"Cherry blossoms in flowers, warriors in people."

This proverb of neon means that the best among the flowers is the cherry blossom, and the dragon among the people is the warrior. The cherry blossom can be compared with the warrior with lofty social status in ancient times. Therefore, it can be seen that neon people love and respect the cherry blossom.

As a traditional neon person, Xiaolan also has a special liking for cherry blossoms, so when she learned from the garden that there are still cherry blossoms in a deep mountain, she pestered Maori xiaowulang to take people to the mountain to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

Although Maori Kogoro was reluctant to go to the wild mountains to see the cherry blossoms, he finally agreed to her request, so they took Baiyan Zhenyu's car and went to the mountain forest to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

After playing for a whole day, many talents set foot on their way home with satisfaction. Maori Kogoro, who was responsible for driving, wanted to save time and chose a shortcut. As a result, both tires of the car were punctured by sharp stones on the path.

"Damn, it's troublesome to have two flat tires at a time..."

There was only one spare tire for the car. I called the repair shop and was told that I could send someone to deliver the tires tomorrow. That is to say, everyone will stay here for the night.

In the reproachful eyes of the people, Maori xiaowulang rubbed his hands and said, "there's no way. It seems that he can only stay in the car for one night."

"I don't want to spend the night in the car. Dad, brother Zhenyu, you must think of something."

Xiaolan looked at the darkening mountain forest and heard the whistling of birds and animals in the mountain forest. She hugged Conan with some fear and kept urging Bai yanzhenyu and Maori xiaowulang to find a way.

In the face of this situation, Bai Yan Zhenyu and Mao Li xiaowulang were helpless. Fortunately, Conan searched the Internet and found that there was a temple nearby, so they went to the temple called Shanni temple for lodging according to the online map.

Before long, the party found the ancient temple built on the edge of the cliff. After entering from the main gate, they saw the old abbot of Shanni temple in coir raincoat.

The old abbot regarded Baiyan Zhenyu and others as journalists who often disturb them. With an extremely bad attitude, he drove them away and said, "you are not from a TV station or newspaper again? This is not a place for you outsiders. Leave quickly!"

The people were startled by the old abbot's roar. After returning to their senses, Maori xiaowulang immediately put his hands and explained, "no, we were trapped in this place because of a flat tire. Can you stay in your temple for one night? Of course, if it's inconvenient, we'll leave now."

"What? You guys want to stay here?"

After learning that Bai Yan Zhenyu's identity was a tourist, the old abbot immediately changed his attitude and said kindly, "I see. If you want to stay, you should have said it earlier. I thought you came here to interview that thing, hehe..."

Maori xiaowulang was confused and asked, "what's that?"

"Ha ha, nothing. It's just a private matter."

The old abbot realized that he had missed his words, quickly changed the topic, showed a philistine face, smiled and said: "we accept the accommodation of tourists here. The price is 10000 yuan for adults and 8000 yuan for children, including the cost of a vegetarian meal and visiting the temple."

"Ten thousand yuan? It's too expensive." Maori xiaowulang stared at each other. After all, the cost of ten thousand yuan can stay in an ordinary hotel for several days.

"Hey, hey," the old abbot smiled proudly and said without fear, "we've always had this price here. If you don't want to, you can only walk six hours down the mountain to the hotel at the foot of the mountain."

"But I have to remind you that when you are on your way on such a rainy night, be careful to meet the ghost eating monster fog dog."

"Uncle, forget it, just stay here for one night."

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Bai yanzhenyu stopped Maori xiaowulang who tried to argue with the old host and directly handed over the accommodation expenses to the old host. After all, this money was nothing to him, even if he was slaughtered.

Moreover, when the old host mentioned the fog dog, Baiyan Zhenyu had recalled the famous fog dog murder in the original work. It was definitely a matter of blood to exchange tens of thousands of yuan for the reward of the event.

"Hey, hey, Chenghui 38000 yuan." after receiving the accommodation fee, the old host shouted to the temple, "there are guests coming, you all come out."

"Deng Deng Deng..."

As soon as the old host's voice fell, four monks with different shapes ran out of it and said hello to Bai Yan Zhenyu and others.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce them to you. They are the four monks of our temple. They are kuannian, who has been practicing for the longest time. Although they eat a lot, they are good at cooking. They are nimble and handy. They are responsible for carpentry in the temple, and Xiunian, who is the last to enter the temple but works very hard. As for me, I am the abbot of this temple - Tianyong."

After introducing the identities of the four monks, Tianyong asked them to follow kuannian and Xiunian to visit the temple, and arranged tunnian and Mu Nian to help them prepare dinner and wing rooms.

"This is the upper hall, where Buddha statues and emperors are enshrined..."

"This is the nave, inside..."

"This is..."


Led by the two monks, Baiyan Zhenyu and others visited the ancient temple and were about to return to the canteen for dinner. Conan accidentally found a locked room outside. Driven by curiosity, he left the team and walked past.

"Hey, kid, where is..."

Kuannian found Conan's action and immediately began to dissuade him, but Conan opened the door and went in before he finished.

"What, it was just an empty room with nothing, but the ceiling was quite high."

Seeing the scene in the room, Conan was quite disappointed, and Maori Kogoro, who followed him into the room, asked kuannian, who was in charge of leading the team: "little master, what is this room for?"

Kuan Nian lowered his head with some wrong expression. He seemed to be taboo and didn't answer Maori Kogoro's question.

The fellow Xiunian had no worries and explained, "this is a closed room. Monks who broke the precepts in the past will be locked in this room and let them reflect."

After hearing Xiunian's explanation, they suddenly realized that they lost interest in visiting the room.

Baiyan Zhenyu knew that a homicide would happen here. In order to give Conan clues to solve the case in advance, he pointed to a wall in the room and asked, "master Xiunian, why is the color of the wood here different from that in other places?"

Xiunian looked at kuannian, who was still silent, pretended to be mysterious and said, "I heard that it was because of the incident. It was the trace left by senior brother Mu Nian when he repaired..."