Conan's Almighty Extraction

Chapter 230

For Chunhai's accusation that he cheated the host of Danhai and cheated the management right of magic block temple, boss ODA didn't show the slightest guilt on his face. Instead, he sneered: "hehe, Chunhai, is that all you want to say?"

"You bastard..."

Chunhai glared at boss Xiaotian. When he was ready to say something, he was impatiently interrupted by boss Xiaotian.

"I'm sorry. I'm receiving guests now. What do you want to talk about in my office tomorrow? Please go back now, security guard and drive him out."

Under the sign of boss ODA, two security personnel nearby came over. One of them grabbed Chunhai's arm and prepared to take him out of the hotel.

"Let go, I'll go myself. If you think I'll be at your mercy, it's wrong. We'll see."

Chunhai's arms shook and he broke away from the control of the security personnel. After leaving a vicious word, he left the hotel angrily.

After the little conflict, boss ODA said apologetically, "sorry, I didn't expect you to encounter such a thing."

After seeing the farce before, Bai yanzhenyu asked curiously, "boss ODA, do you have any dispute with the temple?"

"It's just some small things. Some people in the temple doubt my sightseeing plan this time and think that my purpose is to destroy the clean Temple landscape there. How can this be possible?"

Mr. ODA explained briefly and complained, "a group of unsophisticated monks, obviously the tourism income is also very helpful to their temples."

Bai yanzhenyu looked at boss ODA thoughtfully and reminded him, "boss ODA, I heard the staff in the temple say that if you mess with that temple, you will be punished."

"Ha ha ha, in fact, I also know the legend of the temple. Many people have threatened me with this legend. I'm not afraid."

Mr. ODA smiled and said, "wait and see. I will attract more tourists in different ways."

Seeing that boss ODA was so conceited, Baiyan Zhenyu didn't have much. After dinner, they returned to the guest room to have a rest.


Early the next morning, Baiyan Zhenyu and others, who were still sleeping, were awakened by a rush of telephone.

"Mr. Maori, I took you to visit okabu of magic block Temple yesterday. It's bad. There are ghosts again. Come quickly."

At the other end of the phone, master okabu's anxious and frightened voice came over, which immediately cleared Bai yanzhenyu's brain, dressed and washed quickly, and hurried to the magic block temple.

After they came to the magic block temple, uncle okabu, who was waiting for them at the door, came over and said anxiously, "Mr. Maori, come with me."

Under the leadership of Uncle okabu, the people came to the five story tower they visited yesterday and found that the abbot of tamhae was chanting scriptures under the tower with several monks.

Maori xiaowulang thought uncle okabu was talking about the host of Danhai. Suddenly his face collapsed and said unhappily, "what's the trouble? Isn't this morning class?"

"Mr. Maori, you misunderstood. Look there."

Uncle okabu showed fear. His left hand covered his eyes and dared not look up. Trembling, he stretched out his right hand and pointed to the spire of the five storey tower.

They looked in the direction of their fingers and found that boss ODA, who had a good talk with them yesterday, was hanged at the top of the tower.

"Mr. ODA!"

Maori Kogoro stared in disbelief. Unexpectedly, like the legend he heard, he was punished by ghosts and gods for his disorderly boss ODA in the temple.

In the event of a death, Xiao Lan naturally took the lead. After a phone call to the police department, officer Henggou led the team to the scene.


"Officer Henggou, we have just preliminarily completed the identification work."

After a preliminary inspection, a police officer reported to police officer Henggou: "the deceased was the president of a sightseeing company, Yingming ODA, 56 years old. The body was hung to the fifth floor of the quintuple tower. One end of the rope was tied to the railing, and the other end passed through the roof and strangled the dead man's neck."

Police officer Henggou worshipped Maori Kogoro very much. After listening to the report of his subordinates, he immediately asked Maori Kogoro, "Mr. Maori, I'll get straight to the point. What do you think of this homicide? Judging from the situation at the scene, it seems to be a suicide case."

"Although the scene is different, there should be no possibility of him killing."

Facing the admiration of police officer Henggou, Maori xiaowulang smiled confidently and reasoned: "first, it is impossible for ordinary people to move Mr. Oda's body weighing about 100 kilograms to the fifth floor."

"Second, the stairs in the tower are too narrow, and an adult is reluctant to pass. Even if he is really resisted, there will be drag marks or touch wounds on his clothes. I just checked carefully, and there are no other scars on the body."

"I see. You've even investigated these things and deserve to be a detective." after flattering Maori Kogoro, police officer Henggou is ready to characterize the case as suicide.

However, when the police were ready to put down the dead body, they found that there was a long distance between the dead man's feet and the railing on the fifth floor. It took a lot of effort to move boss Oda's body under the fifth tower.

An appraiser came over and reported: "there was no dust accumulation in the quintuple tower, so we didn't find any trace of footprints. In addition, we didn't find any obvious trauma during the identification. It should be that the neck was oppressed, resulting in immediate death."

Police officer Henggou looked at boss Oda's body and confirmed: "so, the neck was strangled by a rope, which is the direct cause of his death?"

"Yes." the forensics personnel opened the report and continued to report: "the estimated time of death should be between 3:00 and 4:00 in the morning. In addition, we also went to Tian suite and office for inspection. The hotel also said that he did pass in front of the counter at 2:30 in the morning."

After touching his chin and analyzing it for a while, officer Henggou asked, "considering the time, he should have come here directly after coming out of the hotel. By the way, did you find the suicide note in his room?"

The forensics officer shook his head and replied, "so far, we haven't found it."


At this time, the village manager who met in the hotel yesterday came to the scene and knelt directly next to the body of boss ODA, wailing sadly.