Conan's Almighty Extraction

Chapter 144

One afternoon, Yuanzi came to Maori office and invited everyone to accompany her to an offline Party of an online forum called [magic lovers alliance].

"What's the meaning of magic? It's just a deceptive trick. It's better to go to the racetrack and bet on horses. Maybe you can make a lot of money." Mao xiaowulang was not interested in such offline parties and refused without hesitation.

Xiao Lan looked at Conan who kept sneezing and said apologetically, "sorry, garden, Conan caught a cold last night and caught a bad cold. I'll stay and take care of him."

The garden rushed to hold Xiaolan and asked pitifully, "Xiaolan, will you go with me? I'm a little scared. What if I encounter bad guys? As for Conan, just let my maid take care of him..."

"Then... Okay..."

After thinking about it, Xiaolan agreed. However, instead of letting the Suzuki maid take care of Conan, she handed over the heavy responsibility of taking care of Conan to the sweaty Maori Kogoro through an extremely "friendly" communication.

Bai yanzhenyu was interested in the activity mentioned by Yuanzi. After thinking about it, he asked, "Yuanzi, didn't you say there are four places? Since uncle and Conan don't go, can I take others?"

"No problem, just a few more people, but no more than eight people, otherwise the venue may not be enough."

The garden has no opinion. After all, she is the second miss of Suzuki consortium. The activity funds of several people are not a problem at all.

"Well, that's it."

Bai yanzhenyu picked up the phone with a smile, dialed the phone of Dr. Ali's house and invited ash yuanai, who was addicted to research, to attend the party and relax.


Early in the morning of the event, Bai yanzhenyu drove the people to a villa in the mountains, the venue of the party.

During the trip, the garden was excited to perform some small magic tricks she learned to Xiaolan, and received Xiaolan's applause.

This simple magic can't hide from Bai Yan Zhenyu and ash yuanai. However, seeing the happy appearance of the garden, that is, she didn't expose her, so I gave her a compliment.

After the performance, the garden put away the magic props and said with a look of longing: "I met a rare boy in the forum. His name is tujing tuck tree. He is 21 years old. He is not only funny and humorous, but also has excellent written culture. He must be a handsome man with both talent and color!"

"Eh? Haven't you met yet? How can you be sure that he is a handsome guy?" although Yuanzi is her best friend, Xiaolan still doubts it.

"Hum, you don't understand. Even if I haven't met Ke Shu, I can feel his handsome."

The garden's flower mania broke out again, making the netizen of Tui Tak tree into a character like prince charming.

After several hours of driving, the car arrived at its destination. Bai yanzhenyu parked the car in the parking lot on the hillside, and they walked to the villa on the top of the mountain.

The construction site of the party villa is very similar to that of Suzuki punko, who has been there before. They are all built on the top of the mountain separated by a deep valley, and they are also built with an iron cable wooden suspension bridge as the only conventional access to the villa.

However, this is Conan world after all. This independent building on the top of the mountain is likely to become an isolated crime scene, such as the original bandage freak murder, the snow mountain villa murder and so on.

Therefore, when Baiyan Zhenyu found this situation, he immediately raised a touch of vigilance to prevent possible accidents.

"Hey, hey... By the way, let me tell you something."

When passing the slightly shaking suspension bridge, the garden snickered proudly: "my online name in the forum is called [magician's Apprentice], pretending to be a 30-year-old man. I really expect them to see the expression when they see my real appearance. It must be very interesting."

Shii Masawa turned a blind eye and said, "since you can disguise your identity, others can of course make complaints about it. Maybe the guy named Tucker is a woman.

"Er..." the garden was stiff and retorted with some confidence: "no, Ke Shu must be a handsome man. My intuition can't be wrong. Well, it can't be wrong..."

Although Bai yanzhenyu hasn't met with netizens, he has seen the news of many netizens overturning after face-to-face in his previous life. He is noncommittal about the statement of the garden. Anyway, after meeting, everything will be known.

"Eh? What's the smell?"

When he reached the middle of the suspension bridge, Baiyan Zhenyu seemed to smell some strange smell. Before he could distinguish it carefully, the strange smell disappeared in the sudden mountain wind.

Baiyan Zhenyu didn't care too much. He hurried through the suspension bridge with Yuanzi and others, and came to the outside of a red three-story villa.

In order to see the netizen named tujing tuck tree earlier, the garden hurriedly knocked on the door of the villa. Soon, a middle-aged man in a dark sweater opened the door with a smile.

Before the garden introduced himself, the middle-aged man took the lead and said, "welcome, [magician's Apprentice], we are all waiting for you."


The garden, whose identity was suddenly exposed, was stunned there, stared at each other, and asked subconsciously, "excuse me... How did you recognize me at once?"

The middle-aged man smiled and explained, "through your usual speech, we all guessed that you were a girl..."

The garden blushed when she heard the speech. Unexpectedly, her identity had long been exposed. Fortunately, she thought that no one else had found out that she was a girl and was ready to surprise others.

"Hello, I'm the owner of this villa. Huang Yize's online name is [silent ventriloquist]. Welcome to our party. Please come in quickly."

After a brief self introduction, Huang Yi, a middle-aged man, took Bai Yan Zhenyu and others into the living room and met other participants in the offline party.

Tanaka xijiuhui, a mature imperial sister with short brown hair, online name [cheating boy];

Naoko Kuroda, black haired beauty with eyes, net name [magic Cupid];

Riya Hamano, a slightly arrogant young man in a white suit and uniform, with the online name of [disappeared Barney];

Xu Lianqing rilu is a temporary worker hired by Huang Yize. She has the same hairstyle as the 100% male psionic master, Maofu Yama. She is a silent man.

After some introduction, others also knew the identity of Bai Yan Zhenyu, and then chatted in the living room.

PS: Kuroda Naoko's net name is Baidu search. If it's wrong, please forgive me and it won't affect the plot.