Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 144

Emil smiled bitterly, nodded and said, "yes, I not only know how giants came, but also I am the first giant in the world except the ancestor!!"

"What!!" Sanli and hrista were immediately stunned by the sentence thrown out by yumier.

For more than 100 years, the Investigation Corps has left the city wall one after another to investigate the causes and solutions of the giant. Unexpectedly, its comrade in arms, Emil, is the first giant in the world.

If Arnie was here, I\'m afraid he would be even more surprised.

"You heard me right. I am the first giant in the world." Emil showed a look of remembrance. He said, "just as the ancestor asked me before, I died once, and even became a giant who didn\'t have a mind and only knew how to eat people. I wandered outside the city wall for 60 years!"

Sanli and hrista are only surprised. They can\'t imagine what kind of monster yumier is in front of them.

"Then I came back to life. I don\'t know how I came back to life." Youmier shook his head bitterly and continued, "because of this death, I have forgotten a lot of things. But I still remember the ancestors! "

Yumier seemed to think of something terrible and shook his head hard.

"Emil!" Sanli, who has recovered from emotion, has also recovered her voice from the coldness of the past“ The ancestor is Dong... Is he the master? "

"Yes!" Youmier nodded his head and said, "the ancestor is the origin of all giants."

"How!" Three li bore eyes tongue tied, and then asked, "so the master is also a giant?"

"No! Although the ancestor is the origin of a giant, he is not a giant, but... But a huge ape... "Youmier seemed to think of something, shook his head and said:" neither, the ancestor is a terrible existence. He is not a human, nor an ape. He is... "

Emil exhausted the words in his mind and couldn\'t find a suitable name to describe Dong Zhuo. Finally, he could only say with a bitter smile: "you\'d better take the ancestor as a legendary god! Because the giant\'s transformation ability comes from him! "

"If the master is really God, why did you seem to be afraid of the master just now?" Sanli asked puzzled.

Not only Sanli was curious, but even hrista wanted to know this problem. In their hearts, although Emil was always dishonest, he dared to propose to hrista in public. But her character was careless. Even when she faced the giant, she didn\'t show any panic.

But now, just Dong Zhuo\'s name scared her like this. Is Dong Zhuo really so terrible?

"You don\'t know the horror of your ancestors!" Youmier smiled bitterly, "maybe I\'m the only one in the world who knows the ancestor best. After all, when accepting the giant ability, I used to peep into the memory of the ancestor sporadically..."

Speaking of Dong Zhuo\'s memory, youmier\'s face turned white.

Sanli and hrista looked at each other. They wanted to know how terrible Dong Zhuo\'s memory was. It could frighten a man with a big nature. They didn\'t even dare to mention it.

The wise man didn\'t ask youmier about Dong Zhuo. Sanli asked, "youmier, you\'d better tell me how the giant came."

"The giant is actually just a defective product. All giants are defective, but with the help of the power of their ancestors, they form a huge armor outside their body! " Youmier sank Yin for a moment and explained, "more than a hundred years ago, man accidentally found a huge ape giant, which is the ancestor who has not yet awakened. Later, it was found that as long as the ancestral serum was injected into the human body, the energy that makes people become powerful giants could be obtained from the ancestral body!

But this change is achieved by loss of mind. Then, they began to find ways to remove this defect. After all, giant is simply too powerful. Human greed makes them don\'t want to give up such a powerful ability. After many experiments, they found me, because only I can remain sane after injecting giant serum.

After that, the government launched a plan to giant soldiers. Inject the serum into my body, which is compatible with my blood, and then extract it and inject it into others. In this way, I will bear all the burden that is enough to break one\'s mind! I have also become the signal tower and energy transfer station of all giants. "

Hearing this, Sanli and hrista had completely understood how giants came into being. Unexpectedly, the giant who imprisoned mankind in the city wall for more than 100 years turned out to be a sin created by mankind itself.

"Emil, how did those giants who lost their senses and only knew how to eat people appear?" Sanli asked her doubts.

Normally speaking, since all the burdens are borne by Emil, those giant soldiers can\'t lose their mind.

"It\'s simple, because I\'m dead!" Emil smiled mockingly“ Without me to bear the energy that breaks down the mind, the giant has completely become a monster who only knows how to eat people! "

"How did you die?" Sanli asked reluctantly, "if what you said is true, as a signal tower and transfer station, you should be very important and will be protected closely?"

"I don\'t know." Emil shook his head and said, "maybe those who were killed assassinated me. I don\'t have these memories, and I don\'t want to recall them! "

"Wait!" A question suddenly occurred to hrista“ Emil, why are there giants who can control their minds now? "

"You don\'t think I\'m the only one in the world who can withstand the energy impact of my ancestors? Maybe they are similar to me, or they have found other ways, who knows! " Emile\'s explanation completely dispelled any doubts.

Understanding how giants came into being, hrista and Sanli were a little disappointed. I didn\'t expect that the disaster that caused mankind\'s near destruction was actually caused by mankind.

Dong Zhuo is a God. He obtains power from God. He is an anti God and a heresy! It is also right to be retaliated by God. Moreover, all this is not led by Dong Zhuo.

"Emil, can you tell me what you saw in your master\'s memory?" Sanli asked curiously. She still didn\'t give up the idea of getting rid of Dong Zhuo.

"What? Do you still want to resist your ancestors? " Youmier looked at Sanli with disdain and said, "do you know? It\'s easy for our ancestors to destroy our world, okay? The power of our ancestors is not what we humans can imagine! "

Sanli was silent. I don\'t know what I\'m thinking.

On the other hand, after Dong Zhuo disappeared from the Reyes family residence, he came to the valley where Alan and almin were located again.

In the air, Dong zhuoyin lost his figure and looked at Allen and almin below.

"Ah... Almin, did you see it just now?" Alan pointed in front of him in shock.

There was a set of stone tables and stools. Five stools and one table are placed in the shape of plum blossom.

But at this moment, one of the stools disappeared. There were only four left, and Alan pointed to the location of the missing stone bench.

With the same look of horror, almin asked Alan, "Alan, how did you do it?"

"I... I don\'t know!" Alan showed a look of memory. After thinking for a moment, he said, "it seems so!"

As he spoke, Allen stretched out his hand. His palm extended far in the direction of the stone stool. His five fingers seemed to grasp something invisible in the void.

Then, one of the remaining four stone stools began to disappear silently. It\'s like something invisible peels off the stone stool layer by layer.

Just a moment later, another stone stool disappeared.

Alan looked at his palm with ecstasy and said in a crisp Niang voice, "almin, I seem to have a powerful ability!"

Looking at all this, almin remembered the abilities of those witches and the two witches. What Allen had just done was no different from magic. He said strangely, "Alan, this seems to be magic!"