Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 125

Stoff was embarrassed when Dong Zhuo mentioned ani. He bowed his head and said humbly, "please forgive me, Miss Arnie. They left the residence of the Reyes family a year after the master disappeared. Joined the 104th Training Corps with Miss! "

"Sure enough!" Dong Zhuo had thought of this possibility just after hearing that hrista joined the Investigation Corps. Now it\'s just a reconfirmation from Stoff.

"Stoff, you stay here. I\'ll pick up hrista and Arnie, and they\'ll come back! " Dong Zhuo glanced at Stoff, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Dong Zhuo, whose strength has recovered, doesn\'t mind others seeing his ability. In these four years, Dong Zhuo exhausted all the energy reserves in the ring to deduce the future cultivation direction. I realized my future.

In the previous two worlds, Dong Zhuo only knew how to blindly become stronger, devour others and seize the ability of others. Although it seems that he has obtained a lot of powerful abilities, it has complicated himself.

In fact, Dong Zhuo\'s direction is very simple, rules and their own strength.

Rules or rules can be called Tao. It is indeed a supreme strength. Mastering the rules of a world is equal to mastering a world. But it also requires sufficient energy to use these rules. It takes a good blacksmith to make steel.

Dong Zhuo\'s own force, super power and his own perfect virus body have also been completely integrated by him. Reached another height.

The energy of their own Imperial Envoys needs to evolve to a higher level, and there are differences between them. This is like the contrast between eggs and iron balls. Eggs can\'t break the iron ball. Even 10000 eggs can\'t leave any damage to the iron ball.

If the former force was the energy on the egg level, the current force is already the iron ball level. This is a level of rolling. Those above this level can completely ignore the attack of low energy.

Now Dong Zhuo, even standing here, can let him attack casually four years ago without any harm.

Looking at Dong Zhuo who suddenly disappeared in front of him, Stoff grew up his mouth and widened his eyes. After shaking his head for a long time, he said to himself, "sure enough, the master is a devil! How can humans suddenly disappear? "

In the gas supply room, a group of soldiers just graduated from the Training Corps escaped the pursuit of giants, broke the glass and came to the room.

Arnie, whom Dong Zhuo is looking for, is impressively among them.

Let kirchstein look at the members of the supply class who are bleeding and hiding under the table and ask dully, "are you... From the supply class?"

Before he could get the other party\'s answer, he rushed up with emotion, grabbed one of the men\'s collars and pulled it out to be a violent beating.

After a quarrel, the arrival of the giant made the whole supply room chaotic, and a group of recruits screamed away from the window.

There are four giants wandering at the gas replenishment position on the first floor. It is impossible for these recruits to bypass these giants to get gas.

Finally, almin dispatched troops and arranged the way to kill the four giants. Thanks to the help of the giant who killed his own kind outside.

At the moment, no one knew that the giant who looked like an elf was Alan.

On the beam of the ladder, Sanli, Sasha and Connie Springer, the bald little monk, lay on the ground, waiting for others to blow the giant\'s eyes with muskets. Then he cut off the back necks of the giants.

The plan is progressing quite smoothly. Sanli is worthy of being the heroine. She kills the giant in front of her in one move. Everyone else did it smoothly.

Only the little monks Connie and Sasha failed. The two giants did not suffer any fatal damage at all, and chased them both.

The giant with big eyes frightened Sasha completely.. Tears ran down my face and I was trembling all over. And foolishly began to apologize to the giant. Praying for the giant to forgive her!

Finally, Sanli suddenly jumped over and killed the surviving big eyed giant with one move. On the other hand, ani also jumped down from the second floor and killed the giant who was chasing little monk Connie.

"Sanli! Saved! " Sasha was so crazy that he shouted and knelt in front of Sanli. Tears flowed like a burst of the dike, and a kelp hung on his cheek.

Little monk Connie and awkwardly apologized to Arnie“ I\'m so sorry! "

"You\'re welcome!" Arnie is worthy of being an ice beauty. After answering casually, he turned around.

"Good!" A voice that made everyone feel strange came. With a bit of ridicule in his tone, he said: "it\'s unexpected that my Arnie has become so beautiful after four years of absence!"

All the soldiers were startled by the sudden sound.

"Who are you?" Sanli\'s reaction was the fastest. He jumped, turned in the air, and looked at the guy who didn\'t know when to appear on the beam.

It was a teenager with obvious oriental characteristics like Sanli. Wearing a decent black dress, the system of clothes is very different from the giant world. It seems to add a bit of luxury and superior temperament to the youth.

At the moment, the boy is looking at the people below with great interest.

Arnie\'s eyes coagulated and his pupils narrowed suddenly, staring at the guy who was looking at him narrowly.

The man who suddenly appeared was naturally Dong Zhuo. Originally, he intended to find hrista first, but after feeling the situation on ani\'s side, Dong Zhuo changed his attention.

"What? Arnie, don\'t you know your master after four years of absence? " Dong Zhuo asked ani with a smile.

"Lord... Master?" Everyone was startled. Almin looked at Arnie in horror. He couldn\'t believe that the famous iceberg beauty in the Training Corps would belong to the man in front of him who didn\'t know his origin. And the other party claimed to be Arnie\'s master!

"Stop talking nonsense!" I don\'t know when Hoover, who had fallen in love with Arnie, jumped down. Standing in front of Arnie, he seemed to be protecting her. The paper knife in his hand pointed directly at Dong Zhuo in the air and said, "who the hell are you?"

Hoover knew that Dong Zhuo\'s position in the human world, if he was allowed to talk nonsense. If their identities are revealed, everything will be in vain. Dong Zhuo certainly won\'t be in danger, but they\'re finished.

And now it\'s different from four years ago. Before he fell in love with Arnie, Hoover just wanted his hometown to recover, but now his dream is to live with Arnie.

"Ouch!" Dong Zhuo shook his head, but his face was still with a lazy smile. He walked directly towards the open space in front of him“ Hoover, and Lena, have you really forgotten me? "

He stepped on the air as if he had stepped on an invisible staircase. Step by step, he stepped down in the void.


"This... This is impossible!"

Dong Zhuo\'s behavior once again caused a burst of exclamation. Countless people almost stared out their eyes. How could human beings achieve such a degree that they can walk on the air.

It\'s fantastic!! If everyone has such ability, how can they be kept in captivity by giants as livestock?

As Dong Zhuo walked towards Arnie, he greeted almin on the second floor and Sanli not far away and said, "Sanli, almin, you two haven\'t seen each other for a long time! Alan must be about to discover the power I left him. Come on? "

"Who are you?" Sanli asked very concisely. In her heart, Allen was the only one. Although I have met Dong Zhuo several times, Dong Zhuo and his temperament have changed too much.

Almin is different from Sanli. Although he can\'t remember who Dong Zhuo is, he vaguely feels that the man in front of him looks familiar. I seem to have seen him somewhere.

While talking, Dong Zhuo has come to Hoover. Looking at Hoover so vigilant, the paper knife still threatens himself. Dong Zhuo looked at the bright paper knife with regret and said with a smile, "Hoover, do you think this kind of toy can be a threat in front of me? Or do you think it can protect you? "

Hoover clenched the handle of the knife nervously.

"You didn\'t fulfill your promise, so our transaction was cancelled!" Arnie pushed Hoover away and came to Dong Zhuo. She knew very well that Hoover could not pose any threat to Dong Zhuo.