Comprehensive Man: Restarting the Life of Death

Chapter 113

Dong Zhuo smiled at the reflection of the armored giant. He was really too sensitive. Maybe he just glanced at this side casually.

However, this is understandable. After all, there are many things that confuse Dong Zhuo in this attacking giant world.

The first is the cause of giants.

Dong Zhuo himself became the big boss of the giant world. Moreover, the giant\'s transformation process is constructed of unbound matter mixed with unknown things to extract energy from him. No wonder Dong Zhuo didn\'t wake up for so many years, and his energy was tossed over by the giants. There was little left for him to recover.

But what if Dong Zhuo never came to this world from the beginning? How will the giant world develop? Will there be the birth of giants?

With such doubt, Dong Zhuo felt more and more that the giant world was too interesting.

In this world, Dong Zhuo can run wild and do whatever he wants. Even the world implied in the School Park was not as relaxed as it is now. After all, he was still very weak at that time.

Dong Zhuo disappeared again after witnessing that the armored giant knocked out a big hole in the city gate that had not been closed yet. This time he appeared directly in the river under the rescue ship and began to call for help on board.

"Alan, did you hear someone asking for help?" Almin, a male and female, wrinkled and had no head, asked Allen, who was still in self blame and hatred.

Unfortunately, Allen was full of pictures of his mother being swallowed up by giants. He didn\'t hear almin at all.

Almin shook her head with regret and asked Sanli, who was standing next to Allen, "Sanli, do you hear me?"

Sanli\'s chin shrank in her scarf, shook her head and said, "there are cries for help everywhere!"

"It\'s there!" Almin\'s grandfather, an old man who will be given to giants by the government as food rations in the future, keenly saw that in the river under the boat, a boy who looked only about ten years old was rising and falling with the river. One arm was still shaking towards the boat. Obviously asking for help.

Soaking in the river, Dong Zhuo scolded secretly in his heart at the moment. Damn it, there are so many people on the rescue ship that there is no place for me to blink past!

It\'s right to think about it. The giant broke the wall of Maria. People living in the whole west kansina District want to escape. There are not enough ships at all! There are at least hundreds of men, women and children crowded on the ship. These people want to climb on the sail. Can\'t you do more?

"A child!" Almin\'s grandfather pressed the hat on his head, grabbed the cable and threw it to Dong Zhuo.

Dong Zhuo quickly climbed down the cable to the deck.

"Boy, why did you fall into the river alone? Your... "The old man asked and immediately shut up. When sailing, I don\'t know how many people wanted to jump on the boat, but finally fell into the river. In his opinion, Dong Zhuo must be one of them. As for his family, they were either eaten by giants or didn\'t have time to get on board. It\'s obviously more bad than good.

"Eh?" Almin was surprised. He looked at Dong Zhuo and Sanli, who was comforting Allen. He said suspiciously, "are you Oriental like Sanli?"

In the whole giant world, the background seems to be in Europe. People with obvious yellow characteristics such as Sanli are called Oriental.

Dong Zhuo\'s appearance now is his normal appearance when he is about ten years old. In terms of ethnic characteristics, it is no different from Sanli. It has the same black hair and black pupil. It looks like a genuine Oriental.

Even Sanli, after hearing almin\'s voice, couldn\'t help looking over. When she found that Dong Zhuo really had similar characteristics with her, she looked at Dong Zhuo and softened her eyes. After all, she was of the same family!

However, Sanli didn\'t come to chat up, but still stared at Allen with worried eyes. In her heart, it was obvious that Allen had become the most important person that could not be replaced!

"I don\'t know!" Dong Zhuo shook his head and squatted down with a cold expression on his face. Everyone on the ship has just experienced great changes. It\'s normal to be unstable, so I\'m not dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo\'s cold attitude.

Everyone on the rescue ship was at a loss at the moment, with numbness in their eyes. There were hundreds of people on the whole ship, but there was no sound at all. It was terrible.

However, Dong Zhuoke had no mind to care about the lives of these people. He hid on the deck near the ship\'s side with Sanli and others, and began to plan his actions behind Ruth\'s wall.

Dong Zhuo will definitely not join any training corps and finally join any Investigation Corps. For him, this action has no meaning at all. He is here to investigate the cause of the giant. Only those noble families can find the information they want.

After all, according to this era, giants have appeared for more than 100 years. In such a long history, only those nobles and even royalty have records.

As for how to let those nobles accept themselves, it is too simple for Dong Zhuo. A mind manipulates the past. Even the emperor has to kneel down and become Dong Zhuo\'s slave.

The reason why he is so hard to get into the boat now is that he wants to meet Sanli and get familiar with her. More importantly, Alan\'s father. The doctor who can turn his son into a giant.

"What\'s your name?" Almin is a child after all. He is also different from Alan. Alan is a dead mother and is sad.

He has only one grandfather. He is still alive and well, right beside him. The child\'s mind, even if he had just suffered a big change, made him want to know Dong Zhuo, a peer who had just boarded the ship.

"Dong Zhuo!" Glancing at almin, Dong Zhuo responded coldly.

"Is your family dead, too?" Almin asked curiously.

"Almin!" The old man took almin in his arms and scolded, "how can you talk to Dong... Dong Zhuo like that. Apologize to him! "

"No!" Dong Zhuo waved his hand carelessly, gathered in front of Sanli and asked, "what\'s your name?"

The high tone made Sanli frown. But subconsciously lowered his head and replied in a respectful tone: "Sanli, Sanli Ackerman!"

Dong Zhuo almost destroyed the existence of a world, and now he has advanced to the existence of a demigod. Is inherently superior to all humans. After all, it\'s another level of life. When human beings face him, they will have a sense of awe subconsciously.

Even a very ordinary tone will make people feel a sense of command. Sanli frowned only when she was aware of this feeling. But the instinct of life still made her obedient to answer Dong Zhuo\'s question.

Almin\'s grandfather was secretly frightened and was thinking about Dong Zhuo\'s identity. He took this sense of awe for granted that Cheng DongZhuo was an aristocrat.

"Sanli!" Seeing that Sanli didn\'t want to talk to himself, Dong Zhuo didn\'t insist. Silently waiting for the ship to dock.

"It\'s over! This family has... Can\'t go back anymore! Why did I still quarrel with her in the end? " Allen finally woke up from the machine. He must be tired of playing the loop. He looked at his hometown covered by thick smoke and couldn\'t help crying.

"Alan!" Sanli held Alan\'s hand tightly, with a worried look in her eyes.

"Why... Because of me... Because human beings are too weak? Can the weak only cry? " Alan muttered to himself. As if I didn\'t feel the comfort of Sanli around me.

"That\'s right!" Dong Zhuo nodded, looked at Allen with approval and said, "you\'re right. Weak humans can only cry!"

"What are you talking about?! Aren\'t you human? " Dong Zhuo\'s gloating tone made almin start to refute.

"Human? Ha ha! " Dong Zhuo showed a smile with inexplicable meaning. He smiled but didn\'t answer, just shook his head. Ignore the trio that is still the protagonist of Zhengtai and Lori.

And Alan, who was too excited, finally passed out smoothly.

After the ship landed, Dong Zhuo did not leave first. But follow the protagonists. Finally came to an abandoned cathedral.

The three protagonists, together with almin\'s grandfather, soon fell into a deep sleep. In the next few days, Dong Zhuo lived with pig feet and others for a while.

He is waiting for the man who may let Dong Zhuo find out the source of the giant! Alan\'s father, grishayerg!

A doctor respected by everyone in West kansina district.

Three days later, Grisha finally appeared, but he seemed to have some plot. He just met Alan quietly late at night while everyone was asleep.

Then Grisha seemed to start preparing something. Except Alan, no one found Grisha every night, except Dong Zhuo.

Grisha\'s action undoubtedly shows that he is preparing an injection without a reasonable explanation in animation.

Dong Zhuo could not find anything related to himself in the materials he prepared. Not even a cell in your body. This makes Dong Zhuo very confused. He pressed down his mind to take Grisha away and waited for Grisha\'s last action.

One late night a few days later, Dong Zhuo, who leaned against the wall and closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

Grishayeger finally made the injection! It was because he gave Allen an injection that Allen had the ability to become a giant.

Dong Zhuo wants to know what is the principle of that injection? Why is there nothing in the material that has anything to do with yourself.

Obviously, there is no relationship such as a cell, but these guys who turn into giants have the ability to absorb their own energy and turn into giants!

He can only say that this thing is completely beyond the existence of science and magic. It\'s amazing!

Allen was quietly taken out by his father, while Sanli and others were still sleeping.

In the jungle far from the cathedral, Alan and his son didn\'t know what they were talking about. Grisha suddenly went crazy, pressed Alan on the ground, took out a purple injection and scolded Alan: "Alan, put out your hand!"

"What are you doing!" Alan, who was pressed to the ground by his father, struggled with his hoarseness. The picture looks very yellow and violent! Good, strong!

Finally, Allen still couldn\'t struggle with his father. He was nailed to his arm for a while, and the whole person soon fell into a deep sleep.

Dong Zhuo watched coldly until grishayerg sent his son back to the church and was ready to leave. He suddenly blinked and appeared in front of grishayerg.

"You... Who are you?" In the middle of the night, a child suddenly appeared in front of him, which really frightened Grisha.

"The injection you gave your son just now can make him a giant?" Dong Zhuo broke Grisha\'s intention. After all, this thing has appeared in animation. Moreover, Dong Zhuo has observed for a long time in these days. It is impossible to read anything wrong.

"You!..." Grisha looked around quietly, holding a dagger in his hand with his back behind him. Suddenly I was ready to kill people