Comeback 1992

Chapter 1133: risk

Chapter 1133 Risk

Call Zhu Xiangping together, the main thing is that Han Songlin be on guard.

I feel that Jia Yuanshan has something to do!

When Han Songlin came to Fuller Hotel, he saw Jia Yuanshan waiting in advance.

"Old Jia, wait a long time!"

Jia Yuanshan smiled and shook hands with Han Songlin, and said, "No, I just arrived a few minutes ago."

Han Songlin smiled lightly, signaling to enter the building together.

This is a small building, but the interior area is quite large. There are meals, tea, chess and cards, etc.

It is specially used to entertain some important guests.

Fuller Hotel is called the No. 1 hotel in China, not without reason.

Other hotels, do you have this?

There are also some single-family courtyards in the Fuller Hotel, and the prices are relatively high, costing thousands of dollars a day.

It is equivalent to the presidential suite of other hotels.

Not many, but very precious.

A group of three people went in, and there was naturally a beautiful little girl to entertain them inside.

After spending a lot of money, it is natural to enjoy VIP treatment.

There are also formal massage, pinching and other services here.


Fuller Hotel does not provide it itself. If guests have needs, they will naturally contact them. Fuller Hotel will not disclose the privacy of guests.

The food came out soon. As for drinking, Han Songlin said directly: "In the afternoon, I have something to do, so I won\'t drink."

Underlying meaning, Han Songlin had to leave after eating, and if Jia Yuanshan had anything to do, he said it quickly.

Jia Yuanshan naturally understood.

So, I didn’t beat around the bush, just said it directly.

"Last year, I approved a loan of 500 million yuan to Hetai Mining."

Hetai Mining!

Zhu Xiangping raised her eyebrows involuntarily. One of the most important tasks in her usual work is to collect domestic and international economic information.

She just saw the situation of Hetai Mining. This company is not doing well now, and has become a "laolai".

There is a danger of falling at any time.

Zhu Xiangping whispered in a low voice: "Boss, Hetai Mining is an iron ore mining company at home and abroad. Now it is pursued by several banks, and the domestic mines have been sealed up by (the court)."

Han Songlin ate the dishes slowly, the dishes on the plate were very small.

But it is quite delicate.

For rich people, eating is not about quantity, but about feeling.

Just taste every dish, and you can\'t eat too much.

This time, a roast suckling pig was served. Han Songlin can’t touch this thing, it feels quite cruel.

Han Songlin: "Your loan of 500 million won\'t be approved in violation of regulations?"

The Prophet of Spring River Plumbing Ducks, and the Bank of Economic Cold Wave.

As a bank, there must be risk control.

Last year, loans to some industries would definitely be tightened because they were too risky.

Of course, for some banks, risk control is a decoration.

The risk control department is really important for a company.

A good risk control department can prevent danger and promote the development of the enterprise.

As the operation department, the risk control department must be very annoying.

The business that was finally won may die prematurely because of the risk control department\'s statement that the risk is too high.

Jia Yuanshan smiled wryly: "Someone is looking for a relationship with me, so it\'s not easy for me to refuse."

Han Songlin: "Did you take advantage of it?"

Jia Yuanshan shook his head resolutely and said, "No, how is it possible."

Han Songlin took a deep look at Jia Yuanshan, not wanting to say more about this matter.

At this time, it is already 2014. Under the continuous high pressure, many people have revealed their true colors and become prisoners.

Sighed slightly in his heart, Han Songlin: "What are you going to do?"

Jia Yuanshan is also forced to do nothing now. Although he is the president of the Shuchuan branch of CCB, it doesn\'t mean that he can cover the sky with one hand.

The internal investigation became more and more strict, and Jia Yuanshan was very worried that this incident would directly lead to a thunderstorm, and he would be blown up.

Therefore, Jia Yuanshan wants to get rid of this thunder as soon as possible.

Jia Yuanshan: "When it comes to loans, although they found a relationship, the process is still a formal process."

At least on the surface, there is nothing wrong with it.

There is collateral, the problem now is that the value of the collateral has dropped.

Hetai Mining did not add any additional collateral.

Because Hetai Mining stopped production directly at this time, and no longer mined iron ore.

Hetai Mining has already broken the capital chain.

Once the capital chain is broken, Hetai Mining is not far from bankruptcy.

After Han Songlin and Jia Yuanshan finished their meal, he asked Jia Yuanshan to leave first, but he was not in a hurry to leave.

There is no problem in eating this ore.

Xinghai Special Steel does not mean that ore is not used.

Of course, the ore cannot be used indiscriminately.

Ores produced in various regions have different grades and contents, so the smelting methods are also very different.

In metallurgical plants, ores from different origins are generally mixed for use.

"What do you think?"

Zhu Xiangping hesitated and said, "Boss, I heard that Jia Yuanshan is a very greedy person."

Are you greedy?

"Where did you hear that?"

Zhu Xiangping: "I have a classmate who works in CCB, I heard about it from her."

Han Songlin couldn\'t help but frowned. Usually, he didn\'t speculate on a person with malice.

However, it doesn\'t mean that Han Songlin doesn\'t understand the malice of this world.

Taking a deep breath, Jia Yuanshan will have an accident sooner or later.

And getting involved with it is not a good thing for Han Songlin.

Han Songlin: "Greed is the original sin!"

Before Han Songlin thought of what to do, he saw a person unexpectedly.

Chen Yishuang!

Chen Yishuang obviously also saw Han Songlin, and blinked in astonishment.

Today is my classmate\'s birthday, please come to Fuller Hotel for dinner.

At Xingchen University, many students would come to Fuller Hotel for dinner on their birthdays, anniversary days and so on.

Fuller Hotel also has a discount for college students, usually 10% off.

In the future, these students will be the main consumers of Fuller Hotel.

The times are developing, and the era when you can make a lot of money without any academic qualifications like the previous ten or twenty years will be gone forever.

The next era will be the "education era".

Why do you say that?

Because in this era, as long as you have the heart, it is a very simple matter to be admitted to a university.

It can be seen that the new domestic rich have become more and more advanced in terms of educational qualifications.

Those low-educated rich who started their fortunes by seizing the opportunities of the times are constantly withdrawing from the main stage of the times.

The era no longer belongs to them.

Of course, even if these low-educated rich people have withdrawn from the main stage of the times, it does not mean that they have become moneyless.

Money, as long as you don\'t mess around, will definitely increase year by year.

Just put it in the bank, and the numbers on the books will still increase.

No matter how rich you are, what you are most afraid of is all kinds of show operations.

Fuller Hotel is an investment in advance and has a good relationship with college students.

After they started working, and wanted to find a high-end place to entertain people, the first place they thought of was Fuller Hotel.

You have to take a long-term view, Fuller Hotel is only staring at a few years later.

(end of this chapter)