Coffin of the Nether World


Zhang Kefan said that she hid the Ice Essence under the washbasin outside the washroom. This fellow was extremely anxious for me, so under the sunlight, she ran towards the school. Along the way, several teachers called for me, but I didn't bother with them.

The sink. I got down on my hands and knees and found it under a rock.

"It's good that he is, it's good that he is." After muttering to himself for a bit, he took the Ice Essence and ran back to the clinic.

Strangely, the sun which was even hotter than death in the sky didn't feel hot at all, probably because of the Ice Essence in my hands.

"Sister Kexuan, Zhang Kefan, I found it."

After rushing in, I shouted to Sister Kexuan and Zhang Kefan. After Sister Kexuan took it over, she gave it to Zhang Kefan, who had it in her hand. There was no other way now, I could only wait for this Ice Essence to be effective.

I didn't know what was going on. I just sat there for a while and felt dizzy and a little nauseous. I shook my head, unable to understand what I had just done.

But right now, Zhang Kefan is already something that Sister Kexuan is worried about. If I say that I'm not feeling well, then I will cause trouble.

Thinking about it, I decided to endure it for the time being and take a look at Zhang Kefan's situation.

I didn't expect this feeling to get stronger and stronger. It was only nausea and dizziness just now, but after almost half an hour, I felt like I was floating. If I wasn't sitting there, I probably wouldn't be able to stand properly.

Because Sister Kexuan was taking care of Zhang Kefan, her back was facing me, and it just so happened that Zhang Kefan could see it, and at that moment she also seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with me, and said to me: "Are you alright? You seem to be in a lot of pain. "

Sister Kexuan also turned her head around after hearing what I said, and then I felt my eyes go black, as if I didn't know anything.

When I woke up, my first pain was headache and nausea. I wanted to vomit.

I don't know why, but when I thought of Master and Big Sister Xiaowen, I felt like crying. But when I opened my eyes, I found that Zhang Kefan was right in front of me, so I immediately held it in.

She had to laugh her teeth off when she saw me crying, and I didn't want a laughing stock to fall into her hands.

"Where am I?"

His eyes were blurry, other than Zhang Kefan who was relatively closer to me, I felt that the rest of the things in my surroundings were spinning, and I could not see anything clearly.

"Master Hades is here." Zhang Kefan said to me a little angrily.

In order to not let Zhang Kefan see my unwell state, I forced myself to laugh, and said to her: "Looks like we're all dead, if not you would have also died here (also here)?"

"You …" Zhang Kefan was choked speechless by my words, so she finally said to me, "There's water on the cabinet above the bed, drink it yourself. The doctor said that you've only suffered from heatstroke, drink more, and you can rest more."

I turned my head and struggled to hold the water glass in my hand. After a long while, I sat up against the pillow.

Heat stroke? I have always felt that I am not as pampered as the people in the city. After all, in the past, no matter how bright the sun was in our hometown, we would dare to run around the village without clothes, and we have never suffered from heat before. Could it be that the years in the city have made me so pampered?

"Hey, what are you thinking about? You don't even drink water when you carry it. "

Zhang Kefan impatiently told me that I did not care about her, as my head was no longer aching, and I knew that I had returned home.

Zhang Kefan should be fine, and Sister Kexuan should no longer have anything to worry about.

I smiled wryly at the thought. Should I have done it myself? The exam wasn't over yet, and he even offended the form teacher. Both of them were troublesome.

Forget it, it's just like how Lao Xu told me the secrets of scams, there will be accidents many times. At that time, all you have to do is put forth all your strength and pretend, walk one step at a time, and then, there will be a way to solve it.

After drinking all the water in the cup in one gulp, I wanted to get off the bed. However, I didn't expect Zhang Kefan to pull me from behind, and said, "Big sis said that you can't get off the bed now, you just stay on the bed properly."

I didn't think that I wouldn't have the slightest bit of strength. The sickly Zhang Kefan was actually able to pull me back onto the bed.

"Are you bored!?" I don't know why, but I turned and shouted at Zhang Kefan: "Take care of yourself, don't provoke so much trouble, alright?!"

I reckon Zhang Kefan also didn't expect me to suddenly lose my temper. With her two big eyes looking at me, tears started to roll down her face, and then she ran out of the room.

Sister Kexuan shouldn't be home, so I lay on the bed and knocked on his head with my right hand that was slightly aching. Why is there so much to do?

It's about eight o'clock in the evening, but I just want to go for a walk.

After leaving a note for Sister Kexuan, I shakily walked over to Lao Xu's paper binding shop. The shop's door was open, and since Lao Xu didn't seem to be there, I directly walked in.

There were paper oxen and horses everywhere inside the shop, as well as some paper dolls. The two blobs of red on their cheeks were very eye-catching.

I sat in Lao Xu's usual position, thinking about something in my brain.

After a while, Lao Xu came back while humming a small tune. He looked to be in a good mood and it seemed like he had gone for a stroll.

He wasn't surprised to see me, so he asked, "How was it? You brat, you did well in the exam, right?"

I said, "That's a good hammer. It's a lot more complicated than I thought."

Then I told Lao Xu everything about today's exam.

After Lao Xu heard it, he said, "Based on what you said, that little sister of yours really knows how to cause trouble, but look at how big the trouble is. Look at your decadent look, even more decadent than my Old Man, smiling at me."

I know that Lao Xu is trying to make me happy, but I really can't laugh.

"It seems like I have to use my ultimate move!" As he said that, Lao Xu took out a mobile phone and dialed the number in front of me.

After the phone rang a few times, it connected. The other side seemed to be quite excited as he said, "Aiya, Elder Xu, why would your family call me? I …" This is really a bit flattering. "

Lao Xu cleared his throat while holding his phone, and used his usual high-pitched voice to look at the other side of the phone: "Principal Wang, this old man has some troublesome matters, but I am too embarrassed that my abilities are limited, and that's why I contacted President Wang to ask for your help."

The voice from the other side became even more agitated, and quickly spoke to Lao Xu: "Elder Xu, your words are too foreign, I can't even ask for a chance to help Elder Xu, if there's anything you need, just say it, I will do my best."

Lao Xu looked at me complacently, and then continued: "I have two distant relatives here, they have always been studying here, and their results are also among the top. It's just that this examination was probably due to the calamity this time, and they all fainted in the exam hall.

"Aiya, this is just a small matter, I'll immediately settle it for you!" President Wang on the other side seemed to be really impatient, and agreed without waiting for Lao Xu to finish.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Lao Xu finally hung up and said to me, "Come, can you smile for me now?"

I looked at Lao Xu and felt my heart clogging up. He helped me once again, and this time, everything about Zhang Kefan was resolved, I really didn't know how to thank him.

So, I tried my best to make a face that looked like I was very happy, I didn't think that Lao Xu would actually be scared, and said to me: "Fine, don't scare me like that, your expression is even scarier than ghosts!"

This time, I was truly amused by Lao Xu's words. Lao Xu told me: "Remember, when all the trouble is thrown together, it means that you are about to get lucky. Alright, now quickly scram! "

"Where are you going?!" I was stunned by Lao Xu's words.

"Fuck, it's already nine o'clock, why aren't you going back to your mark?!" Why don't you just give me a nap? " Lao Xu scolded.