City Favorability Value System

Chapter 752:

Ever since-

He even reluctantly agreed to the request of the three senior sisters.

"By the way... is it just the three of you?"

"Where are Eun Fei and Xu Li?"

"Don\'t you call them two?"

Lin Fan remembered the absurdity of meeting with the Modu team last time, and mentioned the two female teachers who were not present.

A family, of course, must be neat and tidy! !


"The two of them are teachers, we dare not ask!"

"How about... after you come, look for it yourself?"

Zhao Yingying curled her lips, intending to flick Lin Fan over first.

As for the instructor teacher and the instructor of the leg play year~

Then naturally it will be handed over to Lin Fan to solve it by himself!

"OK, I\'ll be there later, you guys go back and put on your own makeup first!"

"Yeah, I\'ll see the Devil Jiaotong University later."

"We are waiting for you~"


"Did you finish the call?"

As soon as Lin Fan hung up the phone, the clear voice of the peerless beauty Mu Yanran came from behind.

0·········Ask for flowers····


"How about the lesson you just overheard?"

Lin Fan turned around and looked at the Peerless Beauty in front of him with his arms folded.

If you don’t learn well, you want to eavesdrop on the phone. This time, do you know if it’s wrong?

"Humph!" Mu Yanran snorted coldly. Shi Shiran sat on the sofa and asked crisply, "You will go out later?"

"Yingying, Tingting, and Yifei are all looking for you? Or are Xu Li and Enfei also there?"

Last time Lin Fan went to the five-member squad of Modu Jiaotong University, so Peerless Beauty had met five people.

Of course... it\'s just awkward when we meet.

Because... it was just not long after that.

"Currently there are only three senior sisters. As for the two teachers, I have to contact again."


Lin Fan shrugged and explained the current situation.

Hearing this, Peerless Beauty nodded, got up and carefully helped Lin Fan adjust the collar, cuffs, buttons and other small details.

After finishing the arrangement, Mu Yanran offered her own fragrant kiss.



After a long time, Mu Yanran blushed and said softly: "Go to Yingying and the others. I am here."

Because during this period of time, she was ridiculed by Sick Beauty, Younia and others, the mentality of Peerless Beauty has changed a little.

She... but now the old lady and mistress of a three-story villa.

Not only is responsible for certain things, but also responsible for maintaining the harmony of Lin Fan\'s harem!

This... is her current experience.

Of course, even without her maintenance, Lin Fan\'s current harem seems to be fine, quite harmonious.

"Well, then I\'m leaving."

"You... don\'t be crazy with Jiaoyang and Younia."

"By the way...Don\'t play tricks on the three newcomers Meimei, Yunqing, and Jiamin!"

After saying this, Lin Fan took the blue and white porcelain version of Ferrari\'s car key and left the three-story villa.

The blue and white porcelain version of Ferrari was finally repaired after many days of repairs.

So... Lin Fan wants to drive out to see if there are any unnecessary changes.


"Tsk tsk, the surplus of the old lady is cowhide."

"I\'m here! The protagonist is full of spirits!"

"Envy Yanran."

Lin Fan just walked on his front foot.

Li Yinfei, Li Wanrong, Wu Yunqing and others ran out to tease Mu Yanran. .

Chapter 487: Liu Miaomiao! You are playing with fire! (Seventh more! Please order the whole thing!)


Faced with the ridicule of Wu Yunqing, Meng Jiaoyang, Li Yinfei and others, Mu Yanran ignored it, but frowned instead.

She always felt that she seemed to have forgotten something.

"Jiao Yang...Did we forget something?"

After thinking for a long time, Peerless Beauty couldn\'t find the answer, she could only ask the sick beauty next to her.