City Favorability Value System

Chapter 749:

Hearing the phone ringing, Lin Fan patted Peerless Beauty\'s little **** and asked.

"Obviously it\'s your cell phone ringtone, you still ask me?"

"You made it clear that--"

Mu Yanran glanced around at Meng Jiaoyang, Li Wanrong, Wu Qiying and others who were playing with her eyes, and swallowed the words that came to her mouth abruptly.

She dare to say that if she said that Lin Fan Chunxin was eating her tofu here.

In minutes, the others will continue to tease themselves.

This is the result of Peerless Beauty summing up the painful experience and lessons of the past. .

Chapter 485: Senior sister wants to eat bird\'s nest? ! (Fifth more! Ask for the full order!)

On the campus of Modu Jiaotong University, three beautiful girls are sitting together, staring at their mobile phones during a call.

"Wow, that is Senior Sister Yingying, right?"

"Bah!! You don\'t spit and take pictures of yourself, so do you deserve to be called Senior Sister Yingying?"

"That is, even if you toad want to eat swan meat, why not look in the mirror first?"


"Sister Zhao Yingying, Senior Sister Feng Ting and Su Yifei from the Art College, the three of them are together. What are you going to do?"

"I don\'t know... maybe it\'s just a gathering of goddesses?"

"Envy, I also want to join 11..."

"Farewell, you have to go there for at least thirty times before you can join."


Zhao Yingying, Feng Ting, and Su Yifei simply ignored the comments made by the alumni.

Their attention now is all focused on the phone that is talking on the desktop.

"Answer the phone!"

"Why don\'t you answer the phone?"

"Could it be... Lin Fan is doing bad things?"

When talking about the word "bad thing", Feng Ting\'s face 11 was flushed.

As the first person in the trio to follow Lin Fan, Feng Ting knew Lin Fan quite thoroughly on certain matters.

Not answering the phone is generally not seen or busy for others.

For Lin Fan~

Probably it can be regarded as such.

However, what he is busy is something that can\'t be described in detail.

"Should not?"

Zhao Yingying glanced at the time on the watch, and spoke a little bit unconfidently.

In her opinion, it is only two or three o\'clock in the afternoon, Lin Fan has no reason to be busy with such things.

At this point in time, it\'s totally wrong!


"Oh, I just said it, you should let Yingying come when you make a call."

"My call, Lin Fan... I guess it might not answer it."

Feng Ting watched her nose, her nose and heart, and said silently.

"The phone hasn\'t gotten through yet, Tingting, are you starting to shake the pot now?~?"

"This is too real, isn\'t it?"

"And didn\'t you just say it? You connected the phone and asked him to come to school because you haven\'t seen Lin Fan for a long time. Why did you persuade you?"

Upon hearing Feng Ting\'s words, Zhao Yingying spit out angrily.

What has been said before, why is Feng Ting thinking about changing it now?

This-really enough!

"I am not—"

"The phone is on, answer it soon!"

Before Feng Ting finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Yifei.

I saw the phone that no one answered before, and it finally got through.


"Hello? Senior Sister Feng Ting?"

In the three-story small bungalow villa, Lin Fan frowned and said with his arms around the slender waist of the peerless beauty.

This... no one speaks after the phone call, it seems a bit messy, right?

"I\'m here! I\'m here!"

Just as Lin Fan was about to hang up and call, Feng Ting\'s voice hurriedly came.

"You... why did you have time to call me today?"

"Could it be... you miss me?"

"Or... do you want to eat bird\'s nest?"

Hearing Lin Fan\'s words, Li Wanrong, Younia, Mu Yanran, Meng Jiaoyang, Wu Qiying and others who were eavesdropping next to him blushed and gave a light sip, and they all retreated.

Want to eat bird\'s nest?

Lin Fan, can you be better! !

"What happened to the bird\'s nest?"