City Favorability Value System

Chapter 738:

Hearing Boba Ye Mei\'s words, Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin could no longer control themselves.

Losing his sanity, he exploded with a **** on the spot.

Okay, did we watch you try it out?

What do you mean when you say this now?

"I can\'t... only you can see me, I can\'t see you, right?"

" two planned to cheat me from the beginning?"

Ye Mei splashed water with her hands, hit Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin, and said quietly.

Hearing her words, the two women scratched their heads in a jealous manner.

Although this is true, everyone is a decent person. It is still a bit uncomfortable to expose it on the spot.


"Hurry up!"

"If you delay the time, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to eat dinner."

When she said this, Boba Ye Mei glanced at Lin Fan beside her playfully.

Perhaps in the ears of Shen Jiamin and Wu Yunqing, this so-called dinner is a genuine dinner.

But in the ears of Lin Fan and Boba Yemei, this so-called dinner was given another meaning.

For Lin Fan, the current hot spring bath for three women and one man, and even the present kiss scene hitting KISS, are nothing more than pre-dinner desserts for Lin Fan 610.


In fact, it has never officially started!


"You come?"

Wu Yunqing touched Shen Jiamin and asked with a serious face.


"You drag Yemei\'s water by yourself, do you still want to pit me?"

"no way!"

Shen Jiamin pushed Wu Yunqing towards Lin Fan\'s direction.

So far, legal loli do you still want to cheat people?

snort! ! no way!


Wu Yunqing was caught off guard and pushed so by Shen Jiamin that she almost drowned in the hot spring bath.

You know, apart from her age and voice, everything else is no different from Loli.


In terms of height!

The height of the hot spring bath is not dangerous to the three of Lin Fan, Ye Mei, and Shen Jiamin.

However, for Wu Yunqing, a legal loli, there is a certain degree of danger.

No way... Lolita is 1.5 meters, and the king overshadows the tiger.


"Puff chuff~"

Seeing Wu Yunqing seemingly drank a sip of hot spring water, Shen Jiamin and Ye Mei couldn\'t help laughing.

If this hot spring bath is clean, it\'s okay, just drink it.

But the point is, staying in the hot spring bath now, but there are four people!

Even if the hot spring bath has an automatic cleaning and automatic circulation system, drinking a sip of hot spring water will make your scalp numb!


"You still dare to laugh!"

The angry legal loli, a tiger pounce, directly rushed into Shen Jiamin\'s arms, and started arguing with her in the hot spring bath.

It seems that the legitimate loli is powerful and powerful, and seems to have the upper hand in the battle.


Actually, Wu Yunqing, who is a short height, is actually riding on Shen Jiamin first to gain the advantage.

Otherwise, I\'m afraid I will stop Shen Jiamin from pressing and kill him unilaterally.


"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

"If you make another 11, the hot spring water will be lost by you."

Lin Fan stopped the two after admiring the spring light from the two women\'s fight for a while.


Chapter 479 Aunt? Whisper? Ha ha! (Fifth more! Ask for the full order!)


Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin leaned softly on Lin Fan, thinking about dealing with each other.

There\'s no way. Although it\'s a bit troublesome and noisy, it can at least avoid the most important issue at the moment.

If you don\'t fight, you have to play with Lin Fan like Ye Mei.

Thinking of the 11 small actions when Lin Fan and Ye Mei kissed just now, Wu Yunqing and Shen Jiamin couldn\'t help but feel red and weak.

"Your careful thinking, don\'t you think I don\'t know?"