City Favorability Value System

Chapter 724:

Wu Yunqing is not surprised by Lin Fan\'s intimacy behavior.

After all.... There are just more intimate ones, still care about these?

The 471st chapter and Loli\'s charming ~ (fourth more! Please complete the order!)

After all.... There are just more intimate ones, still care about these?

"Hmm!" Wu Yunqing nodded obediently, expressing that she was really curious.

"Shen Jiamin saw something about me and Ye Mei in the office."


"What\'s the matter?"


At the beginning, Wu Yunqing hadn\'t reacted yet, thinking that Lin Fan\'s words were purely appetizing.

As a result, when she glanced at the playful expression on Lin Fan\'s face 11, she immediately reacted.

those things?

What can make Shen Jiamin panic like this...what else?

Thinking about what happened with Lin Fan just now, it seems that I can guess it.


"You...and Meimei...(ajab) also made friends?!"

"Is it even seen by Shen Jiamin?"

Wu Yunqing swallowed, her expression unbelievable.


Lin Fan nodded, leaned to her ear, took a bite of her earlobe, and smirked:

"The whole thing... is worse than you think."

"Shen Jiamin saw me studying with Ye Mei..."

Before Lin Fan finished speaking, Wu Yunqing, who turned her head shyly, covered her mouth.

"Stop talking!"

"I do not want to hear!"

"No, I don\'t want to listen!"

After Wu Yunqing interrupted Lin Fan, she clutched her head and squatted on the ground with a lovely appearance as if she didn\'t listen to the monk\'s chanting.

Lin Fan is already talking about this. If Wu Yunqing hasn\'t realized it, then she is not innocent, but stupid.

After all... she is not young anymore.

She... looks like a loli, but she is actually an out-and-out adult.

Even... an adult with the heart of a royal sister.

Therefore, Wu Yunqing understands all these things that should be understood!

Wu Yunqing never expected that the pure-looking Boba Yemei would be so unrestrained.

Even more unexpectedly, Lin Fan and Ye Mei were so bold.

This is the office of the chairman of Lehua Entertainment!

Here... but there are countless employees, are they not afraid of being bumped into?

No... In fact, they were really bumped into! !

At this moment, Wu Yunqing finally understood why Lin Fan said with such certainty that Ye Mei and Shen Jiamin would not be anxious just now.

All of this is good for a reason!


Seeing Wu Yunqing squatting on the ground drawing circles, Lin Fan couldn\'t help raising her horns, and hugged her.

"This... but you want to know, don\'t blame me!"

Lin Fan squeezed Wu Yunqing\'s chin and said with a smile.


Wu Yunqing blushed and sipped lightly.

She suddenly remembered that Lin Fan seemed to have locked the office door just now.

She didn\'t know why she had to lock up before, but now she understands!

What does Lin Fan want?


Wu Yunqing\'s originally flustered heart became more and more chaotic.

Me, Wu Yunqing, a group of panic.

Lin Fan looked at the legal loli in a hurry, did not speak, wrapped her hands around her slender waist, quietly enjoying this rare and beautiful time.

Wu Yunqing has come to her bowl, still wanting to run?


Isn\'t this a foolish dream?


When Lin Fan and the legal loli were charming.

In the Century Garden Villa area, Mu Yanran, Meng Jiaoyang, Younia and others are looking at the beauty in front of them sadly, at a loss.

This...what should I do with Song Lizhi from the Song family! ! ! .

Chapter 472: The Tragic Song Lizhi (Fifth! Seek the complete list!)