City Favorability Value System

Chapter 712:

"Kill the chicken with a sledge knife..."

Ye Cunxin curled his lips and said helplessly.

She said that her brain is quite painful now.

Thirty thousand mercenaries gathered in the imperial capital, I am afraid that something big will happen.


"not much!"

"If this is not the case, how can you kill the chickens and warn the others and warn the rest of the people under "Seven Nine Three"?"

Lin Fan picked the flowers and plants by the side of the road, smelled the scent, and added:

"Besides...there are not many mercenaries, how do you get people\'s attention?"

"Hua Xia is the tomb of mercenaries, you can\'t change it~"

Ye Cunxin:...


After listening to Lin Fan\'s explanation, the two female bodyguards knew what Lin Fan was playing.

He actually wants to kill three birds with one stone!

First, first clean up the Song family, a wealthy imperial capital who dared to mess around.

Second, by taking care of the power of the Song family, the imperial capital, to frighten the rest of the wealthy.

Third, after such a big battle, none of the mercenaries who came to China to do business could escape.

The tomb of mercenaries...Isn\'t it a vain name!

At this moment, An Ran and Ye Cunxin finally understood why Lin Fan didn\'t care about the request made by the other party.

After all... there is no need to fight against a group of dead people.


"Now you know what to do?"

Seeing An Ran and Ye Cunxin, Lin Fan said lightly.

"I know, let\'s get in touch with each other now."

"Hehe, black eat black, I like it!"

An Ran and Ye Cunxin said playfully, then glanced at each other and bounced away.

"Come out!"

"Sneaky, I knew you were hiding behind."

Lin Fan looked at the back of the two female bodyguards leaving, and said angrily.

Lin Fan, Ye Cunxin, and An Ran had long known about the fact that Mu Yanran, Lu Xueying, Li Wanrong, Meng Jiaoyang, Younia and others were hiding in the eavesdropping.

I just don\'t want to expose them!

"Yan Ran, you go out first."

The manager of the royal sister touched the peerless beauty and urged her to go out to the scapegoat.

Who is the first to go out at this time, it must be a scapegoat.

"You take the lead, if you don\'t go, I\'ll go?!"

Mu Yanran pointed to herself, her face speechless.

Seeing her reluctance, Lu Xueying put the target on Li Zhuoran.


Newcomers, new pork, this critical time is the time for newcomers to come forward.

Otherwise, how can the newcomer fit into the big family of three-story bungalows?

The shopkeeper Yu Jie found a reason for herself, so she pushed Li Zhuoran\'s back and pushed her out of the bushes.

Seeing this scene, Mu Yanran, Meng Jiaoyang, Li Wanrong and others were all stunned.

There are even such operations?



Li Zhuoran screamed and fell into Lin Fan\'s arms.

"Lin Fan, listen to me to explain!"

The 465th chapter offers a woman to ask for a living? ! (Fifth more! Ask for the full order!)

"Lin Fan, listen to me to explain!"

After the female agent barely controlled her balance, she immediately prepared to explain.

Just kidding, if you don\'t explain it clearly, it\'s easy to get rid of this black pot.

just in case--

Lin Fan wants to spank again, what should I do?

"I know it\'s none of your business, don\'t panic."

"You are a newcomer, and you haven\'t worried about doing this kind of thing!"

Lin Fan calmed Li Zhuo and then, looking at the bushes, said angrily: "Lu Xueying, when are you going to hide?"

"I just saw you push Zoran out."

Lu Xueying:...

The manager of Yujie thinks that this is too unlucky for herself, right?

Has this been seen by Lin Fan?