City Favorability Value System

Chapter 705:



Chapter 461 is for you to eat~ (first! Please order!)


"Lin Fan said that he would let him solve this matter by himself, without your intervention, so..."

"So I won\'t let you tell us, right?"

Before Ye Cunxin finished speaking, Mu Yanran interrupted angrily.

In her opinion, this fits Lin Fan\'s character very well.

Don\'t look at Lin Fan\'s usual amiable attitude, but in his bones, he is full of machismo.


Seeing that Peerless Beauty made up another wave of brains, An Ran and Ye Cunxin nodded quickly.

Nodding at this time is over!

If Mu Yanran knew that the whole thing couldn\'t get rid of her, she couldn\'t blame herself for death?

At that time...Isn\'t it the two of you who are unlucky?

So... An Ran and Ye Cunxin said, want to know who the real culprit is? !

Yes, please ask Lin Fan yourself, we will not say anything!

"Okay, hurry up and take care of what Lin Fan wants you to do!"

Mu Yanran waved her hand, signalling An Ran and Ye Cunxin to get out.

Hearing that, the two female bodyguards immediately caught the wind and fled here quickly.

Seeing their backs quickly leaving, the sick beauty frowned.

Her instinct told her that it seemed that the whole thing was not that simple.


Just now An Ran and Ye Cunxin looked at Mu Yanran frequently?

Could it be that the real murderer behind the scenes has something to do with Yanran?

This thought came up in the sick beauty\'s mind, and the more she thought about it, the more correct she felt.

It\'s really possible to have something to do with Mu Yanran!


When An Ran and Ye Cunxin were blocked by Mu Yanran and Meng Jiaoyang.

In the basement, the balance that Lin Fan and Li Zhuoran deliberately maintained was finally broken.


Li Zhuoran had been **** for a long time, her hands and feet were a little numb, and she was careless for a while, and her whole body fell on Lin Fan.

"Are you impatient?"

"Or... urge me to hurry up and do things quickly?!"

Lin Fan teased Li Zhuoran in his arms playfully.


Hearing his ridicule, Li Zhuoran gave a shy sip.

Throw in your arms?



Obedient-I\'m obviously numb in my hands and feet, causing weakness in my hands and feet, okay!

Why can you associate so much?

In the same nine years, Ru He Xiu!


"Can you... let me go?"

" hurts!"

Li Zhuoran blinked his big watery eyes, raised his head and looked at Lin Fan and said.

Hearing this, Lin Fan thought for a long time, then silently shook his head.

Seeing him shaking his head, Li Zhuoran wanted to turn his face on the spot.

You are not going to agree, why do you have to think for so long?

Do you know that if you do this, it is easy to give others an illusion!

"You are too dangerous, An Ran, Cun Xin, Yan Ran will not allow me to release you~"

Lin Fan rubbed his hands on Li Zhuoran\'s beautiful back, and said lightly.

Hearing his words, Li Zhuoran raised his head.

She always felt that Lin Fan seemed to be suggesting something.

"Then... how can you release me?"

"Or, how can I be considered not dangerous?!"

After thinking for a long time, Li Zhuoran asked these two very important questions.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled, leaned down, leaned to her ear, and whispered:

"It\'s very simple, I\'ll give you something to eat~"

Li Zhuoran:? ? ? w(Д)w