Nether King's Genius Wife

Chapter 375

Mu Yuxi is playing what attention, Mu Yun does not know, her body was dragged to where, she does not know, Mu Yun now only know, heat, heat die an immortal board!!

"What kind of fire is this!" Mu Yun is going crazy. No, it should be said that she has gone mad. She has used all the methods she can use, but the fire in front of her can't be put out at all.

In this case, she also understood that these fires are not ordinary goods!

Magic weapon, this NIMA, she met magic weapon again!!

In modern times, magic weapons are as rare as the national treasure panda. Only a few of them are still in the world. They are either offered by other schools or sealed in the state's ability group.

They have three magic weapons in the Heavenly Master gate, so they are all numerous.

But these three kinds of magic weapons, said to be magic weapons, are also magic weapons, but those functions Not to mention it, chicken ribs.

Where is the magic weapon she is now so fierce!!!

It's just eggs and stones.

"If you can't go out again, you're going to hang up here." Mu Yun is worried. Even if she is not worried, her forehead is full of sweat. The fire is hot!

Maybe she would have died of heat before she was burned to death by the fire.

Mu Yun is holding the Linglong tower, and has attached a boundary around her with spiritual power. If it had not been for this, she would have hung up long ago. Where can she still hold on to now.

She has been walking in this fire for a long time, or she has no clue. I can't understand the mystery of these fires. What is this? Gossip? Or what kind of formation??

But she looked for a long time, did not see a name.

This fire is not one by one, but in clusters. When one cluster goes out, another rises again, there is no rule at all.

Mu Yun does not know how long she has been walking in the fire. Her eyes are going to be spent looking at the fire in front of her. She looks up at the top of her head, which is a dazzling piece of gold.

Flash eyes are going blind.

There is no solution at all, no exit, OK!!

Mu Yun herself is a little discouraged, but she knows that this is her own impetuous, all things in the world, nothing is a dead end, only their own can not see through.

She just can't see through

Mu Yun fan took a step forward, "Shua" sound, there was a fire gushing out from the ground, burning in front of her eyebrows, before Mu Yun would instinctively retreat, but now, she even did not retreat, not a little panic.

After all, it's fire to step back, and fire to move forward.

A dilemma

In this fire, Mu Yun did not know how long he had gone From the beginning of vigilance, to do not accept life, do not believe, to find the exit, struggle, disappointment Wait Until now decadence.

Mu Yun doesn't know how long she can hold on, but her exhausted body tells her that she is not far away from despair

"Oh." Mu Yun chuckled.

She really didn't expect that she was going to die again so soon. What's more, she didn't kill any of the people who framed her and those who had harmed her. Instead, she was about to be killed by them now

Mu Yun, Mu Yun, after all, you underestimate the enemy. If you think you have more skills than others, you can torture them slowly. However, if others don't, you will be killed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!