Nether King's Genius Wife

Chapter 328

"What? Third lady? " The servant girl was very surprised. However, looking at Mu Yuxi with joy, she didn't respond. She immediately raised her hand to the servant girl. The servant girl immediately understood it and quickly came again.

"Sister Huanxi, you're joking. The third miss can't do anything and nothing. Why should she climb on our young lady's head, ah! What's the reason for that? "

Sure enough, the servant girl not only spoke long enough this time, but also improved her tone. As expected, she got a little attention that could not be checked by muyuxi.

Happy immediately strike while the iron is hot, chasing: "yes, what is muyuyao, we can not know, ah, unruly, unruly, ignorant, these years, if not rely on Aunt LAN to help her, she would not have made many mistakes, the master is afraid to hit all killed her."

Seeing that she didn't respond again, she was glad to say, "that's to say, the third lady is a good mother. Otherwise, in my opinion, the third miss is not as good as the eldest one."

Sure enough, Mu Yunxi's three words came out, just like what kind of dog bone, immediately caused Mu Yuxi's reaction.

Happy slightly curled her lips, this NIMA's whether or not this ah, so interested in her name, so sensitive, she should thank or thank you!

"Recently, we have paid little attention to the affairs of the Mansion because of the affairs of the young lady. You don't know. Today we went out and learned a big thing." Joy said the mystery, but the words are completely in the window of the rain Xi said, not mysterious at all.

"Sister Huanxi, I heard the noise in front of me yesterday. What happened in the past two days? Can you tell me? Is it related to the three young ladies you mentioned just now The servant girl is really interested. Although she already knows what Huanxi wants to do, she has been worrying about muyuxi in the yard these days. Although she knows about muyuxi, she doesn't know it comprehensively.

After all, there's nothing wrong with the eight characters, and aunt LAN won't talk about it.

"You're just a smart guy." She laughed and joked, looked at the window of muyuxi, "you know, yesterday was noisy, it was aunt LAN back to the house, she went out to save a relative, you guess what, to save a son-in-law for the third miss!"

"What!! The third lady is going to get married The servant girl looked at the joyful gesture and raised the volume to the Muyu Yao in the window.

Sure enough, sitting there with the body of muyuxi, suddenly the whole person was stunned.

It seems that the emperor does not allow muyuxi to marry, but it has become a thorn in muyuxi's heart!!

"Yes, I'll just wait. In a few days, I'll find a matchmaker to hire him. I'll make an appointment first. " Happy finish saying, looked at Mu Yuxi, word by word slowed down the speed of the way: "or I say LAN aunt is powerful, three young lady a commoner, but do you know who she married?"?? She wants to marry and settle down in Jiangzhou, which is commonly known as anbancheng! Although it's a merchant's family, you know, the stairs are all made of gold, the floor is paved with white jade and stone, and everything is the best. It's said that those young ladies are not rare. They wear imported goods! Do you know what is imported? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!