Chains Of Heaven

Chapter 26 - Chapter25

As I look at the girl in my hands, how broken her eyes seemed before she passed away, that is something I can't just let go.

I may have a slight problem with helping those who seem broken, but I don't care. I was given a chance, a chance to make the life of others better and to help. I can heal people, help others from their difficult spots, so how can I simply turn a blind eye like everyone else does? It may be naive, in fact I am pretty sure it is, but I don't care about that.

I look to her profound veins, with some luck there might still be some way to salvage them.

I take a step closer but I sense an energy I am just too familiar with, it is the power of a Heaven Smithing Devil Sword.

How f.u.c.k.e.d up is this girl's father? To use a Heaven Smithing Devil Sword, don't he knows that injuries caused by them contain extremely corrosive darkness energy? There is no way I can salvage those profound veins anymore, not only that I have to hurry or even she herself will be impossible to save!

Dashing with all my speed to my residence I felt frustrated, the speed at which I am moving is much too slow to my tastest as the streets in that direction are too full and I can't yet fly to avoid the hassle.

Concentrating, I try and sense the flow of the people around, how they move and their rhythm, I navigate myself around them. It required me to pay attention to the flows of strength and motion within the entire crowd, avoid and move around what is in front of me to reach my destination.

It was weird, I could swear I could understand something from this act, as I continued to do so I began to feel like I was about to touch on something special, but I could not pay attention to it and, instead, I focused on maintaining this girl's condition as stable as possible. I used some Light Profound Energy I knew on her and it helped in stabilizing her condition and stop the blood flow.

Getting in my home I quickly began treatment, first using Profound Light energy to completely cleanse her body from the darkness profound energy corrosive ability. Honestly speaking I bet I could also create a similar energy quite easily or an even more pure Darkness Profound Energy, at a glance, I can see that this one is filled with too many impurities which are a mark that the original Heaven Smithin clan member was not that great, but I digress.

I would refuse to even consider using Darkness Profound Energy even if I really could (which as far as I know I can't and won't anyway) or even use a sword in general. The more different I am to those 'beings' the better.

Anyway, my treatment continued as the energy was dispersed away from her body. When this was done I then proceeded to use acupuncture to seal the blood vessels that lead blood to the areas that were more heavily damaged. After that, I created a medicinal paste from a five hundred years Ginseng, a Fairy Mountain morning dew, and the petals of a 360 petals Lotus. I use this paste on the wounds, that should help revitalize the area affected by the corrosion of that strike as well as heal any damaged nerves. With that done I have to take care of her anemia from blood loss, for that I use a Blue Blood Crysanthemum which is a great herb for blood regeneration.

I wait to see the results, but it doesn't seem to be enough. Her body temperature is still falling and her body is not responding as well as it should, it is like she has given up her will to live.

No choice then, even if she doesn't want to live anymore I want it so she will have to obediently listen and live on regardless. Pulling her up I put off the simple robes I have on, it was nothing much anyway so now I am only on my trousers, with that done I hug her close and share my profound energy and blood heat with her. This I am doing is similar to double cultivation, sharing the energy on one another's body to improve ourselves, even if in this case it is her that is getting most of all benefits. The physical contact is also to help on this transfer so we continue this for a while as I direct her stagnant energy and proceed to use her energy to digest the Blue Blood Chrysanthemum herb, making her body recover its energy.

I continued like that for the whole of the day and the night as well, I have had just left my last match of the day by the time I saw what happened so I have the time. I know that this expenditure of profound energy now will complicate things a bit and that I will need to take more care on the next round or just not hold back as much as I will not have the power to spare, but a measly tournament or some technique cannot match the value of a life that needs to be saved.


In the next day I turned to see that the sky was already up. I moved slowly, checking to see if she was okay and when I confirmed she was I decided to move.

I first moved away from her and put back my clothes. Finished that I moved to her and sent a pulse of profound energy in her body, waking her up.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

"How are you feeling?" I asked when she looked at me.

She just stared for a little while before speaking.

"I feel fine, a bit sleepy but fine." She said simply before tilting her head, her expression marred in doubt as she asked. "Who are you?"

"Me? I am Enkidu. I saw you getting injured yesterday and moved to help." I told her. "You are still recovering so I would recommend not doing anything strenuous for now."

She nodded before asking me something I certainly was not sure how to answer.

"Okay, so, who am I?"

... Well, I have decided. If I see her father in the future I will at the very least beat him to a pulp.

Moving to her I started investigating her body attentively, using my profound energy and everything else (including the library of Heaven's Path) I looked over her and I admit I have no clue what exactly was done to her that made this but her memories, part of her profound veins, and a part of her soul were taken away. She can only retrieve her memories and return to being whole if what was taken from her is returned back to her.

Now, I may not owe her anything, but I can well imagine that if I let her on her own things will definitely not end up pretty. She is admittedly beautiful and with no backing and no power, and in a city chock full with cultivators, I can tell that leaving her on her own will certainly not do her any good.

Sigh, I guess this can be seen as karma as well. I already started helping her, so leaving her now would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Besides, I noticed when using the Library of Heaven's Path that Cai'er has an innate constitution. It is still dormant but should she awaken and cultivate it she will certainly be a force to reckon with.

If I can convince her to help me saving others she would be a boom like few others. After all, she has a Soaring Immortal Physique, the fastest physique to the point of being called unmatched in the past and present, it is one that even Gods and Devils would envy.

And so, I decided to help her, or at least offer it.

If she will accept it is up to her.