CEO Sets Trap for His Wife


Hearing the girl's voice, Qin Mo's face immediately darkened.

He opened the door angrily, squinting at the man.

The one who delivered the goods, was not Ye Qianqian at all!

"Why is it you?" the man said angrily.

"Eh?" CEO Qin? " Tong Xiaoan pretended to be surprised, "So many women's clothes, could it be that you bought them?"

Behind her stood the two largest suitcases.

Needless to say, what was inside was naturally all of the clothes that Qin Mo had bought in one go.

"Where's Ye Qianqian?" The man gnashed her teeth.

He looked at the girl's shop. The models were actually Tong Xiaoan and Lang Ningning!


So what if I'm not in the mirror? Could she trick him?

"Qian Qian?" Tong Xiaoan shook her head: "I don't know."

"How could you not know that all these clothes belong to her?" Qin Mo said fiercely.

"En..." To be more precise, all of these clothes are Lang Ningning's. "

Taking the chance that Qin Mo was not completely out of control, the female detective quickly explained.

After Ye Qianqian left, because her life was difficult, she borrowed Lang Ningning's living expenses.

Of course, money was not enough, Ye Qianqian directly gave all of her expensive clothes to Lang Ningning as repayment.

In fact, Lang Ningning was not lacking in clothes either. On the spur of the moment, she opened a shop on the internet, and after showing off her figure, she started to do some small business.

As for Ye Qianqian, after receiving a living allowance, he lost contact with them.

Of course, these were all stories that Tong Xiaoan had fabricated together with him before she delivered the goods to him.

"Is that true?" Qin Mo still did not believe him.

"It's true!" Tong Xiaoan 'lamented': "Qian Qian is really poor, she can't even afford to pay rent. If it wasn't for Ning Ning helping her, she would have been sleeping on the ground under the bridge by now. "

The man's face was dark and he didn't say a word.

Indeed, he knew just how poor Ye Qianqian was.

Because she had left with Guan Zhe, at first Qin Mo was not worried about the girl's livelihood.

From the looks of it, it was already difficult?

Damn it! Wasn't she talking on the phone, telling herself not to worry?

So you exchanged those designer clothes for a living expenses?

He's already at this level, and he still won't show himself?

"Um, CEO Qin." Tong Xiaoan said softly, "Is your fiancee about to give birth to a baby?"

"Leave your things behind. You can leave now."

The man turned coldly away from her.

The female detective stuck out her tongue and laughed, "Remember to confirm your receipt on the internet. Thanks for your help!"

After exiting the courtyard, Tong Xiaoan suddenly took out her phone from her pocket.

"Qian Qian, did you hear it?"

"Listen..." I heard you. "

It turned out that their conversation on the phone had been heard by the girl.

Qin Mo really spoke very little!

He wanted to ask something, but to no avail.

Just that, in the past, Qin Mo seemed to be the same.

"Sorry, nothing." Tong Xiaoan said.

Because he was not Ye Qianqian herself, Qin Mo had no mood to waste words with the female detective.

When would he be a father?

How long would it take for Dai Er to have children?

Their Marriage Date...

In office number 2, Qin Mo looked at the two boxes of girls' clothes.


He only had Ye Qianqian's old phone number, so he called it, and it was still turned off.

Lang Ningning opened this shop?

What nonsense!

It was a female detective who delivered the goods.

Although he was confident, he also knew that he couldn't possibly follow a detective.

How could he find Ye Qianqian?

The man was in deep thought when his phone rang.

"Sir, madam... No, Miss Dai Er is not feeling well, do you think you should send her to the hospital? "

"Got it, I'll be right back."

Qin Mo stood up and dragged the two big boxes slowly towards the elevator.

He was not in a hurry, because this was the third time Dai Er was' unwell 'this month.

As long as Qin Mo was not at home for a long time, she would be 'sick'.

Out of a thousand lies, there might be one.

He did not want to make a joke out of his child's life, so he would rather fall for the trap and personally send Dai Er to the hospital for an examination.

"Qian Qian, how is it?"

Tong Xiaoan walked around outside for a long time. After confirming that no one was following him, she finally returned to the girl's residence.

"We've already confirmed the receipt."

He had clearly sold all the goods, but Ye Qianqian wasn't happy at all.

Qin Mo was almost caught by him.

Fortunately she had left first, and was almost blocked by Qin Mo on the stairs.

The girl laughed at herself.

So what if they met?

There was already a pregnant woman waiting to marry in his home, could she really follow him home?

After sending off Lang Ningning and Tong Xiaoan, she sat alone in a daze.

A lonely rented room, a lonely girl.

Suddenly, Ye Qianqian took out the old mobile phone card and quietly switched it with the old one.

Call him?

No, I just took a peek and did nothing.

His phone turned on again and rang.

Ye Qianqian was shocked.

It's Qin Mo!

Fortunately, it was just a text message.

"You'd better hide forever, and never appear again!"

Is he angry?

These were angry words? Or was it from the heart?

She wanted to call him, but she was afraid that she would hear Qin Mo's cold voice again.

"I'm sorry."

It was better to send a text message.

She was stunned after writing only three words.

What else could he say?

Ye Qianqian didn't even understand why she had to apologize.

It didn't seem to be her fault that Dai Er was pregnant?

Was it wrong to suddenly leave? So what if he didn't leave?

"Mo, let Auntie Bai rest well and recover quickly."

Finally, a text message was sent out.

In the next second, the phone rang.

It was Qin Mo!

Hang up! His phone was turned off! He replaced the card with a new one!

After finishing a series of actions, the girl's face was covered in tears from fright.

She shrank back into the quilt, shivering.

Excited? Happy? Scared?

I clearly thought I would be very happy today, being able to see Qin Mo from afar.

"Good little sister, what are you doing?"

It's Bai Ling!

Looking at the profile picture of "Her Lady Queen", Ye Qianqian laughed bitterly in her heart.

Auntie Bai, you still don't know that 'the highly indebted little girl' is me, right?

The 'good sister' that you speak of is also the girl that you can't accept the most.

[The little girl with a lot of debt]: "Elder sister, you need to rest more if you're not well …"

[Her Lady Queen]: "Eh? Could it be that he didn't want to chat with his sister? Speak, did your evil mother-in-law bully you again? "

Being asked like this by Bai Ling, the girl felt a little sour in her heart.

Bullying? Not really? She was just pushing her son to another woman.

[The little girl with a lot of debt]: "No, I'm beginning to understand. Grandma, she's not a bad person, she just loves her son too much. "

Bai Ling was stunned, and actually felt the same way.

That's right, as a mother, how could she not love her son?

[Her Lady Queen]: Then your daughter-in-law is on good terms?

[The little girl with a lot of debt]: "Yes, it's good."

He wouldn't meet again. Naturally, he wouldn't fight or quarrel. Could it be considered a form of harmony?

[Her Lady Queen]: "Good sister, the doctor said that I have recovered very well and will be discharged soon. Are you ready to meet me? "


Ye Qianqian opened her eyes wide.

What was going on? Bai Ling was coming to the Beijing City?