CEO Sets Trap for His Wife


"Little girl, I've already loaded everything onto the cart, but I really can't help you." The security uncle patted his right leg and laughed.

"No no no, I'm already troubling you!" Ye Qianqian said gratefully.

The security old man was a retired soldier. His right leg had been blown off in the middle of the drill, so it was difficult for him to walk.

He had helped Ye Qianqian quite a bit, not only did he find a handcart, he even carried over three hundred kilograms of equipment on it.

The girl pushed the cart alone, inch by inch.

After all, it weighed more than three hundred jin, which was equivalent to two grown men.

Ye Qianqian clenched her teeth and slowly pushed forward. It was business time, and the early winter sun was shining on the open space outside the company building. Only the girl was moving.

"Is that Qian Qian? "What's going on?"

Zi Yuan's secretary's office was by the window. She casually glanced outside and realized that the girl was actually downstairs in the empty space, dragging something with her as she slowly moved.

"Didn't she just get sick leave? Who let her work? "

Zi Yuan was enraged, and immediately thought of one person, Rongyue!

"Manager Rong!" Ye Qianqian's body is not well, why are you doing manual labor outside? " Zi Yuan went straight down to the Development Department on the second floor, asking Rong Yue herself.

"Do you need us to report to a secretary about our development?" Rong Yue coldly looked at her with disdain.

It was just a vase of women. Was it really that big of a deal?

Last time, Nangong Xin personally sent him home and even accompanied him in a soft voice for a good while!

In her heart, Rong Yue had already put herself on a level higher than Zi Yuan.

Nangong Xin's woman? Zi Yuan is not fit!

"Good!" Just you wait! "

Thinking about how Ye Qianqian was still suffering downstairs, Zi Yuan did not have the mood to argue with Rong Yue. She ran downstairs at a brisk pace, and from afar, she saw that the girl was actually sitting on the floor!

"Qian Qian, are you alright?" Zi Yuan anxiously ran over.

"Sister Zi Yuan?" The girl was stunned. "Why are you here?"

Zi Yuan helped her up from the ground without saying a word.

On the other hand, Ye Qianqian was fine, she was just a little tired. She originally wanted to squat for a while, but who knew that her legs would go soft and she would directly sit on the ground.

You're still talking!" Zi Yuan grumbled, "Are you stupid? Back then … "Why did you go against me in the first place?

Speaking of the past, Zi Yuan was still a little shy. But Ye Qianqian was bullied by others, of course she would not agree!

The girl stuck out her tongue and said, "I was wrong, good sister. Look, I've already pushed half of it. How about you help me push everything into the elevator?"

"Good!" "Help you!" Zi Yuan glared at her snappily as she placed her hands on the cart and exerted her strength together with her.

Rong Yue peeked out of the window on the second floor and noticed that the two women were working together to move the pile of equipment over. She was immediately angered.

"Zi Yuan? "You are but a vase. On what basis do you dare to fight with me?"

She picked up the phone and called the building's security office.

"Hello? Security? I'm the manager of the development department. There's something wrong with the elevator. Hurry up and stop the operation, call the technical staff to overhaul it! "

When the security person on duty heard the phone, he was stunned, "The elevator is malfunctioning? The alarm didn't ring. Could there be a mistake? "

Rong Yue said angrily: "Why are you saying so much nonsense? Stop when I tell you to! If the elevator fell down, would you be responsible for your death? Immediately overhaul it! "

"Yes yes yes, don't be angry, Manager Rong."

How could the security department dare to compete with the company's core technical department? They had no choice but to obediently stop the elevator. A few maintenance workers helplessly took out their toolkits and began to repair them layer by layer.

"What's going on? The elevator has stopped moving? " Ye Qianqian and Zi Yuan finally brought the cart to the elevator door, but they realized that both of the elevators in the building had stopped moving.

"Security? I'm Secretary Zi, why did the elevator stop moving? "

"Repairing it now. It will take two hours." The security department replied, "I'm sorry, Secretary Zi. Can I trouble you to take the stairs?"

Zi Yuan was startled. Take the stairs?

Don't tell me that I need them to carry something that weighs over 300 Jin up to the second floor?

"Sister Zi Yuan, wait a moment, I will go get someone to help me." Ye Qianqian quickly went up to the second floor and saw that Rong Yue was standing at the entrance, as if she was waiting for him.

The girl took a deep breath and said, "Manager Rong, the things are already downstairs, but the elevator is still being repaired. Can you call the male colleagues from the department to help move it?"

"No." "This is your job. It has nothing to do with anyone else."

This was her way of making things difficult for Ye Qianqian in the first place, how could she let others help?

If she couldn't stop Zi Yuan, wouldn't she be able to stop those subordinates of the Development Department?

Ye Qianqian returned to Zi Yuan's side, full of anger.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm fine." Ye Qianqian faked a smile and said: "Sister Zi Yuan, our colleagues from the Development Department will be here soon. Why don't you go back and rest first?"

"Really?" Zi Yuan was in disbelief.

Right away? Then why didn't they come down from the stairs with Ye Qianqian?

"Really? Look, you're already sweating. Go back and rest!" The girl hurriedly coaxed, "If Senior Brother saw it, you wouldn't be beautiful!"

"Oh, oh …"

Zi Yuan went upstairs in doubt, but when she passed by the Development Department on the second floor, she found that Rong Yue was looking at him with a cold smile.

Department for Development, would anyone really go down to help?

She couldn't help poking her head into the development department. Strange! Everyone was sitting in their seats, not moving at all. It didn't look like they were going downstairs to help!

"Aiya! This silly girl is lying to me! "

Zi Yuan came to her senses, it was embarrassing for Ye Qianqian to drag him down, was she planning to carry everything away by herself?

She immediately turned around and went downstairs. Coincidentally, she met Ye Qianqian, who was carrying a metal instrument, slowly climbing up the stairs.

"Qian Qian, you idiot!" Zi Yuan hurried forward and carried the equipment with her.

So heavy! At least thirty or forty pounds?

"Zi …" Sister Zi Yuan, you should go back first. They will come over to help you right away … "

"You're still lying to me!" Zi Yuan said angrily: "You're an idiot! Yueyue is a bastard! The staff of the Development Department are all cowards! "

Zi Yuan scolded as she worked with Ye Qianqian to barely move the first piece of equipment to the second floor.

However, the two of them had wasted so much energy, so they could only carry one item out. There were also three hundred jin of equipment downstairs. Some of them were big and would probably weigh over a hundred jin!

With just the two of them, could they really move all of these things?

"Where's Zi Yuan?"

Nangong Xin pushed open the door to the secretary's office only to find that it was empty. On the other hand, her phone was left alone on the desk.

Did he go to the toilet?

Just then, Guan Zhe called him, "Nan Gong, did you see Ye Qianqian? No one answered my phone call! "

"I'm looking for Zi Yuan, she's gone too." Nangong said in a daze.

He had a bad premonition.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I told you to take care of Ye Qianqian, you better not lose her! " Guan Zhe anxiously replied on the phone: "She's the future wife of my Old Guan Family!"