CEO in a fantasy world

3 Chapter 3: Breath of fresh air


Caesar stretched his limbs and yawned, he stood up slowly and looked at the blanket that was put on his shoulders. Caesar smiled and folded the blanket, he placed it on the table softly and then picked up the books that he hadn't finished yet and started making his way towards his room.


Caesar opened his door and placed the three books on his nightstand…



"Young master, the lord is out for a meeting and won't be back until tomorrow, would you like us to prepare lunch for you?"

"No thank you, Sebastian, I'll be going out"

"Going out? Where will you be going"

"To take a stroll outside and get a breath of fresh air"

"Very well young master I will prepare a carriage and some bodyguards"

"That will not be necessary, I will be going alone"

"Young master, you can't jus-"

"I will be fine Sebastian, I am not a child anymore"

"Very well…"

Caesar walked to his closet and picked a fairly plain outfit, after getting dressed Caesar walked out of his room and headed towards the front door.

Once he reached the door he saw Sebastian standing at the side, Sebastian nodded his head and opened the door.

"Have a safe trip young master"

"Thank you"

Caesar walked outside the door and could hear Sebastian's voice behind him.

"Remember to be home before dusk, you have dancing lessons"

"I will not forget"

Caesar walked through the gigantic garden and went through the gate. The guards that were stationed at the gate didn't have a change of expression as Caesar walked by them.

After Caesar got a far enough distance away from the manor he started observing the surroundings. "This world looks extremely similar to earth, however, its more…. fresh?"he thought inwardly as he was walking down the streets.

Caesar had very handsome looks and a noble aura around him so he was naturally the center of attention on the streets. He was used to getting attention so it didn't mind him much, he decided to take a shortcut towards his destination and walk through an alley.

Immediately two muscular guys blocked his path in front of him with sinister smiles on their face they said

"How about you give us all of your things brat, and make it fast"

I could smell his foul breath from here, I turned around to just walk away but another gangster blocked my path.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Caesar assumed something like this might happen, actually he wasn't mad that this happened he needed someone to test his new abilities on.

The gangsters started growing impatient due to Caesar's silence...

"Oi you bastard drop all of your sh*t and scram"

Caesar's eyes turned sharp, He stomped on the ground and rushed towards the single gangster that blocking his back path. He moved like a blur, the ground that his feet were on now had a small crater.

"What the Fu*k yo-"

The gangster he rushed towards let out a few words before Caesar kneed him in the gut, the gangster's body bent to a crescent shape, his eyes looked as though they were about to pop out of his head.


The gangster puked out a mouthful of blood and soon collapsed to the ground. The other two gangsters already knew Caesar was out of their league and started running away.

"W-w-were terribly sorry your Excellency, please spare us"

Caesar's expression didn't change as he once against stomped on the floor and reached the two gangsters in seconds, He kicked the smaller one into the wall. The gangster's body flew out like a rag doll before hitting a wall.


The leader of these three saw what happened and started sweating profusely, he knew running away was useless so he turned around and got on his knees.

"I'll give you anything so please spare me"

Caesar slowly walked towards the kneeling man with calm and steady footsteps until he was just a few inches away.

"You're quite skilled at mugging, I' presume you have done it a lot"

"N-n-no t-this was our first time"

"Don't lie to me you trash" A sharp glint appeared in Caesar's eyes as he insulted the kneeling man.

"I-i'm sorry your Excellency, your r-right we have done this a few times."

"If I let you go then I would need to take responsibility for all of the future people you mug would I not?"

"P-please sir, I swear we will not do it again. I have learned my lesson."

"I have eyes and ears everywhere, If I find out you mug another person I will personally end your miserable life"

"T-thank you for your grace, I swear I'll never do it again"

Caesar turned around and started walking away towards his destination. A sharp glint was soon shown in the gangster's eyes before he charged at Caesar with a knife he hid in his sleeves.


Caesar knew he had the knife the entire time, He shifted his body to the left and the knife passed by the area his body was… He grabbed the gangsters wrist and lifted it up before striking the man's gut with his other hand.


The punch penetrated the gangster's stomach and entered out of his back, the gangster's eyes were wide and confused. Caesar leaned towards the man's ears and whispered.

"I have no mercy for my enemies"

Caesar took out his fist from the gangster's body, the man collapsed right after... "How disgusting," Caesar said under his breath as he started rubbing the blood off on the bodies clothes.

After rubbing the blood off of his hands Caesar made his way to the outer gates of the city while contemplating "my body is quite strong however I still need to get used to the power" he didn't actually want to puncture the gangster, he just wanted to cause internal damage with his punch.

Caesar lifted his right hand and a bluish mist started coming out of it, his bodies mana was truly pitiful. Caesar learned the basic understanding of controlling magic however you need a large amount of mana to become a catalyst. Creating a chilly mist was already his limit.

"It would actually be wrong to call this the 'ice affinity' More like the 'freezing affinity'" Caesar thought to himself, the way the ice magic worked from his current understanding was that he can't actually create the solid of ice from nothing, however, he had to freeze the moisture in something to create the ice… The real mastery of magic was being able to manipulate your element not essentially 'creating' your element.

While thinking of his future path of magic he arrived towards the outer gates of the city, Caesar looked around and made sure no one was watching him or following him. He looked up and saw the gigantic city walls, Caesar crouched down and made a jumping motion.


The ground beneath him cracked and he flew up in the air, about 10 meters higher than the wall… while falling down Caesar contemplated "a bit too much force" he started falling down at a fast pace and landed on the ground kicking up quite a bit of dirt.


Caesar started waving his hand to get rid of the dirt in front of him after the dust settled he started walking to the forest, Caesar heard that after killing a beast they had a chance to drop a 'beast core' eating a beast core could potentially give you more mana. Caesar even brought the storage ring that he got a few days ago to store any beast cores that dropped.


Twigs broke under the weight of Caesar walking on them… he tried searching for animals but failed… "Sigh, I hope this wasn't a waste of time" After walking for about 30 more minutes.


The bushes behind Caesar started shaking, he looked behind him and started inspecting the shadow lying behind the bushes.




More and more bushes started ruffling around Caesar…. he furrowed his brows, there were a lot more than he thought. He couldn't even tell when they got here.

A head soon poked out, it looked like a white fox. More and more heads popped out, they had red eyes and seemed enraged.


They started hissing at Caesar with a bloodthirsty glint in their eyes. "Am I in their nest?" Caesar thought inwardly


One of the little foxes jumped at Caesar, he dodged quickly and grabbed the fox out of the air. The other foxes soon got enraged at the sight of one of them being grabbed, they all started rushing at Caesar.

"This isn't good" Caesar threw the fox in his hands away and started rushing away… Contrary to his expectations the foxes kept chasing after him. Although the white foxes bodies were small they were actually quite fast, there was around 20 of them chasing after him.

Caesar abruptly stopped and turned around to face the Foxes… Running away would only tire him out and once he was tired he would surely die. Caesar reached for two medium length branches and held them tightly in each hand.

The white foxes once again circled Caesar, it seemed they did have some intelligence. Caesar raised the branches in his hands and entered into a fighting stance.


Three foxes jumped at him at the same time, Caesar ducked and dodged the first one. He thrust both of his branches in the eyes of the other two. The other one he dodged was still in mid-air after the other two were stabbed, Caesar retraced one of the branches and swung it down on the fox.


The sound of three bodies falling at the same time sounded out, "what just happened it felt like everything went into slow motion" Caesar thought inwardly. What felt like 8 seconds to Caesar was only about 1 second to the foxes.

The foxes circled around Caesar clearly enraged at their brethren's death, this time they all attacked at once. Caesar kept striking out as fast as possible however the sheer numbers soon overwhelmed him.


The foxes nails penetrated Caesar's shoulders, Sweat fell down his forehead. Caesar starting gritting his teeth at the pain… His movements never stopped, striking the foxes 1 after 1. Caesar soon entered a daze, he was unconsciously attacking.

Soon an unbearable soreness attacked Caesar's body and he woke up from his daze, bloody bodies littered the ground. Caesar body had quite a few wounds however his body was clearly overexerted.

Caesar looked around confused before he saw a few glowing circles amongst the bodies, "beast cores!" Caesar muttered out, he walked towards the beast cores and stored them in his ring. Caesar started limping away from the bodies until a huge hunger arose within him… no, a thirst?

He felt a pain in his mouth, his fangs started growing Caesar looked at the bodies behind him and had an urge to go suck their blood. Caesar limped back to the bodies of the foxes and sunk his teeth in their bodies.


A delicious taste filled Caesar's mouth, he moved on to the next corpse, "it's not enough" Soon all of the corpses were sucked dry. The wounds on Caesar's body started closing at a visible pace.

A message soon ran in Caesar's mind

[Vampire Physique evolution progress: 1%]