CEO in a fantasy world

20 Chapter 20: Mission


Caesar was gasping for breath while sweating profusely, the knight's of groups 1-5 were all sprawled on the ground with pained expressions.

[Noble physique evolution progress: 6%]

A smiled suddenly bloomed on the exhausted Caesar's face, "this progress is quite fast but it seems like I will have to stop here for today" Caesar thought to himself while looking at all of the knights on the ground.

"Good work, the training session is over for today. Meet back here at the same time tomorrow"

Caesar said in a loud voice before walking over to his torn off shirt and draping it over his shoulder. Caesar walked back into the kingdom with slow steps "every time I get an increase in my physique my thirst goes out of control" he thought inwardly as he walked back to his manor.

The mana from beast cores and blood from beasts were beginning to not be able to calm his desires, Caesar passed by a noisy pub.

"Heh heh, I didn't think you were such a beauty under that hood"

"Are you supposed to be her guard?"

Caesar perked up his ears and got a little curious so he peeked through the pub door, inside the pub was a hooded girl and a slim build middle-aged man. They were currently surrounded by 5 or so drunkards with sinister grins.

Caesar was expecting the two in the middle to be fearful but contrary to his expectations they were very calm. Caesar tried sensing the mana of both of them but was stopped by something. "Something is stopping me from sensing their mana?" Caesar could not help but become more and more curious about these two.

The man leaned down and whispered something in the girl's ear, "Empress, someone is trying to detect our capabilities" The girl looked up in shock "is there a master among these drunkards?"

"It could be that man we saw two weeks ago if so, that would be our bad luck"

"I wanted to leave sooner but we still haven't completed our mission"

Unbeknownst to the two, Caesar was carefully reading their lips from outside the pub door. Caesar stroked his chin in contemplation "He referred to her as empress, and they have a mission in our small kingdom?"

Suddenly the girl's voice called out in an arrogant tone "hmph, show these ants their place". The middle-aged man nodded and took out a saber, he whispered "to lay your filthy eyes on the empress means death"

As the middle-aged man was about to strike down with his sword a fierce killing intent erupted behind, He turned around slowly and saw a tall man without his shirt tilting his head while smiling

Caesar opened his lips and said, "who are you to be the judge and executioner in my kingdom?"

The middle-aged man frowned "They were clearly up to no good, I was merely giving them deserving punishment"

Caesar took a step forward as his smile widened "you didn't answer the question"

The girl in the robe suddenly put her hand in front of the middle-aged man and took a step forward "These scum do not need a qualified judge nor executioner, we are simply getting rid of the waste in the world. You should thank us" she said in an arrogant tone

Caesar's steps abruptly stopped as he muttered "it has been a long time since someone has spoken so arrogantly in front of me"

If the knights were here and looked at Caesar's eyes they would surely piss their pants and ran away. Caesar took another step forward "I truly hope you have the strength to back your arrogance, otherwise, it will be boring"

Caesar launched off the ground and rushed towards the middle-aged man, he formed a sword made out of ice while in mid-air and slashed down at the man.


The man barely lifted his sword above his head and cracked the ice, Caesar didn't stop his attack and formed another sword out of ice in his left hand and stabbed at the man's heart. As the sword was about to penetrate the middle-aged man a bluish flame collided with the ice and melted it immediately.

Caesar frowned and jumped back a few feet… The people in the pub just now reacting to what happened all rushed out of the door as quickly as possible.

Caesar looked at the girl that had taken her hood off and the hand that had dancing blue flames resting on her palm. The girl had long flowing purple hair and yellow eyes, but the most noticeable feature she had was the two fox ears on top of her head.

Caesar smiled slightly "that's an interesting affinity"

"Hmph, now that you have seen this form you must die," the girl said as she raised her hand and shot out a blue flame.

Caesar squinted his eyes and kicked a nearby table towards the girl, once the table and fire collided the table immediately was burnt to dust, however, the fire also vanished at the same time.

Caesar suddenly laughed out loud "haha, I finally have a chance to use this ability" Suddenly Caesar's eyes started glowing an especially dark crimson and a black mist erupted from the palms of his hand.

Both the middle-aged man and the girl immediately felt the evil from that black mist, the middle-aged man looked at the girl and roared "Do not get touched by it!"

Caesar rushed towards the middle-aged man, he launched himself from the ground and was in midair. The seeing that he was in mid-air the girl raised her hands and shot another ball of blue flames at him. Caesar raised his right hand and froze the water molecules in the air to form a shield like object to block the flames.

As Caesar got closer the middle-aged man swung down with his sword at the same time the flames collided with the ice, Caesar barely shifted his body to dodge the man's strike. Caesar then lifted his knee and hit the middle-aged man's wrist


The saber was knocked away and landed on the ground. This short exchange may have felt like 10 seconds but actually only transpired within 3 seconds!. Caesar walked slowly to the now disarmed man and smiled "I wonder what your mission is to make you travel all the way to this small kingdom up in the north?"

"You would not understand even if I told you," the man said sourly

"I see, that's too bad," Caesar said as he raised his right hand that was oozing black mist and edged it closer and closer to the man's face. Fear showed in the man's face but he bit his lips and closed his eyes.

"Oh? This man's will is actually quite strong" Caesar thought to himself as his hand almost reached the mans face a girl's crisp voice sounded out.


Caesar turned his head to see an extremely flustered and hesitant looking girl… "I-Ill tell you what we came here for j-just please don't kill my uncle," she said with tears threatening to fall from her eyes

Caesar stopped moving his hand and looked at the girl... "Well, I don't have all day I'm all ears"

The girl bit her lip and said "Promise me you won't hurt my uncle If I tell you"

"You are in no position to make demands but I suppose I'll entertain you, I promise that I will not hurt nor kill your uncle if you tell inform me of your so-called mission"

The girl nodded and closed her eyes "I am the empress of the kitsune tribe and will hold the full authority of my clansmen once I complete my mission" She suddenly opened one of her eyes to see if Caesar was impressed but all she saw was his dead-pan expression

"Ahem" the cleared her throat while blushing a little bit and continued "our tribe is one of the weaker tribes in the dark continent because our fighters are hot-blooded and foolish, so my father gave me a mission to travel to the human kingdoms to find a strategist for our tribe"

Caesar nodded his head in understanding and asked: "so this guy over here is not human?"

"He is apart of our tribe however my uncle didn't inherit enough of our bloodline to grow ears or a tail"

"I vaguely understand, however, why choose Rahvin kingdom?"

"My father said that he got a revelation from our clan ancestor telling us to go here"

"Wow that was a lot less interesting than I thought" Caesar could not help but exclaim out loud

The girl started visibly shaking in rage "well sorry for not being interesting, I told you why we're here can you let us go now!"

Caesar stood up and walked towards the girl "what is your name?" he asked inquiringly…

"My name is Ahri"

"I'm afraid your misunderstanding something Ahri, I told you that I would not hurt your uncle but that doesn't include you"

He paused for a second as he walked closer "all of this fighting has gotten me quite thirsty you see"


Every step he made she took a step back until she hit a wall. Caesar closed the distance between them and pinned her against the wall.

"W-w-what are you doing, i-if my father hears of this he will w-wipe your kingdom out"

"I'm not too worried about it, if the rest of them are like you they will have no chance of penetrating my kingdom walls," Caesar said in a mesmerizing voice as he blew hot breath on her neck

"Y-you pervert" Ahri's face grew red as a tomato.

Caesar moved his head down to her neck and his fangs grew longer, Ahri tried struggling but Caesar put his knee in between her legs.


His fangs penetrated her neck as he slowly drained the mana in her blood. Ahri's struggling body soon went limp and she also started breathing heavily and slowly. Caesar opened his eyes wide in surprise, this was the richest mana he had ever tasted before.

Caesar sucked Ahri's blood greedily for about 15 seconds before he regrettably parted ways with it.


Caesar looked down at the girl that fell to the ground mumbling indecipherable things, "I'm surprised she lived through me sucking all of her mana out" he thought to himself as his gaze traveled down to the floor and noticed a small puddle of liquid.

"Haha" Caesar chuckled gently before walking away slowly.

After he walked out of the pub he could barely hear a faint but feminine roar from inside

"Y-you must take responsibility you bastard!"

Caesar continued walking away and wiped the blood that flowed down his chin off and smiled… "I don't know if I can go back to beast cores after that richness, maybe I'll make her my personal blood bank haha"

[noble physique evolution progress: 8%]