Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 46

The opening of the new expansion means that players have to complete a long series of pre tasks. If the task fails, it may push the whole game process to a point where there is no way to control

The discoloration of the background of the official website of Star Wars soon spread among a group of players, and one stone aroused thousands of waves!

In the past, when several expansion films were opened, the official website always waited for the moment when the player\'s task was completed to change the skin color. Now, the task process is only 3%, and people can\'t wait to celebrate the advent of the new expansion film... Is it too urgent?

Make complaints about cough, of course, these are just a group of Tucao who are not accustomed to the game player. More people are concerned about what changes and blood vitality the new expansion will bring to the game, and what is the specific content of the new expansion!

Needless to say, according to the tear and force quarrel video broadcast live on the forum, it can be determined that NPC [Su Jiameng] is the main person of this new expansion, or the person who occupies a very important part! Then contact the name of the new expansion... The return of the king

Many players who have been plagued by Su Jiameng shudder. Although the game is against the sky, Su Jiameng, as the only NPC, should have been buried in the tragic siege long ago? Is it difficult that this one is alive again in the new expansion?

Moreover, the name of the new expansion is "the return of the king"! Throughout the whole star wars, there are countless excellent NPCs, but the most vivid person is Su Jiameng... Does the official "King" imply this woman?

With the increase of game progress and tasks, Su Jiameng\'s life story has been spelled out like a puzzle by players. Many players believe that the original betrayal should be hidden... Even a great conspiracy!

After all, more than one high-level NPC mentioned it in the mission. They believed in the former comrade in arms or officer. They felt that the original judgment of the alliance was too abrupt and fast to give people reaction time. Moreover, Su Jiameng didn\'t defend himself. They didn\'t have the right to speak at that time, so they couldn\'t help the forced sister.

Not long after su Jiameng was surrounded and killed, several textual research party players collected various famous NPCs, and then thought about it carefully. They thought that the role design of Su Jiameng was very interesting. The official should have a backhand. Maybe she would be involved in a big case

At that time, it caused many players to debate, and then it ended.

Now the prophecy has come true. Su Jiameng is indeed related to the new expansion, and the original debate post has been dug up by good people.

Looking back at this post many years later, we feel that what the landlord said is very reasonable. We even began to guess the pre task and content of the new expansion around this post... It seems that we can see through the funny heart under the official high cold surface.

There was a lot of noise on the forum until a player shouted, "stop it, look at the official website!"

So, a group of people temporarily stopped their brain holes and ran to the official website. Now the official website is not what it used to be. The theme of the page is repressed red and black. The background is a piece of ruins, war and scattered accumulation of Zerg corpses.

In the distance of the picture, there is a man in a black cloak walking in the wind, leaving a line of mottled blood footprints on the way. Because she is facing away from people, people can only judge her as a woman by her body shape. As for the identity of this person, it is also very easy to guess.

It seems that the wind is too strong. The other party\'s right hand is raised to hold the left shoulder to keep out the wind. It can be seen that her exposed fingers are wrapped with mottled bandages. Her cloak is broken, and the same bandage is wrapped around her exposed feet.

What really determines her identity is that there is a residual knife on the ground near the picture, and the word "Yongping" is engraved on the handle.

In addition to this, two clumps of flames of different colors were lit on the left and right sides at the bottom of the page, with two crossed laser particle long swords in the middle.

Although the new expansion takes out very few dry goods, players also analyze a lot of things. For example, many players speculate that after the end of the pre mission and the opening of the new expansion, the military is likely to tear up the surface of peace and start dividing camps.

Su Jiameng was cannon fodder under the struggle between the two camps of the military. He was wronged for decades. Finally, he was surrounded and killed by the coalition military. The title of the expansion film is "the return of the king". I want to wash away her grievances and overturn the case to clear the charges.

However, players familiar with Star Wars know that although Su Jiameng is the cannon fodder of the struggle between the two military systems, she is also the last layer of shame on the surface of their peace. If she overturns the case and the charges are washed away, it also means that the two military systems completely tear their faces!

Star Wars is a very rigorous and real game. The direction of everything and tasks is based on logic. Sometimes, some players even feel that they are not playing games, but really participating in the life of these NPCs!

As the saying goes, what you fear comes from what you fear. The front task of the new expansion is really to overturn Su Jiameng\'s case. After the new expansion is opened, many battlefields that Su Jiameng has been to will be opened, and related tasks will be opened, and even other interstellar intelligent races

Of course, all this is based on the successful completion of the pre task. Players have to face the power suppression of a military department!

When they forced a major general with a bright future to that point, they didn\'t intend to let the man get rid of the crime.

Now that people have been dead for so many years, it\'s time for things to pass. How can they allow players to expose the dirty things they have done and shake their reputation among the masses?

In the previous expansion, players fought with Zerg, family NPCs, PVPS and gangs... Everything, but they didn\'t fight with the alliance military headquarters representing justice in the game background!

"There is no cramp in the brain of Star Wars? Unexpectedly playing infighting?" players all know that the whole alliance is now a domestic and foreign invasion, and now there is a secret struggle between the two factions of the military, NIMA... Is this the rhythm of playing star wars?

"Isn\'t this normal? It is estimated that the new expansion will open other interstellar intelligent biological alliances, and the map will only become larger and larger. Don\'t limit your eyes to a human Alliance..." since it is an interstellar game, the background should be so atmospheric!

"In other words, if this game continues to play, will the Zerg camp finally emerge?" a player joked, but he didn\'t expect that his joke will come true many years later. The Zerg camp really emerged on the unscrupulous official website!

Players are in a mess because of this matter, and the dialogue in the tavern continues. Countless players still pay attention to the progress here.

The man who claimed to be Xiaomeng\'s son asked him why... Hehe, Han Yeming looked a little heavy and seemed to be thinking about how to answer a series of questions... Each question was heavy and sharp. He tortured his heart in the dead of night.

Regret? Han Yeming has never regretted it. Even if he suffers again in his heart, he will not regret it. Even if time goes back, he will make the same choice, because he has no room for regret

Protect the poor children left by his dead wife, or to protect the former green plum with different positions for a moment? He is just an ordinary man who wants to protect his family, so he makes a choice that ordinary people will do

To be fair, he didn\'t think his choice was wrong, but his behavior... Really hurt people. He is not only weak but also incompetent. He can save himself and his family... He can only do it by selling his comrades in arms and green plum... Even his current status

Without his original knowledge, he could not climb to his present position. So it\'s normal for her son to hate him.

"Why? Maybe at that time... I was the most suitable person to stab her? I did hesitate, but hesitation could not shake my choice. I didn\'t know what she did after she left the league. Later, I knew, and I didn\'t have a chance to apologize."

"For me, for many people, it is a firm fact that former major general Su Jiameng has betrayed the alliance. What is the inside story? Is it still meaningful to investigate it now? The alliance is really sorry for her, but so what?"

"Do you know what it means to become a king and defeat an enemy? If her military department wins, she, a hero who bears humiliation and bears heavy burdens, will become the eternal pride of the alliance. But the reality is that she lost, so she will remain infamous for thousands of years... Young man, your brother came here to get justice for her?"

If they are players, they will find that the name on Han Yeming\'s head has turned red. It\'s a red name monster!

Some players smell something wrong. When they want to leave the tavern, they find that there are fully equipped soldiers lying in ambush outside.

"Because I was wrong at the beginning, I can only go wrong step by step... I\'m sorry for your mother and the companion who trusts me very much, but... I have no choice... I can only go wrong. If you see Xiaomeng on the way to hell, remember to apologize for me..."

As a result, the players of the whole tavern were frightened and found that the whole tavern had become a special map, and all kinds of goods could not be used at all. Your excellency Han Yeming, the general of the league, has started the vendetta mode. The opponent is the four NPCs

The forum players who watched the live broadcast were dumbfounded and lying down. What is the rhythm of this God? I thought Han Yeming would make an affectionate apology when he saw his ex girlfriend\'s son. Everyone held hands and shook hands to make peace and work together to overturn the case!

And now? He deserves to be the number one man on the Star Wars scum man list. His scum and ruthlessness have reached the peak!

They also wondered why the lieutenant general didn\'t let several NPCs talk to the military headquarters, but condescended to come to the bar

Nima, are you afraid they won\'t take the bait and just use themselves as bait? What a scum! Many fellow writers\' brain holes are wide open to prepare another wave of brain holes of slag abusing men! Scum man doesn\'t die, Jihad doesn\'t stop!

Huaixi is not a vegetarian. Early in the morning, they found something strange around the tavern. The four people entered the fighting state one after another. The whole tavern was scrapped instantly, innocent tavern players died, and the one-time punishment was reduced by five levels... The situation can be called tragic.

NPC fights, it\'s a group of unlucky players... Of course, the group of onlookers watching the live video on the forum doesn\'t count.

The battle between NPCs is not common. It is still a battle with such a high quality level. Han Yeming personally led the team and ambushed. Finally, the four NPCs successfully broke out of the siege and swaggered away

"It is worthy of being the son of a crazy major general. It can be divided into mothers!" this is the unified psychology of players.

Then soon, they thought of a terrible thing! Nima, NPC is playing so fiercely. What should I do about the expansion pre task?

Facts have proved that players are still too stupid and sweet. If Star Wars is launched like this, will the game be played? The task of overturning the case naturally continues, and the subsequent development links will frighten people.

After the battle, the player who took the task contacted Gu Huaixi brothers, hoping to find clues to the next task. Where does Gu Huaixi know? But it doesn\'t prevent him from using the brain holes of these players... Everything comes naturally.

Su Jiameng\'s family background was only briefly mentioned by the official, but in fact, Su Jiazu hanged himself and blew up the sky.

Although the people are gone, they still have contacts. Not to mention Su Jiameng\'s grandparents are all charitable and famous people. In the later life, sun is wronged. Those who have received grace and are at odds with another military department are also willing to help.

And the Su family also has some diehards, who just connect the tasks.

Many players began to run around, with a variety of tasks. Investigate the truth of that year, investigate the bad deeds of the other faction over the years, and one, two or three dirty things that had to be said in that year... The situation began to be complicated.

In the early stage of the mission, the basic task is to investigate and collect evidence, investigate the situation of the enemy faction and the truth of Su Jiameng\'s betrayal in that year. In the middle stage, it is to find the witnesses and testimony of that year, contact those who know Su Jiameng and can overturn her case. In the later stage, it is to gather all forces to overturn her case and present all the evidence in the alliance military court

During this period, there are also various secret territory combat tasks, personnel search tasks, reputation brushing tasks and goods collection tasks... Of course, the most important and thorny link is to change the accuser of that year, that is, Han Yeming!

When the content of this task came out, many players said it was impossible!

If Han Yeming can change his mouth and lie down, will he lead people to surround the tavern and intend to kill Su Jiameng\'s son left behind? Even if the player brushes Han Yeming\'s reputation and favor higher, he won\'t change his mouth

For a time, the player was in trouble. Until the end, a cheap player proposed

"Since he accused people for his children and future, now... Should he be able to change his mouth for these?"

Facing the strange eyes of many players, the children\'s shoes said that yalishan was big.

Facts have proved that this group of unscrupulous players really have wonderful ideas. They have found a way out!

The mission continues to advance, and the progress of all parties makes a group of players shout fun!

Players are more free than NPCs. If one method doesn\'t work, they don\'t have to worry about others. They just want to complete the task... It\'s precisely because of this that they can complete this almost impossible task chain!

Two months later, a good player counted the number of tasks on the task chain, which added up to more than 2000 large and small... This is the result of the concerted efforts of many players... After all, everyone is tired of the old expansion, and the content of the new expansion is rich... Cough, cough, study the content involved in the task chain a little, It makes people eager to try

After the military court overturned the case, there was an extremely huge unrest. The alliance military headquarters was in turmoil, and various tasks were released to players without money... After they were so tired, it was less than half a year later.

"The world... Ha ha, it\'s really interesting. It seems that players play games, but from the perspective of onlookers, it\'s more like these NPCs play those players..." Huaixi several people watched the turbulence these months and secretly pushed players to achieve the purpose of overturning the case.

Huaifeng listened to his brother\'s words and stretched lazily. "Whoever he plays with, it doesn\'t have much to do with us anyway."

It doesn\'t matter or correct to say that. I\'m afraid the only contact is the military\'s statement of apology

"Mom would be very happy if she knew she had finally cleared the charge?" Huai Feng instructed the player to take out the original of the official statement, and suddenly felt that it was great to be an NPC

"I guess... She won\'t care? After all, the world has nothing to do with her. She won\'t care what those people say." Huaixi can see that she is very open. "She\'s just our mother, not major general Su of the world."

The whole "Star Wars" is in full swing because of the opening of the new expansion. No one has found that the IDs of the four NPCs have quietly disappeared.

Before they left, a player happened to pass by and vaguely heard such a conversation.

"Brother, are you sure you want to take these things back to dad?"

"Why? Don\'t you think this gift is very chic?"

"Chic? Hehe, there are tens of thousands of Tongren about mom. He will feel pain after reading them..."

"Oh, don\'t talk as if you don\'t want to do this? Don\'t you want him to see how popular his wife is? These days, the popularity of sad boss is always so high... It doesn\'t matter if you have egg pain, just don\'t lose your kidney..."

Far away, it seems that two gentle female voices are persuading

Finally, the player shook his head and an idea came into his mind.

"What family produces such bear children?"

Which family is better for raising bear children? Selena\'s family can help you (* ^ ^ *)

PS: the last one is over... Shiitake mushroom has some unspeakable melancholy. In addition, I would also like to thank Mu Xi Ning Mei paper, which is a complete surprise... Finally, the new book "the future military mother is on", let\'s get together again