Cannon Fodder is Not In the Service Area

Chapter 23

"Well (⊙ ⊙), it\'s me." before life and death speed, all my energy was on flight and dodge. Now I relax and find that my legs are a little weak and soft, and I almost can\'t stand stably. "Shouldn\'t I be late?"

"No, and... Put away your mecha." Li you easily jumped off his flying wings tens of meters high without a wrinkle in his military uniform. Su Jiameng is not good at dealing with such serious people. Because her legs are soft, she almost jumped into the street when she jumped.

Put feifeng into the space hub of the mecha. She honestly followed behind Li you and stepped on a life-saving ship, which made her feel a lot at ease. I\'m finally leaving this poor planet. I\'m estimated that I won\'t set foot again in my life.

Compared with the uniform of pine and green around, Su Jiameng\'s dress is really out of place.

Green and white collar, dark blue pinch teeth, and the color of trousers is the same as that of shangru. In order to facilitate training, she deliberately made her clothes a big size, which looked very loose and comfortable. However, after such a dangerous life and death, he fled at a high speed per hour. His clothes were a little messy. There was no leisurely leisure, but only a mess.

As for the hair... Cough, cough, cough, thank iron chopsticks awesome, fixed after it did not disperse, that is, some hair disorder.

Li you gets some descriptions about Su Jiameng from Qin mo. he thinks she should be a smart, capable and resolute woman. But when I saw Su Jiameng\'s dress with two cloth packages tied behind her, my inner image had been broken into slag, and there was nothing left. Others say that imagination is better than reality, which is also well founded.

All kinds of high-end atmosphere of the second dimension are of high grade, and the third dimension directly destroys the three views!!!

"Take Miss Su to the lounge." Li you said to his subordinates next to him, "set off and return immediately!"

Although Su Jiameng received a very orthodox Union officer education in her previous life, she worked undercover in the star thief\'s nest for a long time and was used to being free and loose. In the next few years, she didn\'t treat herself as a woman. Except for her aunt\'s visit, she thought she was an authentic rough man. At first sight, I can\'t adapt to such an orderly scene for a while.

"Miss Su, would you like something to drink?" the subordinate led Su Jiameng to the lounge and asked her to sit down in the leisure area. It seemed very serious, but a pair of eyes glanced at her involuntarily. He didn\'t have any bad ideas. He was just curious.

Such a thin and strange woman can fly an aircraft and deal with so many cannibals. I don\'t know whether to say that she is really a cow or that she is too brave to die. So many cannibals set out together that even he couldn\'t help feeling numb and goose bumps flying. But anyway, one thing is worth affirming. The other party\'s posture in flying a plane is simply handsome!

Because of this appreciation, he rarely asked the other party what he wanted to drink. Su Jiameng was flattered by his manner.

"Don\'t be so troublesome. Just have a glass of boiled water." Su Jiameng took down the burden behind her and hoped that her two eggs would be all right. Although they still hatch, they have the ability to perceive the outside world. Those scenes didn\'t scare them, did they?

Su Jiameng obviously thought too much. The two eggs were still excited. The snow-white eggshell was slightly pink. As soon as she broke free from the shackles of the blanket, she rolled and rolled excitedly on the garden table, which surprised the sergeant.

The woman looked young, even with the childishness of a young girl. She might have a long way to adulthood. But now... She\'s carrying two eggs, and she\'s probably her own orz. Isn\'t it changing too fast these days?

Su Jiameng explained awkwardly, "the two children... Are lively. They are not so naughty at ordinary times."

As she explained, she waved to the two eggs and asked them to come over and be a little more calm. The two little guys have a habit. When they are in a good mood, they like to use ideas to float themselves, and then play in the air.

Although it\'s not illegal to have mental ability, she knows how much constraints people with mental ability have to suffer. Naturally, she\'s not used to two little guys being shackled so early. In fact, Su Jiameng doesn\'t know that the world is still very different from her last life. Not only is the development of science and technology different, many things are very different.

If two little guys are found to have ideas, each other will only give her "pity and sympathy" eyes.

The sergeant brought Su Jiameng a cup of boiled water and said that she could find the robot in the lounge to solve her needs. Moreover, the life-saving ship had begun to return, and would fly out of the poor planet soon, and then meet with the big forces in space. However, it is estimated that there will be some vibration when the lifeboat crosses the atmosphere, which makes people feel uncomfortable and makes her mentally prepared.

As for him, he still needs to go back to the main control room and wait for leader Li you to issue an order. Su Jiameng watched the sergeant leave with regular steps. She was a little relieved. It was really tiring to get along with serious people.

After all, this is someone else\'s territory. Although there is no one in the lounge, she can\'t casually take out colorful fruits and start eating. With her years of perception, there are at least 20 monitors working in this lounge. After thinking about it, she took out the dry food put in before and the colorful fruit from the plane system grid under the cover of wrapping cloth.

With boiled water, dry food and colorful fruits, it has also become a rare delicacy in this trip. Two restless little guys had been wrapped up again by her, then carried in front of her and secretly warned them not to use their abilities indiscriminately.

A cup of boiled water bottomed out, colorful fruits and dry food were finished, and the stomach was barely seven points full. She opened the interstellar web page of zhinao. Several people in K3 sent messages one after another, asking where she had gone. They said that the people who specially picked her up couldn\'t find anyone. The latest news was to ask her whether she had been on the space ship and whether she was used to the environment inside

Su Jiameng went back one by one, then closed the friends bar and went to the web page to find something she was interested in to pass the time. Because she wants to go to Qixing, the news there is also her focus. Log in to the star\'s planet forum and find that there are many plates above, and there are very many active people. Click a post casually to introduce the cultural scenery of Qixing.

"It is worthy of being a first-class planet. These constructions are really amazing."

Su Jiameng first had the habit of visiting post bars and forums, but the second was occupied by all kinds of hard things. Where can he have so much spare time to be busy with these things. From the humanities section to the gossip section, Su Jiameng saw it very well. The network here is fast. It\'s done. The page Jump speed must be great!

"Eh? There\'s still such a bloody thing these days?" Su Jiameng looked at the bright red headline like his aunt on the gossip forum and became interested, "but this distress letter was sent to the first-class planet enlightenment star forum. It\'s estimated that it can\'t escape benefits..."

At first, Su Jiameng thought that the person who posted the post was the victim, but after she read the news released by Luzhu, she suddenly got a black line.

She would like to say that the balance of IQ is insufficient and there is no lower limit for integrity. Remember to recharge o () ^) O

Su Jiameng looked at the release time of the post. It was four days ago. With a permanent population like Qixing and a first-class planet with more than 20 billion students, forum posts are basically in a second rhythm. However, this post has not only been hot for four days and has been favored by the moderator, but also continues to rise in temperature, which really makes Su Jiameng ashamed.

The person who posted the post was a resident of a fourth grade planet and a fourth grade student of an university. His title is filled with righteous indignation and easily attracts those who like to watch the excitement or have a sense of justice and compassion. Su Jiameng is just watching the excitement. However, she didn\'t expect that as a person who wanted to watch the excitement, it was the party who really knelt down to OTZ

The content is very simple. It is said that there are shocking dark scenes in the mecha fighting field, and the students of the First Affiliated College of xilina also collude with each other. All kinds of dark transactions and all kinds of disgusting scenes have attracted more than n students and ordinary named onlookers. Probably because of the competition among peers, students from affiliated colleges of the other ten universities also rushed forward one after another, talking loudly in their waistcoats.

Well, that\'s the premise and background of the event. But none of the students in the affiliated colleges of the top ten universities is stupid × Ah, as soon as they saw the description and explanation of stewing, they immediately rushed to their feet. The wood is so simple. Some students of Xueba type also used their magic powers to pull out the people of the so-called "silena First Affiliated College" in the stewed mouth. The ID name as bright red as aunt\'s blood directly blinded people! what the fuck! When Su Jiameng saw the cyf2012141150, she immediately sprayed old blood!

First, why didn\'t she know that she had become a student of the First Affiliated College of Selena? Second, why didn\'t she know that she had become a fifth grade student of the First Affiliated College of Silina? Third, why didn\'t she know that she was originally from the top of the league and was inextricably related to the mecha fighting field? Nima, if she is so arrogant, will she still make money here!

If the IQ balance is insufficient, remember to recharge Oh, pro. Now there is a discount on the Internet, no 998, no 98, as long as 9.8! Why doesn\'t this fool know to recharge at such a cheap price! Show your IQ here. You\'re sick!

Continued to turn down some, the stewed began to cry. He said he was a student of a certain school, and his holiday homework was also to win in the mecha fighting field. However, they didn\'t ask for Shenma points, but asked the students to win 15 consecutive victories.

The students have spent two months to complete this assignment. They have won 14 games in a row three days ago, but they are just one game away. They lost to the cyf2012141150. You know, in the mecha fighting field, people like Su Jiameng are just examples and wonderful flowers. Students like them need a lot of luck in addition to their strength to push the winning streak to 15 games.