Can't Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 29

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

The black chess piece Zhan Qing was holding fell onto the chessboard. D*mn it. He was thinking of that cowardly child again.

Qin Qiao held onto her breath as she kept her head bowed down. With her long hair falling down freely, her face couldn’t be seen at all.

She felt as if someone had pressed a knife against her neck. If she twitched even a little, the knife would split her neck open right away.

“Whether she’s good or not depends on whether Yihan likes her!” Zhan Qing looked away and picked up the fallen black chess piece.

Qin Qiao let out the breath she had been holding. It was fortunate that Ninth Uncle hadn’t realized that it was her…

“I like her! I love her a lot, Ninth Master!” Xiao Yihan replied with a chuckle.

At this moment, Qin Qiao would be an idiot if she hadn’t realized that Xiao Yihan didn’t bring her here to eat a bowl of noodles. He did it to show her to his grandfather.

In the past, Xiao Yihan would never do things by going in around like this. It turned out that two years was really enough to make a person change by a whole lot.

Qin Qiao remained quiet. Disguised as a male, she always had to suppress her voice whenever she spoke.

Right now, she was really afraid that Zhan Qing would become suspicious if he heard her voice.

Hence Qin Qiao continued to keep her head bowed down albeit shyly.

She had already decided to let Xiao Yihan do what he wanted. Because they would be strangers once more the moment she walked out of the gates later.

They will live their own lives and not be implicated in each other anymore.

“I like Chestnut too, more specifically, sugar-coated chestnuts. Take a seat. We’ll start eating in a short while.” Xiao Ding made another cold joke.

Qin Qiao glared at Xiao Yihan, to which the latter then pulled her to sit down.

Because Zhan Qing was present, Qin Qiao didn’t dare to fight with Xiao Yihan right away. She couldn’t expose herself just like that.

“Next time, bring Qiaoqiao with you. I like that boy. He is blurry and shy. I really like him!”

It was rare for Xiao Ding to like someone from the younger generation so much.

Xiao Yihan broke out into a smile as he glanced at the nervous Qin Qiao. The more his grandfather liked Qiaoqiao, the happier he was.

“Grandpa, you probably have another intention behind this, don’t you?!” Zhan Qing said lowly. A hint of amusement sparkled in his dark eyes because he thought of a certain foolish boy.

“I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide it from you. Do you think Yihan’s younger sister, Xiaoxiao, suit Qiaoqiao?” Xiao Ding laughed mischievously.

Qin Qiao was so shocked that her mouth was wide agape. Did he want to match Xiao Xiaoxiao, that little devil, to her?

What kind of a joke was this?

“They don’t suit each other. Grandpa, Qin Qiao has a soft character while Xiaoxiao is too overbearing!”

Zhan Qing rejected the idea almost immediately. He didn’t know why but he didn’t want Qin Qiao to be labeled with anyone’s name.

“You sound like our Xiaoxiao will bully Qiaoqiao!”

Xiao Ding was upset now. How don’t they suit each other? He thought otherwise.

“Grandpa, is there anyone that Xiaoxiao doesn’t bully?” Xiao Yihan asked before Zhan Qing could say anything.

Qiaoqiao was going to be Xiaoxiao’s future sister-in-law.

“How can you talk about your younger sister like that?! She’s lively! Zhan Qing, you have to ask if Qiaoqiao agrees to this matter. You cannot make the decision for her!”

Xiao Ding didn’t give up on his idea. He really liked Qiaoqiao.

Qin Qiao thought to herself that she really wouldn’t agree to it!

Even if she was a male, she would never marry Xiao Xiaoxiao, that devil. They just didn’t match.

Ninth Uncle probably still didn’t know that Zhan Old Madam had already arranged a nice “marriage” for him.

Zhan Qing’s fingers that were holding onto the black chess piece, had already turned pale from how hard he was holding them.

He didn’t know why, but at the thought of Qin Qiao, he felt a burning fire within him. The more he thought about Qin Qiao, the more annoyed and frustrated he got.

“Alright, I’ll bring him here another day. Grandpa can ask him yourself!”

Zhan Qing finally spoke as he placed the black chess piece down.

Qin Qiao rolled her eyes in her mind, thinking that she would never come with him.

Qin Qiao reached out to pinch Xiao Yihan’s waist silently. Although she looked like she was doing nothing, she used almost all of her strength to pinch him.