Can't Stop You Stirring My Heart

Chapter 24

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

If Uncle Tong found out and told Ninth Uncle, she would be dead.

Because she had promised Ninth Uncle that she would keep it in her room…

Who knew that when Qin Qiao came to the door, she saw Ninth Uncle who was holding Candy in his arms.

And Candy looked like it enjoyed letting Ninth Uncle pet it.

When did Ninth Uncle come back…?

“Good morning, Ninth Uncle…” Qin Qiao’s hair was messy, her clothes were wet, and she looked to be in a mess.

Who knew that in exchange, Zhan Qing coldly said, “Stay away from me!”

Then, he went downstairs with Candy, leaving Qin Qiao standing there with a shocked expression. What was going on?

Not bothering to care too much, she hurried back to her room to take a bath.

When she was taking off her clothes, she found that the cell phone she had kept in her pocket was soaked in water and was now completely broken.

After taking a quick bath and changing her clothes, she went downstairs.

When she went to the first floor, Uncle Tong pulled her aside. “Young Master Qin, you can’t drink too much in the future. Last night, you…”

Uncle Tong wanted to wipe at his sweat when he thought of what Qin Qiao had said to Ninth Master last night.

“What happened last night? Uncle Tong, Ninth Uncle came back last night?”

Qin Qiao had a bad feeling with Uncle Tong being so nervous.

“That’s right, he came back last night. You don’t remember what things you said and did last night?”

Uncle Tong wanted to say that their tolerance towards alcohol could really be compared with each other.

Qin Qiao shook her head in a daze. She could not remember what had happened last night after drinking at Unawakening Bar.

“You don’t remember those death seeking words you said to Ninth Master?”

“What’s more, why didn’t you let me know you’re keeping a dog? Ninth Master is in a fit of anger, you’d better be careful!”

Uncle Tong did not say too much and hurried off to do other things.

Leaving Qin Qiao alone to think about what she had said…

To the point that Ninth Uncle asked her to stay away from him when he saw her.

During breakfast, Qin Qiao waited for Zhan Qing to sit down before she took her seat.

Candy was by her feet. It had been biting her pants leg for her to pick her up and place on her lap, but how would Qin Qiao dare to carry the dog and have breakfast with Ninth Uncle at the same time…?

“Uncle Tong, I can’t eat so much,” Qin Qiao said softly, and then she looked at the food in front of her.

“Young Master Qin, this is Ninth Master’s instructions. He wants you to eat more. Maybe he found out that you were too thin when he carried you back to your room last night…” Uncle Tong also whispered.

Qin Qiao hiccuped. It was Ninth Uncle who had carried her back to her room last night?

Oh god, did he find out she was a woman?

Definitely not or else she would not be able to sit here and have breakfast.

Ninth Uncle must have thrown her into the bathtub, and when she realized later on that it was too cold, she climbed out of it and slept on the floor all night.

That was close. If Ninth Uncle took off her clothes, he would have known that she was a woman. It was really dangerous…

She did not know what she had said to Ninth Uncle last night, however.

She also did not know what had happened after she had held Zhan Qing’s neck.

And she could not finish all these foods even if she eats three times a day.

Candy probably smelled the fragrance and had been pawing at her leg, wanting to come up.

Qin Qiao shook her leg but it hung on and dared not move too much.

According to the rules of the Zhan family, no talking was allowed at the dining table.

So, Qin Qiao could only eat with her head down.

In her mind, she was thinking that she must hurry to do what she needed to do.