Burning Moscow

Chapter 49

There was a very smooth path leading to me. I took a step forward, saluted rokosovsky, and then reported aloud, "Comrade General, commander oshanina, special commissioner of the front army, has come to report to you. At your command. "

"Welcome, commander oshanina." Rokosovsky stood up and welcomed me warmly. He gave me a hug instead of a salute or a handshake. He said, "congratulations on your getting a higher rank at the same time."

Next, the commanders who were sitting there also stood up and shook hands with me to express welcome and congratulations.

After greeting everyone, rokosovsky asked me to sit down. The major general moved aside to make room for me. After I said thanks, I sat down. Rokosovsky picked up the teapot on the table, filled an empty glass with tea, and then put the glass into the pure silver cup holder. Then he handed it to me and said, "tea, please."

I just got up from a sleep and was thirsty. I took the cup, first said a thank you, and then put the cup to the mouth, drink a mouthful. The tea was steaming and too sweet. Obviously the general put too much sugar in his cup.

"Comrade oshanina, you have come at the right time. We are going to have lunch. Would you like to join us? " The general asked me politely.

"It's my pleasure to have dinner with you." Rokosovsky is the future marshal of the Soviet Union. It's good for me to keep a harmonious relationship with him. I just came here. I'm not familiar with my life. I can't find a place to eat without them. What's more, the food of these senior commanders will never be too bad. I can improve the food with them, so I readily agree with them.

There was a series of slow footsteps outside the curtain. First, I smelled the smell of baked potatoes. Then I saw several soldiers coming in with trays full of tableware. They put the tray on the table one by one and then backed out.

There are many kinds of lunches on the table, including baked potatoes wrapped with tin foil, braised beef with potatoes, mashed potatoes, mutton soup, pickled cucumbers, pickled tomatoes, pickled mushrooms, corn salad, tomato salad, cucumber salad, carrot salad, sausage salad, banana fruit salad, and a few dishes of butter and shredded cheese. When I saw such a big lunch in front of me, I couldn't help but drool. I was filled with emotion that rokosovsky would live. In those days when I lived with Zhukov, every day there was either bread or dry bread, and occasionally there was a red vegetable soup to improve the food, but there was absolutely no meat. I have applied for transfer since I knew the life here is so good.

"What would you like to eat?" Rokosovsky asked me very gentlemanly.

"Baked potatoes." Almost without thinking, I replied that, you know, after several years in Moscow, my eating habits have begun to be russianized, and I like to eat baked potatoes as much as I like to eat baked sweet potatoes in winter at home.

Rokosovsky picked up a large potato wrapped in tin foil, put it on an empty plate, skillfully cut it in half with a knife, then mashed it into mud with a small spoon, added some butter and shredded cheese, and continued to stir. After mixing well, I pointed to several salads on the table and asked, "what kind of salad would you like to add?"

I pointed to the corn salad, tomato salad and cucumber salad and said, "just these three."

He spooned a few spoons of my salad into the potatoes, stirred it again and handed it to me. Then he said to everyone: "comrades, don't mention it. Let's all start eating. Since morning, we haven't eaten yet. I guess we've been so hungry that we've already pressed our chest against our back."

When they heard this, they burst into laughter. Then they stopped being polite and began to eat their favorite food in front of them. Because of the war at any time, we can't find any alcoholic drinks on the table. We all drink tea while eating.

"What's the taste of baked potatoes?" Rokosovsky picked up the potatoes in the mutton soup and asked me as he ate.

"It's good. It's delicious." I quickly swallowed a mouthful of sweet and delicious, and some hot tongue baked potatoes, very happy to reply: "if only I could often eat such delicious potatoes."

"Ha ha," the general said with a smile, "I'll treat you to eat every day when the German devils run away."

As I ate this delicious baked potato that I had not seen for a long time, I couldn't help thinking back to the good things I had in Moscow. Although the barbecue in Witten Khan is very strong, it tastes really good from the heart; The Russian cafeteria near Mayakovsky square has good taste, many varieties and low price. Every time my friends from China want to taste authentic Russian flavor, I will take them there to have a good time.

"Rita." The general's words interrupted my reverie. I quickly put down my fork and looked up at him. Before I could speak, he continued: "I heard about your performance in borojino. The counterattack you organized actually drove the German army back three to six kilometers and recovered all the lost positions. It's really not easy!" He gave me a thumbs up, then picked up the tea cup on the table, said: "now in war, can't drink, I'll give you a cup of tea instead of wine. Cheers

Hearing this, I quickly picked up the tea cup on the table and touched it gently. Seeing the general's beginning, several other people, unwilling to lag behind, tried to imitate him and clinked glasses with tea instead of wine. Fortunately, it's not drinking, I thought to myself. Otherwise, I would not be lying in the battlefield, but in the headquarters. After the tea was served to me, the general said, "you may not know. Soon after you left, the Supreme Command appointed a new commander to the Fifth Army. Today, the German army launched another fierce offensive against borojino in the early morning. According to the latest intelligence, many positions were reoccupied by the German army, our troops suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining troops are retreating. " I can't help but be surprised to hear him say that the situation is so bad in just one day. Fortunately, Zhukov recalled me to the headquarters of the front army. If I continue to stay in the fifth group army to command the battle, I may be injured, captured or killed, or even be responsible for the forced retreat of the army. In the distance, suddenly came the rumble of guns, a telephone of the headquarters also rang up. The commander nearest to the phone picked up the phone, listened for a while, then covered the phone and said to the general, "Comrade commander, the phone is from general Panfilov. The German devils are attacking his defense line under the cover of tanks."“ I see. I'll go to him right away“ Yes, "the Lieutenant Commander agreed. Then he let go of his hand and said aloud to general Panfilov at the other end of the telephone line," the commander has orders that you should resolutely block the enemy and not step back. He will come to you immediately. " Rokosovsky stood up, tied his belt and said to everyone, "comrades, go and do your work. I'll go to Panfilov's division and have a look." Then he said to me, "Rita, come with me."“ Yes I quickly put down half eaten baked potatoes and stood up to answer him. In the heart secretly scolds this group of damned German devils, even does not let us finish the meal well. If there is a chance in the future, I will organize the troops to attack at night every day, so that you can't even sleep.