Burning Moscow

Chapter 1710

First of all, the 88th division of guards successfully crossed the Spree river in the front. Under the command of division commander pankov, they successfully captured farkenburg in the suburb after several hours of fierce fighting.

As the troops continued to advance, they soon reached the Dami river. Without any crossing equipment, Captain Xie Majin, commander of 2nd Battalion of 269th regiment of guards, took the lead in diving into the piercing River and swam bravely to the opposite bank. Led by him, the soldiers also went into the water to swim to the other side.

But when the German guard on the other side saw our soldiers, barefoot and wearing only one shirt, rushing towards them, they were so scared that they even forgot to shoot. When the soldiers rushed in front of them, they could only lay down their arms and raise their hands to surrender.

On the right, the kopennik area is the combat area of the 39th division. After learning that there was a bridge across the Spree river, the division commander marchenko immediately gave the order to the grizenko regiment to seize the bridge from the enemy in any case.

Commander grizenko, who had received the mission, was deeply afraid that when the German army could not resist its own attack, it would jump over the wall and blow up the bridge. So they ordered some troops to fight with the German army in the town to attract the attention of the bridge guards. At the same time, a small unit was sent to cross the Spree river upstream and attack from the enemy's rear.

After half an hour of fighting, all the German troops in the town and guarding the bridge were wiped out. After grizenko had the explosives removed, the tanks and artillery of the division crossed the Spree river from the bridge.

When the 29th army of the left-wing guards arrived at the Spree river, the vanguard troops saw that there were no crossing tools on the river, so they stopped and prepared to cross the river after the rear crossing equipment was delivered. Major general Duke, the new commander of the 82nd division of the guards, saw that the officers and men were standing still. He quickly went to the river to encourage them. He also took the lead in jumping into the piercing River, swam to the other side with some scouts, got back some ferries, and crossed the river one by one.

After hearing the story of general Duke, trakov was a little sad. After he ordered the communications staff to contact Duke on the telephone, he said with some displeasure, "Comrade Duke, I admire you for taking the lead in jumping into the river. But don't forget that you are the commander of the 82nd division of the guards. If something happens when you cross the river, the troops will lose command and fall into chaos. Do you understand? "

After a moment of silence, general Duke, who was criticized by trakov, replied sincerely, "Comrade commander, I understand. You can rest assured that I will stay in my command position in the future, and I will never take risks easily. "

The main force of the 8th group army of the guards crossed the Spree river and the Dami River in turn, and entered Berlin from the south, which disrupted the German defense system. They never dreamed that our army would launch an attack from the area of the river. Therefore, shortly after dark, several streets fell into our army's hands.

On the first day of March, the troops of the 8th group army of the guards continued to advance towards the city center. General rebalko's third group of close guard tanks, after breaking through the layers of German defense, joined the fourth group of close guard tanks under the command of general grazoev in the area of chenawed airport.

After crossing the Spree river on the right wing, the Fourth Army of the guards occupied the areas of Schneider, Dame ForStat and nigger. The 28th army of the guards went out to the tertov canal on the left and captured the urban areas of blitz, bukov, Rudolf, etc. The 29th army of the guard infantry cleaned up the enemy in the area of jorganestar and adleshof airport, and joined the 4th group army of the guard tank of lelushenko.

Seeing the outstanding performance of the 8th group army, Zhukov issued a new operational order to cuikov, and immediately turned the troops to the northwest to attack the center of Berlin. In the original offensive zone, it was handed over to the 1st group army of katukov's close guard tanks.

On March 3, the good news came from the West. Marshal konev's 58th guard division joined the patrol of the 69th infantry division of the 1st group army in Elbe River. They will continue to attack the German troops under the command of general winkle in the West.

At the same time, the mechanized 1st army of close guard, which was redeployed to the northwest of krivoschein, successfully joined the tank group army of rebarko, which went north, thus completing the complete siege of Berlin.

However, it is a pity that after three days of fighting, the 20000 German troops, who were originally besieged by our army in the southeast forest of Berlin, successfully broke through the encirclement of our army, and 15000 people entered Berlin, enriching the strength of the Berlin city defense army and increasing the difficulty of our attack.

Our troops who entered the urban area of Berlin all targeted the Capitol building in the center of the city. The parliament building was originally the imperial Parliament of the Second Reich of Germany, and later became the assembly site of the parliament of the Republic during the Weimar Republic. After the arson of the Capitol on February 27, 1933, it was no longer the administrative center of Germany. However, the offensive forces did not know this, and they chose the Capitol building as the target of the attack.

In order to advance to the Capitol building, trakov's troops must first break through the German army's position in tyre garden. This garden area is the last support point of the German army in Berlin. Because the position has the government office, the parliament building, the supreme headquarters and other supreme organs symbolizing the power of the Third Reich, Berlin city defense commander Wei Delin deployed the most elite troops of the SS here.

In the face of our army's tanks and infantry, the enemy hiding in the fortifications launched a crazy machine gun fire. Taking advantage of the plan that our army's commanders and fighters were suppressed by fire, they sent anti tank men to destroy the tanks or self-propelled guns that covered the infantry from both sides. After more than five hours of fighting, trakov's troops lost more than 30 tanks and self-propelled artillery, and nearly a thousand people were killed and killed. They were still unable to break through the German defense in tyre garden.

When he heard that trakov's attack was frustrated, Zhukov's phone call came in immediately. He asked impolitely, "Comrade trakov? I'm Zhukov. I've heard that your troops have failed several attacks on tyre garden. Is that true? "

"Yes, comrade marshal," trekov replied with some shame, "the enemy's defense is too tenacious. All the attacks we organized have failed..."

Before he finished, Zhukov continued: "since your troops can't capture the tilgarden area, let the road out and let general Kuznetsov's third shock group army complete the task."

Hearing Zhukov's words, cuikov couldn't help feeling a little anxious. He begged: "marshal, please give me another chance. I'll take down the garden area."

I know Zhukov's stubborn character. Once he decides something, no one can change it. So I reached out to trekov, took the microphone in his hand, put it in my ear and said to the microphone, "marshal, I'm Rita. I have a request. I don't know if you can agree?"

"If you have any requests, please speak quickly." Perhaps it was because Wei Delin's troops broke through our army's defense and successfully retreated into Berlin, which made it more difficult for us to capture Berlin. Zhukov's mood was a little impatient: "since trakov's troops can't capture tier Garden District, let the troops that can capture there go up."

"I agree with you, marshal." Instead of arguing with Zhukov, I followed his meaning and said, "after several days of fierce fighting, the officers and men of general trakov's close guard 8th group army are very tired. They should be given a rest. But if general Kuznetsov's forces are still unable to break through the defensive positions established by the German forces in the tyre garden area, I ask you to let general trakov's forces continue to attack this area tomorrow. "

For my request, Zhukov thought for a while, and finally replied: "well, I'll let Kuznetsov's troops try first. If they still can't seize the position before dawn tomorrow, it's still up to trakov's troops to complete this arduous task."

After I put down the phone, I didn't immediately answer trakov's question. Instead, I called the artillery commander pozharski. Then I said, "according to the situation of today's fighting, the German troops deployed in tyre garden are all experienced troops. If we want to break through the defense here, we may have to find another way."

"Another way?" Trekov's eyes widened as I said, "what can I do?"

"This is the city, we can't use tanks on a large scale." I waited for trakov to finish and explained to him, "so to capture the tyre garden area, we need our artillery to deal with the enemy first. Comrade artillery commander, "my last sentence is to pozharski," deploy our artillery 500 meters away from tyre garden. Using direct fire, to destroy the German solid fire point

"This is no problem." After listening to me, pozalski immediately nodded his head and said, "I will immediately deploy a cannon battalion to that area."

I then added, "when the shelling is complete, there will probably be very few buildings left in this area. In the streets full of bricks and stones, our tanks can't pass, so the next battle can only be completed by our infantry. In addition to the ordinary infantry, we should also be equipped with firemen, blasters and shock engineers to eliminate the enemies hidden in the ruins and open up a channel for the attacking forces behind us. "

General Kuznetsov's third shock group army, after succeeding the attack area of trakov's troops, launched a fierce attack on the tyre garden area overnight. However, under the tenacious defense of the German SS troops, the attacking troops suffered a lot of casualties. By dawn, they still failed to seize the garden area from the German army.

At daybreak, trikov heard that the attack of the third assault group army had been frustrated, and his face showed a happy smile. Instead of gloating, he felt that he could finally let his troops attack again.

I called Zhukov and first reported to him the setback of the attack of the 3rd shock group army. Although I knew that he had known about it for a long time, he reported it very carefully and finally asked, "marshal, after a night's rest, the commanders and fighters of general trakov's troops are in high spirits. Is it possible for them to fight?"

"Well, let trekov try again." Zhukov realized at the moment that it would not be easy to capture the til garden area guarded by elite German troops, so he readily agreed to my request.

After I put down the phone, I said to trakov with a smile, "OK, general trakov, you can send troops to take over the attack area of the 3rd assault group army. However, if today's attack is no longer successful, comrade Marshal may not let you participate in the attack any more. "

"Don't worry, Rita. I can't be wrong. My troops are ready." Trikov confidently said, immediately told Vladimirov: "chief of staff, call the commander of the 28th army, and order him to immediately lead the troops to take over the attack area of the 3rd assault group army." When the change of defense was completed, the artillery battalion, which had been prepared for a long time, carried out heavy shelling on the German troops who were holding fast to the til garden area. At the end of the shelling, the infantry did not charge immediately, but stayed in place. This scene made me feel very puzzled in the observation center. I turned my head and asked the nearby trakov, "general trakov, what's the matter? Why don't our troops attack?"“ Don't worry, Rita "You'll soon understand," he said with a smile As soon as his voice dropped, I saw a mortar detachment enter the starting position and set up mortars there. As soon as the erection was completed, they shelled the enemy's position. I was quite strange at that time. What effect does mortar bombardment have when artillery barracks have just finished bombarding the area? But it soon became clear to me where the mortar team was going. What they fired was not ordinary shells, but smoke bombs. With the guarantee of the smoke bomb, the tier garden area was shrouded in smoke. At this time, the infantry who had long been ready to start came out from their hiding places, bent over with weapons, and under the cover of the incomplete buildings on both sides of the street, they advanced to the enemy's position. Soon there was a lot of gunfire and explosion in front of me, but because of the thick fog, I couldn't see anything clearly. I could only see the white smoke reflected by the explosion. After more than 40 minutes, the telephone rang in the observation center, and the commander of the attacking troops reported to trikov: "the troops have successfully captured the tyre garden area!"