Burning Moscow

Chapter 126

Fortunately, levia's golden eye and quick hand seized my uninjured right hand, otherwise I would have to fall on all fours.

With his help, I steadied myself on the steps and asked, "Comrade General, what did you say just now? Oshanin... Oshanin, he's still alive. Is that true? " With that, I stared at him, eager to hear the negative answer from him.

He regarded my nervousness as a surprise. He nodded his head with great certainty and said, "yes, I personally took people to the scene and found captain oshanin among the seven or eight survivors."

"Don't you recognize the wrong person?" I asked with my last fluke.

"No, Captain oshanin is my man. I'll never admit it." After hearing this, my heart suddenly cooled. I thought I had got rid of o'shanin, but I didn't expect that he survived and was saved again. He already knows where I am. If he wants to be with me after his injury, the superior leader will agree to his request. Then my end will come.

"Rita, general leviagin, what are you two standing there saying? Come here quickly. We have something to discuss. " The voice of the commissar came from the room. By this time, he had already finished the call.

In the grenade explosion just now, a one foot deep pit was blown out in the house, and several earth steps near the pit were also damaged. If you are not careful when you go down, it is easy to fall. So when I stepped down, I repeatedly reminded general leviagin, who was walking in front of me, to be careful not to wrestle.

Seeing the two of us carefully walking to the table, the political commissar asked us to sit down and curiously asked, "what are you two going to say outside mysteriously?"

I was a little nervous about the political commissar's question. I didn't know how to answer him, so I turned to leviagin for help. When the commissar saw that I wanted leviagin to speak, he turned to the general and asked, "tell me, Comrade General! What is it that needs you and your teachers to go to the door and whisper? " The political commissar's tone was very strict, which made people feel that he was suspecting that we were doing something behind his back.

Leviagin looked at me and asked me, "Comrade division, can you say that?"

"Go ahead, go ahead!" I know in my heart that if the political commissar is not clear about the matter, it may cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

Leviagin cleared his throat and began to report to the commissar: "Mr. Panfilov called me last night..." speaking of this, he turned to look at the body of the former division commander lying on the March bed covered, and then went on to say: "he asked me to come to the division headquarters and say something important. On the way here, soldiers from the regiment came to report that the convoy carrying the wounded back to the rear of our regiment had been attacked by small German troops, and the two sides were fighting. After getting this information, I immediately sent a company soldier to the fighting place for support

"But you didn't mention it when you came last night?" The commissar interrupted him and asked curiously.

"As you know, almost every day there are German motorcycles, bypassing the well defended front, coming from our defense gap, to the rear to carry out destructive attacks. For such a small-scale attack, the troops are usually transferred to nearby troops to fight head-on. Because these small units coming to the rear of our army will be eliminated in a short time, we generally do not report to the higher authorities. "

"Oh, so it is." The commissar nodded, with a sudden realization. However, I began to think about whether the German tactics could be regarded as a kind of rudiment of special operations. Their role was similar to that of the active guerrillas in the enemy occupied areas.

"Because I want to rush to the division headquarters, I just give the task to the commander below. When I arrived at the division headquarters, I knew the reason why I was recruited. General Panfilov wanted lieutenant commander oshanina to be my deputy... "At this point, he turned to look at the remains of the division commander again." it reminds me that among the wounded, there was oshanina's husband captain oshanin. At that time, I wanted to go to the scene to see if I could find oshanin's body, It's good to have an account for the commander. Before I left, I told my teacher about this idea. " Hearing this, I immediately think that he once whispered to Panfilov for a while. It was for this.

"What happened after you went to the scene?" Asked the commissar with concern.

"By the time I got to the scene, the fighting was over and all the bandits who attacked the convoy were wiped out by the soldiers. Except one of the trucks carrying the wounded was still intact, all the others were destroyed, and all the soldiers escorted were killed in the battle. We found six survivors on the intact truck, one of whom was captain oshanin

"What? Is o'shanin still alive? " The commissar rose abruptly and asked in surprise.

"Yes, not only he is alive, but also several wounded people in his car are alive."

"Great! It's really exciting news, Rita I gave a wry smile to the political commissar, and said in my heart that oshaning was not dead. What can you be happy about?

"Where is captain oshanin now?" The commissar then asked“ I sent a soldier who could drive them to the rear hospital. At the same time, for the sake of safety, I also provided them with five soldiers to escort the car. Then I took the troops to the division headquarters, and planned to take commander o'shanina to our regiment. Unexpectedly, when it was still a mile or two away from the division headquarters, I heard a lot of gunfire here. I guessed that the division headquarters had been attacked, so I rushed to support with the soldiers. "“ May I come in? " Someone at the door asked aloud“ Come in The commissar replied in the same high voice. In came a second lieutenant with a face full of gunpowder. He saluted us and reported out loud: "report to the political commissar, the results have been counted out. We have eliminated 11 enemies and seized eight submachine guns and one machine gun."“ Wait a minute, "I lifted up the submachine gun I had just put on the table and said," here's another one. " Then he couldn't wait to ask, "how are the casualties in our army?" The second lieutenant bowed his head and said nothing“ Why don't you talk, dumb? " Leviagin said rudely“ Sixty three of our troops were killed and 27 wounded. " Although the second lieutenant's voice was low, we could hear it clearly. We didn't expect that the casualties of our army would be so great. I stood up and asked, "how many bullets are left in the captured weapons?" The second lieutenant looked up at me, and then replied loudly, "no, not a single bullet." After listening to his words, my heart was cold. I didn't expect to pay so much to wipe out more than a dozen German soldiers. Moreover, it was only when they ran out of ammunition and food that they managed to win; If the German army had enough ammunition, they might have made a successful breakthrough. What a fluke our victory was!