Burning Moscow

Chapter 122

Hearing the news of oshanin's sacrifice, I didn't feel the slightest sadness. Instead, I felt relieved and relaxed. After all, I'm just a fake Lida. I can't escape the fate of Gangbang sooner or later after I have been in contact with o'shanin for a long time. With his sacrifice, the risk factor of my exposure was reduced a little bit.

The three of us sat face to face, no one spoke, and the room fell into a brief silence. The commissar reached over and patted me on the back of my hand. He asked me kindly, "Rita, what are your plans for the future?"

"What's the plan?" I asked in a puzzled way.

The political commissar looked at me in a daze and explained to me, "I mean, do you want to stay in the division headquarters or go to the grass-roots level to command an army?"

I quickly stood up and saluted them: "I want to command the army at the grass-roots level. I hope that the division commander and political commissar can agree."

"Which army do you want to go to?" The commissar asked with a smile.

I thought about all the people I knew in the 316 division and the troops I knew. When I was commanding the guard camp, I used to be a first-class instructor, krochkov, but he had already died with honor. And the rest of the people who are close to me, such as felstov, Pavlov, Aji, aguminte, are stationed in the station area. At present, they all belong to the 1077 regiment. If they want to join forces, it is most appropriate to work with these people. So I put forward tactfully: "Comrade division, can I go to 1077 regiment as commander?"

Panfilov stood up with a smile and asked me to sit down. Then he came up behind me and patted me on the shoulder. He said, "our division has been greatly reduced in recent battles. Many grass-roots units are short of suitable commanders. At present, there is a position in the 1077 regiment. Their deputy head has just died, so a capable candidate is needed to take over the post. However, their daily fighting is very cruel and there is a risk of sacrifice at any time. You have to think about it clearly. "

At the end of the speech, I answered without hesitation, "Sir, don't think about it. I'm willing to go."

He listened to my reply, walked back and forth behind me two times with his hands on his back, and then said, "I'm not worried about your ability to work. We can all see your performance on the battlefield. The key is that the new commander in chief is a general. Without greeting him in advance, he is equipped with a female deputy. I don't know what he will think? " He stopped and said to the commissar, "Comrade yegorov, please call the head of the 1077 regiment and ask him to come over and let Rita meet him first."

Commissar promised, picked up the phone on the desk and began to dial. Panfilov continued: "Rita, when the new commander comes, I'll let you meet first and communicate with each other, so that you can work in the 1077 regiment in the future."

I quickly stood up and said: "teacher, please rest assured, no matter who partner, I will do my best."

The teacher patted me on the shoulder, asked me to sit down again and said, "Rita, you have to be prepared. The commissar and I know you very well and trust you very much. And this team leader is new here. I don't know you. I'm afraid he may reject you. "

"No problem," I didn't stand up this time. Instead, I sat down, looked up at the teacher in front of me and said, "as long as it's not a matter of principle, I'll listen to him. In this way, there will be fewer contradictions. Since he is a general with rich experience in leading troops, I have a lot to learn from him. "

The teacher nodded and said with appreciation, "it seems that you are very confident." Then he raised his voice and said, "well, try it first! When he comes, I'll let you communicate with each other. As long as he doesn't have any opinions, you can follow him to the army immediately. "

"Comrade division," I suddenly had the impulse to communicate with my former subordinates first, so I took the initiative to put forward my request to Panfilov: "can I have a word with filstov and Pavlov who defend the station?"

"No problem," Panfilov replied very readily. Just as the commissar finished the call, he picked up the phone, dialed a number, and then said to the inside, "I'm general Panfilov. Connect me with festov at the station." After a moment's waiting, he said in a loud voice again, "is it felstov? I'm Panfilov No, no, no... I don't have any instructions for you. It's just an acquaintance who wants to talk to you. You wait. " Then he handed over the microphone.

I took the receiver, put it to my ear, took a deep breath, and said, "Hello, festorf, I'm oshanina!"

"Comrade commander?! Is that you? " Felstov, on the other end of the receiver, asked in a hesitant tone.

"Hello, festorf! Of course, it's me. Is there a fake here? " I answered his question in a positive tone.

"Instructor Pavlov, come here. It's comrade o'shanina." I heard him calling out to another acquaintance, Pavlov, and then I vaguely heard Pavlov's excited voice: "is it really Comrade commander? Give me the phone quickly. I want to have a word with her. "

Soon Pavlov's voice was clearly heard in the receiver: "Hello! Comrade commander, how are you

"Very good!" Hearing the voices of these acquaintances, I felt very kind and asked, "what about you?"

"We are also very good, although the fight is cruel, but we are still alive." His voice stopped for a moment, then said: "besides me and felstov, as well as aguminte and Aji, we all live well."

While chatting with Pavlov, a cold wind came into the room and made me shiver. When I looked at the entrance, I saw an officer coming in with the curtain lifted. As soon as the burly officer came in, Panfilov immediately came forward and shook hands with him. Even yegorov, the political commissar who had just been sitting, stood up.

I caught a glimpse that the bearer's collar badge was a red diamond with two gold stars. I hung up the phone and stood up to salute him.

After shaking hands with the teacher and political commissar, the man turned to see me and exclaimed in surprise: "it's you, commander o'shanina. I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon." And reach out to me.

Listen to him so accurately call my name, it should be someone I know. As I shook hands with him and looked at the general in front of me, I felt a little familiar, but I just couldn't remember where I met him in a hurry.

Just when I was in a daze, political commissar yegorov said: "Comrade Lida, I'd like to introduce you. This is the new leader of 1077 regiment, general leviagin, who came to the division the day before yesterday."

As soon as I heard the name leviagin, I immediately remembered who this man was. Two days ago, he came to the 316th infantry division with thousands of soldiers and oshanin's anti tank dog company on the order of the group army headquarters“ It's you! Comrade General. " When I met an acquaintance at the front line, I was very excited, and the strength of shaking hands increased a bit.

We went back to the table and sat down. Panfilov asked general leviagin, "Comrade commander, how are the casualties in the army?"

Leviagin shook his head, sighed and said, "Comrade division, it's terrible. Two thirds of the commanders in the regiment were killed and more than half of the soldiers were killed. My deputy commander has also died. I hope you can help me with a competent assistant as soon as possible. "

When Panfilov heard this, he seemed a little excited and said, "you and I want to go together." Then he added without thinking: "since you and lieutenant colonel oshanina know each other, it's much easier."

What he said made leviagin confused. He asked in a puzzled way, "Comrade teacher, you have confused me. Do I know lieutenant commander o'shanina and have any connection with your calling me from the position to the division headquarters in the middle of the night? "

"Yes, yes! Comrade leviagin. " Political commissar yegorov took over the topic first: "we intend to appoint lieutenant colonel oshanina as your deputy, and take up the post of deputy head of 1077 regiment. I called you here to ask for your opinion. "

Leviagin turned his head and did not speak. He just stared at me. When I was a little embarrassed, he turned his head, looked at the division commander and political commissar, and said slowly, "when I was in the headquarters of the group army, I heard Comrade rokosovsky introduce the situation of lieutenant colonel oshanina. As for sending her to the post of deputy head of our regiment, I personally think that.... "

At this point, he even stopped. Not only the teachers and political commissars focused on him, but also I waited for his reply nervously. Fortunately, he did not let us wait for long, then he said his answer: "I personally think: with her working ability and indomitable fighting spirit, she is fully qualified for this position."

After listening to his opinions, the three of us breathed a sigh of relief. The teacher immediately took over the topic and said, "since you also agree with the appointment of the division headquarters, let lieutenant commander o'shanina go back to the 1077 regiment with you later."

"This!" Leviagin hesitated and said, "Sir, can I have commander o'shanina in my regiment at another time? When I go back at this time, I'm afraid there's something wrong with the road. Besides, as you know, there are often small groups of enemies on motorcycles sneaking into the rear of our army to harass them. I'm responsible for the safety of the commander! "

Although leviagin's reason was very good, penfilov frowned and asked, "how long do you think it would be best to postpone it?"

Leviagin looked at me and hesitated a little. Then he came close to the division commander and said something in a low voice. Because the voice was too small, I couldn't hear what he said, but I knew that he was stating to the division commander the reason why he couldn't let me go to the army for the time being. But the time was very short. After whispering, he straightened up and said aloud, "how about tomorrow at noon?"

Panfilov tapped his fingers on the table, frowned and considered leviagin's proposal. After a long time, he nodded slowly and said, "well, comrade leviagin, I'll do as you say. I'll let commander o'shanina report to your regiment at noon tomorrow."

After the three arranged my work properly, leviagin stood up, pulled the hem of his uniform with both hands, and then said, "then it's settled. There are still tasks to be assigned in the regiment. I'll go back first."

Panfilov and yegorov also stood up and told leviagin, "be careful on the way back."

"I will." Leviagin answered, raised his hand to salute them, and then turned away. At dawn, a new round of German attack began. The sound of gunfire came from outside. The telephone in the room began to ring. The three of us took turns to answer the incoming calls. The contents of these calls were similar. They either reported where the German army was attacking or asked Panfilov for reinforcements. For the former, Panfilov said that he knew, and then drew the position of the German attack on the map with a pencil. As for those who asked for help, he replied very simply: I don't have a reserve team. You must be nailed to the position like a nail. You are not allowed to retreat, because Moscow is behind you. When I heard what Panfilov said, I knew very well that it wasn't that he couldn't save himself, but that he really had no soldiers to send. As far as I know, the earliest division guard battalion has been lost in the battle for a long time. Today's guard force is no more than a platoon, and it is composed of the staff of the division headquarters and the logistics personnel of some organs. It's OK for such troops to be on guard. If they are sent to the front, it's the same as death. As time goes on, the situation becomes more and more unfavourable to us. According to the feedback, although our defense line has not been broken through by the German army, it is constantly retreating. At ten o'clock, I received the last call from Aji from the position. In the phone, he said excitedly: "Comrade commander, * the bandits have rushed into the position. We are fighting tenaciously, fighting with them for every basement." Hearing this, I interrupted him and asked, "where's filstov?"“ He was fighting with the enemy in the trench just now, but now there is no movement. He must have died! " Hearing the news, I felt a little nervous and asked, "where's the instructor Pavlov?"“ Sacrifice“ What about aguminte“ I've sacrificed myself, too After listening to these bad news, my heart is like falling into the ice cellar, finished, my most effective subordinates are sacrificed! Without waiting for me to speak, a burst of dense gunfire came from the receiver, and then ah Ji's voice came again: "the enemy is coming in, comrade commander, take care!" There was a sudden gunshot shock inside. After a loud bang, there was no more sound in the microphone. Ah Ji died, too! A series of blows made me stop thinking and leave my brain blank.