Burning Moscow

Chapter 118

Not far away from home, I saw that the commanders who had just gone out had just come down to a trench and were walking forward. I walked around several broken tree trunks on the ground and down the gentle slope into the trench.

This half man deep trench was the third line of defense built by the 107th division in the forest. Because there has never been a battle here, there is a thin layer of snow inside and outside the trench. The soldiers, who had been in the trench, saw the commanders passing by and stood up one after another to salute them with their backs against the trench wall.

After a short walk, I came to the door of a shelter. The shelter was not big. As long as rokosovsky, zaharov, lobachev and malining, the chief of staff, walked in, I and the others stayed outside. Although they didn't go in, they all crowded at the door and peered inside.

When he saw the commander go in, a dozen people who had been sitting in the room stood up in unison. One of them, a middle-aged man with a moustache, a big cornice hat and a long grey army coat, came up to rokosovsky and saluted him.

Rokosovsky saluted back, then held out his hand and said in a loud voice, "Hello! Alexander vasilievych Alexandrov

Moustache quickly put his hand down from the brim of his hat and grasped the commander's hand: "Hello! Comrade commander

"Welcome here!"

Moustache shook hands with the other three commanders one by one, and then replied to the commander, "Comrade commander, I think it is our duty to go to the front position immediately and perform a concert there."

Hearing this, rokosovsky shook his head and said, "it's already a concert. Do you hear me?"?! You can't go there. "

Mustache did not want to give up easily, trying to persuade the commander to agree with his proposal: "but we are here for the performance!"

Rokosovsky's head shakes like a rattle and says firmly, "no! no no way!!! Comrade Alexander vasilievych Alexandrov! I have no right to do so. You know, you are the wealth of the whole Red Army. "

Hearing that the commander used the honorific name for moustache twice in a row, I couldn't help but ask katukov, who is this moustache, Comrade General

"Moustache?" After listening to my question, katukov looked at me in surprise and said, "don't you even know him? He's the head of the red flag troupe, Alexander vasilievitch Alexandrov. This national famous song and dance troupe is still named after him. "

I answered vaguely, then craned my neck and looked at the members of the song and dance troupe carefully. According to my later experience, usually there are beautiful women in the song and dance troupes of such military groups. Can see for a long time, only to see a room full of handsome boys, a heterosexual are not immediately interested. At this time, I heard rokosovsky shout: "Comrade chief of staff!"

"Here it is Colonel marinin came forward.

Rokosovsky half turned his body and said, "prepare more telephones, bring them here, and let the singers and dancers sing to the telephone." Malining agreed, turned to go out, and squeezed out from among us. I heard the commander say to moustache, "the soldiers can hear you in the front. Sing to your heart's content."

"Thank you, comrade commander." Mustache was very satisfied with the arrangement.

"I wish you success!" Rokosovsky reached out to him again, shook his hand, turned and walked over. He went to the door and stopped. Looking at us who were crowded in the door, he said, "go back to the command post and continue the meeting."

"Yes Everyone agreed, and then happily surrounded the commander back to the command post.

When we sat around the wooden table again and continued to discuss the deployment of the campaign, I did not join in the fun, but held a telescope to observe the situation of the front.

From the command post to the first trench, tanks and armored vehicles can be seen everywhere, which are burned black and damaged. There are both our army's and German's. on the ground, there are dense craters, inside and outside of which are covered with the bodies of Soviet soldiers and German soldiers. Seeing all this, I can't help but feel a little afraid: in terms of the intensity and cruelty of the battle yesterday, what a bloody battle it was, what a horror it was.

The first line of defense of our army was full of noise and smoke, and the whole position was shrouded in smoke. In the distance, on the other side of the smoke, dozens of German tanks were hurtling towards our army, with dense infantry following them. Looking at the limbs flying out of the smoke of gunfire, my heart immediately raised: the troops suffered so many casualties in the artillery fire, and they were facing the powerful offensive of the enemy. Won't our defense line collapse as suddenly as it did yesterday?

From time to time, shells fell on the German attack line, blowing up the sky of mud and snow. It was our army's artillery that was firing. I searched our artillery positions everywhere, and soon found that there were some small 45mm anti tank guns in the right rear of the trench. The guns were set up next to the destroyed tanks and were shooting at the German army. I counted that there were only nine guns. It was impossible to shoot so many bombing points in the German line at the same time. There should be other artillery positions.

I continued to observe for a while, and was surprised to see our tank in the left rear of the trench. To be exact, it was the heavy tank that couldn't be broken yesterday. Although from time to time shells exploded around, or even hit it directly, it did not affect it to continue to fire on the German army. Seeing this unusual tank, I immediately think of a post I read later: it said that a heavy tank of the Soviet army had blocked the attack of an armored division of the German army in the early days of the war. At that time, I thought it was boasting. No matter how good a tank is, it will still turn into a pile of burning scrap iron after being shot. However, the performance of this super tank in yesterday's battle made me look at it with new eyes. The heavy industry of the Soviet Union was really not built. It was able to build such a tank that could not even be broken by shells.

As the German army approached, the shelling stopped, and there was a lot of gunfire in the trenches. The German tanks slowed down, stopped in front of the trench, and used artillery and machine gun fire to suppress our troops, covering the infantry charge.

"Rise up, great country, fight to the death, to eliminate the evil forces..." a passionate voice suddenly sounded in my ear. I followed the source of the voice and saw that it was from a square box hanging on the wall. I am very familiar with the melody of this song. I hear it every year when I watch the live broadcast of the Red Square parade. I can hear it in the films of the former Soviet Union's patriotic war. I even hear it in the series of "lurking" and "soldier assault". Although I've heard it countless times, I still feel excited when I hear the familiar melody on this occasion.

Many of the commanders in the room were sitting and even smoking. As soon as they heard the song, they immediately put out their cigarettes and stood up one after another to listen to the singing of the song "holy war" by the comrades of the song and dance troupe.

Just after listening for a short time, rokosovsky said: "comrades, the tasks are clear, you go back to prepare immediately!"

"Yes The commanders agreed neatly, saluted the commander and commissar, and retreated.

I saw two soldiers climb out of the second trench, then stand up, bend over and run to the anti tank gun position. Running in front of the soldier holding a microphone, behind the soldier holding a spool, while running while playing the phone line. After a while, they ran into the artillery position. They crouched down and handed the microphone to a commander who was also squatting.

The commander took the microphone and listened for a while. Then he stood up abruptly and pulled the cotton cap off his head, revealing his bandaged forehead. He raised his cap high and yelled at the artillery. After two words, he waved his hand down. With his action, the artillery came to a salvo.

I turned my telescope to look at the German line, and the shells roared down. In the sound of the explosion, the charging infantry was blown up to the ground, crying and howling. The tank that was hit directly lifted the turret, and the fire covered crew struggled to climb out of the car, ran back a few steps, and then fell on the snow.

Then more shells fell one after another into the German attack line, blowing them dizzy. Judging from the explosive power and killing radius, this is definitely not an anti tank gun, but a heavy gun like 122 or 152 can produce such an effect.

I suddenly heard the voice of chief of staff malining coming from behind. Looking back, he did not know when he came back and was reporting to the commander: "in addition to the way of transmitting the voice to the commanders and fighters through the telephone, I also used the original high pitched horn on the position, so that even the soldiers hundreds of meters away can hear it."

"That's great. I should give you a credit. By doing so, the soldiers on the front line are greatly encouraged by the singing, which is very effective for us to repel the current enemy attack. " He stopped for a moment and asked, "what's the latest enemy situation?"

"Yes, comrade commander." Malining is indeed rokosovsky's most trusted chief of staff. He always keeps abreast of the enemy's situation in time: "yesterday, the 14th motorized division of the German aggressors was repulsed by our army. From today's interrogation of the prisoners, we know that they have been supplemented, and the 252nd infantry division is the new one."

"Report!" At the door stood a burly commander, shouting a report.

"Come in! Colonel beloborodov, I'm looking forward to seeing you Rokosovsky was very happy to see this man coming. He brought him to the table, pointed to the map and said to him, "you should immediately organize troops to fight back. You must defeat the current enemy and drive them far away. Do you understand? "

"I understand." The Colonel saluted and then said, "may I go out to command the battle?"

"Go ahead and wish you success!" And the commander held out his hand again.

Inspired by the song, the artillery was as excited as chicken blood. The shooting speed was nearly twice as fast as before, and the accuracy was much higher. When more and more tanks were destroyed by our artillery fire, they chose to retreat.

As in the past, as soon as the German army retreated, the Soviet army would fight back. This time, it was general katukov's first close guard tank brigade that led the battle. The tanks from the forest quickly formed a battle formation and opened fire while driving. But to my surprise, the heavy tank was still standing there, just shooting at the German army.

Rokosovsky, who stood beside me to observe the fighting situation, saw me puzzled and explained to me that in yesterday's battle, the heavy tank had engine failure first, and then the track was broken by German shells, so it could only be used as a fixed fort there. The tanks of the guard brigade rushed up, followed by the 78th infantry division from Siberia. Under the command of the division commander, Colonel beloborodov, they formed a scattered formation, shouting "ulah!", They marched forward in the face of sporadic German fire.