Broke: A Clone Wars Tale

Chapter 205 - Missing Supplies

"General, commander, there is something you should know about."

Dageer saluted the Jedi and the clone as usual, but he was bringing bad news. Very bad news.

"What is it?"

"Bad news, general. I asked Brain to do an inventory of our supplies, since I doubt we will have a chance to restock. We are good on water and food, and I think Syndulla would be able to arrange that for us if it is needed. We are also good on ammo. We lost troopers faster than they could spend it."

"What is the problem then?"

"Most of our medical supplies are spoiled and useless. I think we were sabotaged. Bacta tanks were broken, bandages were ruined and medicines destroyed."

General Di showed an angry face. It was clear what Dageer was implying.

"Tram Cholq."

"I think so, general. He is the only one who would do that."

"That bastard... Even after death he is betraying us."

For once, General Di let Commander Keeli curse a dead man. This last blow that Tram Cholq hit them with, even after his death, was really too much. Just like Dageer said, they could do without water and food, because Syndulla certainly could arrange that on his own planet. However, without medical supplies, each wound could take the life of a trooper or a freedom fighter, even if it was just the tiniest scratch.

"Put me in contact with Admiral Dao."

Dageer was holding his helmet under his arm, but he put it down on a crate, and pulled out a hologram projector. Admiral Dao showed up, but the transmission was blurry, and the admiral kept looking back. Of course, all of this was understandable, since The Sincerity was locked in a death struggle at this moment.

"Admiral. We need medical supplies immediately. Contact the Jedi Council once more. Tell them that if we don't get those supplies, the 303rd and the freedom fighters won't be able to defend Ryloth."

"I... Bzzz... Do so, general... Bzz... Not sure it will... Matter... I've tried this many... Answer is always... Bzzz... same..."

"Try again, admiral. It is our only hope."

"Yes... General..."

General Di ended the transmission, and turned to the two clones and Syndulla. They could already hear the sound of the droids approaching far away. The Nikto inspected the troops behind them. One thousand and seven hundred clones, and about that same number in Twi'lek freedom fighters. The wounded and civilians were already far away.

"Now, we can only fight... And hope. May the Force be with us."


Admiral Dao held on the hologram table so he wouldn't fall. Although they had only just started their suicide attack, The Sincerity and the other sh.i.p.s were already taking heavy fire.

He had just spoken with the members of the Jedi Council, as General Di asked, and the answer was a little bit better this time. He was told that a representative of the Senate was already in Toydaria, negotiating a convoy of supplies for the Republic troops on Ryloth.

Toydarians had a neutral stance in the Clone Wars - and, as such, could enter Ryloth without being attacked by the Separatist - but the benefits the Republic promised were enough to make their king send those supplies, and nothing more.

However, negotiations were still going on, and if it took to long, there would be no one alive to receive the supplies.

For now, all Admiral Dao could do was continue to fight, and kill as many droids as possible before he died.


Dageer jumped down a trench, just in time to dodge a volley of red lasers coming in his direction. For the past hour, he and Commander Keeli had been fighting side by side, and caused so many losses to the droids that they became the focus of attention of the enemy army, even more than General Di.

The commander also jumped inside the trench. Around them, clones and Twi'leks fought side by side, and died side by side. Dageer felt someone stumble and hit him, and when he looked at the corpse, he recognized Sharp, even though half of his helmet was black and smoking.

Putting his dead brother down slowly, he turned to Commander Keeli. The commander had two DC-17s, one on each hand, and was firing them non-stop. Dageer looked over the top of the trench, and saw a dozen droids falling in quick succession, each of them with a laser hole in the chest and another in the head. It was incredible how Commander Keeli could be so accurate with pistols at more than three hundred meters.

However, Dageer didn't have time to admire the commander, because an AAT was crushing the dead droids in his path, and it was aiming at them.

"The tank is looking at us, commander."

"Everyone around, move!"

They only had time to jumped out of the way before the AAT fired. Red soil and mud flew everywhere, and Dageer heard screams as at least one freedom fighter was caught in the explosion.

Thankfully, the AAT didn't have time to fire a second shot before one of the few AT-TEs the 303rd had destroyed it. His head buzzing, Dageer felt Commander Keeli helping him get up.

"Come on, Dageer. It isn't time to sleep now."

Chuckling, Dageer got up and grabbed his DC-17. His DC-15A was lost somewhere, and he didn't have time to look for it.

Suddenly, a loud sound encompassed the battlefield. Dageer looked up, and saw two Hyena-class bombers flying towards them. Clones and Twi'leks threw themselves on the ground, but it was useless.

Several explosions shook the battlefield, and a cloud of dust appeared, covering Republic and Separatist troops alike. Screams of the wounded resounded, but the droids didn't care, and red lasers cut the dust. Commander Keeli looked at Dageer, his visor covered in dirt.

"You go west, I will go the other way. Get the troops back in position. Those bombers will come back for another round."

"Understood, sir."

Dageer started running and helping people get up. From time to time he fired his pistol, and never once missed the target. Commander Keeli, on the other hand, ran off to encounter General Di.


Some instinct warned Dageer that something wasn't right. Most people wouldn't pay attention to this kind of thing, the vague feeling that they were in danger. But Dageer wasn't a normal person. He was a soldier who had been through hundreds of battles, and put his life on the line more times than he could remember. So, when his instinct kicked in, he followed it.

He humped forward, and rolled on the ground before getting up again. Burning pain in his left shoulder and arm told him he had been hit two times, but the lasers missed his bones, only cutting flesh. He ignored the pain, turned around, and emptied the DC-17's magazine in the dust above him. Three B1 battle droids fell inside the trench.

All over the Republic's defensive line, clanckers used the dust as cover to reach the trench. Clones and freedom fighters were being massacred without a chance to resist, so Dageer did the only thing he could do.

He climbed up the trench, the vibroblade he took from a bounty hunter a long time ago in his hand.