Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 643

"Your Majesty, there is no room for hesitation now!"

Zhao Pu continued.

Zhao Kuangyin did not care about him at all, and finally Zhao Pu had no choice but to leave.

Looking at Zhao Pu's back, Zhao Kuangyin gives a sneer.

"Is it done yet?"

In the dark, a thin figure nodded and agreed.

"It's done. The army can leave at any time."

"Well, do it now. Remember to evacuate slowly according to the plan and leave no trace."

Zhao Kuangyin said.

"My subordinates understand, but why don't they kill them directly? With our army's current strength, they will not be afraid of them even if they fight head-on. Why

That dark shadow says, from this we can see that this person's status is very unusual. After all, there are not many people who can talk to Zhao Kuangyin like this in the Northern Song Dynasty.

"Ha ha, Taoist Yiqing, this problem is very simple. Wan Jianzong and Zhao Pu sing double reed to use me as bait to kill Li Xian, and then get rid of me. They choose a new puppet to support in the later Shu and Southern Tang Dynasties. Zhao Pu has been undercover around me for many years. Naturally, I know that I have long been dissatisfied with wanjianzong. If I don't take advantage of wanjianzong's style, I'm afraid I'll kill me with the Tang Dynasty first. "

The black figure, who was called Taoist Yiqing, nodded and said, "Your Majesty is holy and considerate. It's the foundation of my greed that I've managed to build."

"Ha ha, I'm not willing to. There's nothing I can do. I'm not afraid I don't have firewood to burn. This trip is just for making a comeback in the future."

Zhao Kuangyin said and clenched his fist hard, but his ambition was in silence.

On the other hand, Zhao Pu recalled the whole thing and felt more and more wrong.

Everything seems too easy.

He himself is a disciple of the sword playing sect. In fact, many of the disciples of the sword playing sect stir up the storm among the major dynasties. In the world, this is what they have been doing all the time.

At the beginning, wanjianzong's colony was canghuan territory. Their only purpose was to select talents, compete for resources, plunder Qi and supply the clan headquarters. To achieve these goals, one side of the territory could not be unified.

So over the years, all forces in canghuan have been in chaos.

Zhao Kuangyin was one of these selected forces. Wan Jianzong used his disciples to maneuver and make each dynasty strong and then weak.

In the past, the power of the Northern Song Dynasty was what they wanted. However, Zhao Kuangyin was so powerful that now he can't balance it. So Wan Jianzong had a mind to deal with it.

It happened to catch up with the affairs of the Tang Dynasty in the mysterious region of heaven, so there was this plan of killing two birds with one stone. The Northern Song Dynasty attacked the Tang Dynasty, and the two tigers fought against each other, and wanjianzong took advantage of it.

It was going well.

Zhao Pu's plan is very clear, whether it's the Ice Crystal Valley surprise attack or persuading Zhao Kuangyin to send troops, its ultimate purpose is to consume the national strength of the Northern Song Dynasty.

According to Wan Jianzong's plan, Li Xian only needs to kill him with a master. At that time, the Tang Dynasty will retreat to the snow plain and enter the civil strife. Wan Jianzong is just going to clean up the mess.

On the other hand, the Northern Song Dynasty consumed a lot of national strength, which could support the Southern Tang Dynasty, and the latter Shu dynasty took its place, creating a new era.

But now Zhao Pu feels that something is wrong. Zhao Kuangyin's behavior seems to be in line with common sense, but it makes people feel strange. He knows that Zhao Kuangyin is definitely not a guy who is inferior to others.

"There must be something wrong with it."

So instead of returning to the government immediately, Zhao Pu secretly went to the barracks.

Zhao Pu's strength is not bad, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find his whereabouts. In addition, he is very familiar with the layout of the barracks, so he quickly found out the situation.

"Well, how is that possible?"

In fact, only tens of thousands of people were stationed in the camp where hundreds of thousands of troops were supposed to be stationed. The army of the Northern Song Dynasty moved back and forth for the sake of welcoming the army of the latter Shu into the city. In this process, the main force gradually disappeared.

"Sure enough, the old man had a plan."

Immediately, Zhao Pu understood Zhao Kuangyin's idea.

He wants to force himself and wanjianzong to fight against the Tang army. Then he can escape. It's not easy.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhao Pu soon straightened out his mind.

Now it must be too late to inform Wan Jianzong. The ambush plan has almost taken shape. The elders of Wan Jianzong will not care about their own life or death. What will they do when the Tang army attacks the city?


Immediately, Zhao Pu came up with a way to deal with it. With the strength of Bianliang City, it was impossible to stop the Tang army. After all, there was only the army of houshu in the whole city.

Zhao Pu knows the strength of houshu.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered people to open the gate of the city and directly invited all the monarchs of houshu to the city.

In Bianliang City, Zhao Pu's position was only under Zhao Kuangyin's command. Naturally, no one dared to disobey his command. It was said that someone would report to Zhao Kuangyin, just according to Zhao Pu's meaning.Therefore, although some people doubt it, the emperor of the latter Shu led his army into the city.

"Zhaoyuan, what do you say about this defeat?"

Walking on the street of Bianliang City, the king of Shu asked the generals around him with a smile.

"In reply to your majesty, the Tang army is just a nominal name, but it is actually vulnerable. If the enemy invades, I will surely kill the culprits, so as to show the power of our rear Shu army."

Wang Zhaoyuan, the great general of houshu, said confidently.

Blow, blow on.

Zhao Pu, who was in charge of meeting him, was full of disdain.

That is to say, there's no way to take you back. If you still kill the Tang army, it's good not to be killed.

"No one dares to stop Wang Jun's divine power. The master of Shu might as well rest in the post house first, straighten up the army and horses, and come to visit us when our master comes back from the inspection."

Zhao Pu said with a smile, leading the people of houshu to the post house.

He naturally knew that Zhao Kuangyin might be gone at this time, and the main army of the Northern Song Dynasty had also withdrawn secretly. Now Bianliang city is just an empty shell, but in order to let Wan Jianzong not find his own trouble, the play still needs to be performed.

Zhao Pu had already been flattered and entertained, and the later Shu monarchs and ministers didn't doubt that he was there. They stayed in Bianliang city at ease.

The news they got was that after the war, Wan Jianzong was going to fight against the Northern Song Dynasty and support them, so everyone lived in the dream of success and domination.

Even, they are looking forward to fighting soon.

Zhao Pu, who left the post house, immediately left the city, disguised himself and left secretly.

He has done everything he can. Even when he comes back to wanjianzong, he can say that he has tried his best and will never die.

But in this way, all these years of planning will be in vain.

However, Zhao Kuangyin's immortality is a big problem for WAN Jianzong.

For a time, Zhao Pu hesitated about whether to return to wanjianzong. ..