Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 640

Looking at the edge of the snow plain, Li Xian's eyes twinkled.

"Here we are at last"

"take a rest for an hour, and the scouts will go to explore the way."

"Others are hiding their tracks. We must not be found by the enemy."

Li Xian ordered.

"Yes, your majesty."

Three thousand royal guards moved according to the words and disappeared in the snow.

Li Xian raised his eyes and looked far away, but he hesitated.

This time, all of them are the elite of the royal guards. Of course, their strength is not to be mentioned.

They can be said to be the top fighting force of the Tang Dynasty today, but compared with the people in canghuan area who are famous for their strong practitioners.

Even Li Xian is a bit uneasy.

"Sire, is there no reinforcements on this trip?"

Suddenly, Zhan Zhao comes to Li Xian and asks softly.

Li Xian turned to take a look at Zhan Zhao, looking a little surprised.

"Although I don't understand your Majesty's meaning, I also know that your majesty can't believe the two monsters in the Ice Crystal Valley."

Zhan Zhao said with a smile.

"Yes! I really can't believe them. "

Li Xian continued with a smile.

"You guessed right. We are the only ones on this trip. There will be no reinforcements."

"In this case, are we going to join general Xue in the holy city?"

Zhanzhao thought about it and said.

In his feeling, the best choice at this moment is to investigate the current location, and then set out towards the holy city. After the round with Xue Rengui's army, he pointed to the Northern Song Dynasty.

"No, we're going to Bianliang."

Li Xian shook his head and said.

"Bianliang, is your majesty going to surprise the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty?"

Zhan Zhao was shocked.

"Yes and no."

Li Xian sighed and said.

"It's really puzzling that the Northern Song Dynasty attacked us for no reason. I always think there may be something hidden behind this incident. I'll give you an important task during this trip."

"Your Majesty, please."

Zhan Zhao said solemnly.

"First of all, we have to make a false impression that we are leading troops to attack Bianliang City, so as to..."

Li Xian explains his plan. Zhan Zhao's face is shocked at first, then surprised, and finally calm.

"Don't worry, your majesty. I will live up to my mission."

Finally, Zhan Zhao said with appraisal.

"Well, when the scouts come back, let's go."

Li Xian nodded and said softly in a determined tone.

The other half, the holy city in the snow, Xue Rengui walked back and forth in the camp, looking a little anxious.

"General, here comes Mr. Guo Jia."

With the herald's announcement, Xue Rengui looked happy.

"Come on, please."

Not long after, several soldiers escorted Guo Jia to come, and the guests and hosts took their seats. Xue Rengui couldn't wait to say.

"Mr. Guo Jia, you are here. What does your majesty mean?"

"Don't panic, general Xue. Your Majesty's trip has another deep meaning. We have to cooperate with each other to ensure your safety."

"I know that, but how can I rest assured that your majesty leads people into the Northern Song Dynasty alone? What should I do if something goes wrong?"

Xue Rengui said anxiously.

"Don't worry, general. I can guess what your majesty thinks. At present, we should consider how to cooperate with your majesty."

Guo Jia said with a clear mind.

"Oh, the wine, please."

"At present, the most important thing is to exert positive pressure on the Northern Song Dynasty. I've got news that the two countries, Hou Shu and Nan Tang, seem to have reached an agreement with the Northern Song Dynasty. Now the forces of the three countries have gathered together. When they are properly arranged, we will be passive."

"What's the trick of offering wine?"


Guo Jia got up and came to the map and said.

"Out of the Xueyuan, we are facing Linxi, Longnan and Tian'an. These three cities are all the fortresses near the Xueyuan in the Northern Song Dynasty. Linxi city is the most powerful one, with a high number of soldiers. Even if our whole army goes out to attack, it is not easy to attack. Besides, it is not easy to supply in the Xueyuan, and we need troops to guard outside the Ice Crystal Valley There are not many troops we can mobilize. It is not easy to make a quick decision. "

"I know about it, too."

Xue Rengui said.

"Therefore, my original plan was to take defense as the attack and push forward step by step, but now..."

Said, Xue Rengui sighed, behind the words did not say.

Guo Jia knew that Xue Rengui's strategy would be safest and safe if it wasn't for his Majesty's sudden choice of surprise attack. But now the situation has changed, and Li Xian's worry is exactly what they are worried about. Since the situation is already like this, what they can do is to cooperate with Li Xian as much as possible."With the passage of Ice Crystal Valley, the defensive battle is not a complete strategy for us. Besides, your majesty should be able to understand the reality of the canghuan realm."

Guo Jia said.

"Virtual and real, what does sacrificial wine mean?"

"The general didn't think that the Northern Song Dynasty was too sudden for us to use our troops. What's more, the Northern Song Dynasty, the later Shu Dynasty and the Southern Tang Dynasty were fighting with each other, but now they could join forces."

Hearing this, Xue Rengui also understood Guo Jia's meaning and nodded.

"Well, I'm going to arrange the dispatch of troops, and I'll give it to the sacrificial master."

"No, I'll go with the army. They will come later. Don't worry about the holy city."

Hearing this, Xue Rengui nodded and said no more.

Not long after, the rosefinch army in the holy city slowly out of the city, in order to prevent the enemy from discovering, the army quickly went hand in hand.

As for the terrain of the Northern Song Dynasty, Xue Rengui was already familiar with it. After he and Guo Jia personally led a group of people around Ma, Guan Yu led 50000 troops to linxicheng, the fortress of the Northern Song Dynasty.

According to the plan, the main role of Guan Yu's army is to encircle Linxi City, so that the news can't be delivered quickly, giving Xue Rengui time for their barracks to make a surprise attack.

Obviously, this is a very difficult task.

Linxi city is a fortress in the Northern Song Dynasty. According to rough statistics, it is unrealistic to garrison at least 200000 troops and attack such a city with 50000 troops.

However, Guan Yu was not afraid. The army marched in and even besieged the city, which surprised the general of Linxi city.

At the same time, Xue Rengui had led the army to Longnan.

Li Chugeng, the garrison general of Longnan, was good at fighting because he was excluded from the court because of his personality. However, because of his ability, Zhao Kuangyin still ordered him to guard the fortress of Longnan, which shows his trust in his ability.

At the moment, Li Chugeng is looking at the battle map in his mansion, dazed. Before that, he wrote to dissuade Zhao Kuangyin from sending troops to the Tang Dynasty. In Li Chugeng's opinion, this matter is unnecessary.

Even if it can defeat the Tang Dynasty, it will do more harm than good. Moreover, whether it can be defeated or not is unknown. ..