Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 603


a loud noise exploded in the palace, and the royal guards around looked back at the courtyard where the smoke was rising, and then turned around, with a look of no surprise.

I don't know what your majesty is studying. It's so powerful.

On the other side, Li Xian frowned at the sunken ground in front of him, his brows locked tightly.

How to use this star pyroxene?

It is said that there should be no big gap between this thing and Lingjing, but why.

On this point, Li Xian also asked Jiutian Xuannv. The latter's answer is that the world of this level does not have the ability to use the star pyroxene, which is something that Li Xian can't touch at this stage.

However, Li Xian didn't believe in evil. He checked many kinds of data and studied many methods, but in the end, as the Ninth Heaven Xuannv said, there was nothing left except the explosion.

As for the large-scale spirit weapon, Li Xian was also at a loss.

It seems that there are no large-scale spiritual tools in the dark and the dark regions. According to a few materials, Li Xian probably knows that large-scale spiritual tools are equivalent to auxiliary spiritual tools that can change the environment.

For example, there is a large-scale spirit weapon called liuyunsuo in the records.

Its function is to carry the spirit stone, and then it can create a suitable environment for the survival of the human race within a certain range. Of course, it also includes some defense, attack and other functions. According to the level of the spirit weapon, there are many strange things.

To put it simply, the large-scale psionic device is to save the process of the practitioner's normal absorption of the psionic power recovery in the psionic crystal. After all, it takes a long time and process to absorb even if he holds more psionic crystals, which can be avoided by using the large-scale psionic device.

In addition, most large-scale psionic weapons have some attack and defense functions. Although they also need to consume Lingshi to complete, there is no doubt that the effect is very obvious when they are used well.

"It seems that this large-scale spirit weapon is really a good thing to explore the plane, but it seems that I can't get it at this stage."

Thinking about it, it seems that we can only look at the huge spodumene vein at present, but can't get it.

"Forget it, we'd better find a way to gather together the star pyroxene that made the mausoleum first."

However, Li Xian had no choice but to take the second place. Anyway, he built the mausoleum first to increase the speed of gathering Qi.

For the dynasty, Qi Yun is equivalent to human luck. The higher Qi Yun is, the more benefits will be. It is also one of the necessary conditions for the next promotion.

"Qi Yun, belief, spiritual power are really troublesome."

Li Xian, who gave up his research on the star pyroxene, put all his attention on the development of Cang region and the exploration of canghuan region.

Undoubtedly, Cang region is rich in products, but the degree of development is a headache.

Over the years, countless clans have been frantically exploiting those rare resources. The direct result is that there are no resources in some places, but there are no people to touch the resources in some places.

Because those places are very remote, inconvenient transportation, and very dangerous.

For this reason, Li Xian did not hesitate to mobilize huge human and material resources to build roads, and even issued a ban on mining in some places.

In the offline world view, the best way to use resources is to form circulation and utilization.

At the same time, Li Xian also ordered the Tianshi mansion to carry out another major event, that is, to study large-scale attack and defense arrays, and to study many lost things, such as ancient weapon refining and medicine refining, etc., for which he did not hesitate to establish a special organization.

After seeing the strange array in the netherworld forest, Li Xian thought that the array might not be as bad as the current practitioners said. It's just that people in the cangxuan and Cang regions didn't find a suitable way to use it, or they didn't study it enough.

With the passage of time, the development of the Tang Dynasty gradually improved, and Li Xian went to the alien plane alone for several times, and madly brought back the star pyroxene. Although he can't use it for the time being, he may be able to use it that day.

In this way, day by day, Li Xian busy almost no rest time, ruling a dynasty of the emperor can also be so busy, probably he is the only one.

On this day, Li xianmeng, who was correcting the memorial, raised his head and looked out of the hall.

In the direction of the northern suburb of Chang'an City, a huge golden pillar of light rushed straight to the nine days, as if there was no end. On the golden pillar, a huge dragon meandered upward, as if trying to break through the sky. However, when they reached a certain height, they were restrained by some force and roared endlessly into the sky.

For a moment, the whole sky fell into the bright golden light.

The whole Chang'an city thinks that this is a miracle, but now Li Xian has appeared in the imperial mausoleum in the northern suburb of Chang'an city.

"Sire, I don't know what's going on. I put the star pyroxene in according to the drawing, and then it bounced out. The mausoleum seems to be alive. Please forgive me."

At the entrance of the mausoleum, the old craftsmen knelt down to plead guilty. Behind them, a large number of craftsmen and officials of the Ministry of industry knelt down.Obviously, they had just experienced the same thing. They were shot out of the imperial mausoleum by an unknown force. They didn't understand what happened.

"Well, you step back and take good care of these craftsmen."

"It's your majesty."

Hearing the words, they left quickly. Li Xian stood at the entrance of the imperial mausoleum, sorting out the information.

"Ding, the host builds the first level mausoleum, and the construction column opens."

"There's a lot more."

Li Xian had a cursory glance and built more than ten kinds of buildings, large and small. The materials needed are also various, and the functions are not the same.

Soon Li Xian focused on the mausoleum.

"The resting place after the death of the emperor, with the attack of ascending Qi, can protect the blood from the influence of external forces, and the mausoleum can quickly rebuild the dynasty."

Not affected by external forces, is equivalent to isolation, nine days Xuannv want to put something in.

"What's the ghost of a fast rebuilding dynasty?"

Li Xian frowned when he read the introduction. Unfortunately, the system didn't give a reasonable explanation. Of course, he didn't have expectations, but he felt a little uneasy.

Is there any other criterion for the destruction of the dynasty in the emperor system.

However, while Li Xian was thinking about this, a familiar voice suddenly rang out.

"Go in."

With the sound falling, you can see the figure of nine days Xuannv floating into the entrance of the mausoleum.

"No, it's mine. It's the same as your family. I really..."

Seeing this, Li Xian was speechless for a while, but he had no choice but to follow Jiutian Xuannv into the mausoleum. ..