Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 594

At the moment, Li Xian is not clear about his mood.

Although he was in a coma, he knew everything he had experienced.

Zhan Zhao and others fight with blood, Zhao Yun's magic weapon comes from heaven, Wang Ling's women's sadness and strength, and conggulun's trade.

Of course, this war does not mean that there is no harvest at all.

Just like the question of nine days Xuannv, he knows the mystery of the state of fit.

To put it bluntly, the mystery is very simple.

How to integrate yourself with the world, from a user to a controller.

Of course, understanding and being able to do are two things. It's not too bad to say that I was lucky in the battle with Huang Taiji that day.

"The little bit of power you left in me just in case?"

Li Xian, still unable to move, asked.

"You're smart. There's a big difference between what I say and what you understand."

Nine days Xuan female smile way.

"Why don't you just say it first?"

Li Xian said angrily that he lost a lot in this war and almost lost his life. If Xuannv had informed him in advance, maybe the result would be different.

"Everyone has his own destiny. If he doesn't suffer losses, he will have a long memory. Otherwise, he will really think he is invincible."

Nine days Xuan female says.

"Yes, you have a point."

Li Xian said with some chagrin.

"It's not a small price to pay this time."

Feeling the power constantly pouring into his body, Li Xian is in a complicated mood.

He can clearly feel that what is gathering in his body at the moment is the spiritual power and luck of the Tang Dynasty.

"Shouldn't these be absorbed by you?"

"Well, when you get to my level, you will understand."

Nine days Xuan female shook head to say.

"After this battle, you should understand what I'm asking for. This time, I'll give you a little reward in advance."

"What you said is really light. I'm trying my best outside. It's good for you, but seriously, what's so strange about that Huang Taiji's axe?"

Li Xian suddenly thought of the power that has been swallowing his vitality in his body these days.

"Evil spirit. Another way to strengthen yourself. "

Nine days Xuan female says, a deep disdain appears on the face.

Hearing this, Li Xian had a clear understanding.

There are different ways to gain faith and power.

At first, he thought that Jiutian Xuannv's way was enough to take advantage of others, and did not give people the chance to refuse. However, after seeing Chiyou's way of seizing the power of belief, Li Xiancai found that Jiutian Xuannv was too kind.

Huang Taiji's method is to rely on war and blood to gain strength, which he can't agree with.

"Next, the Qing Dynasty will launch a crazy attack, you are ready."

Nine days Xuan female seem to think of something, drop a word to disappear.

"It's going really fast."

Li Xian shook his head, felt the restoration of control of the body, and slowly stood up.

Pushing the door out, Wang Ling and others are anxiously waiting.

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

Seeing Li Xian's appearance, all the women rushed over and expressed their excitement.

Holding all the girls in his arms, Li Xian felt great comfort. He felt that it was really good.

The next morning, Queen Wang Ling announced the morning court.

Although the Tang Dynasty is relatively stable, some people are worried.

In the anxious waiting, Li Xian's figure appeared slowly. For a moment, people looked different.

Undoubtedly, the appearance of Li Xian made the whole Tang Dynasty stable.

"From today on, the Tang Dynasty has only one thing to do, to capture the Qing Dynasty."

Li Xian on the Dragon chair sends out his first order when he wakes up in a low voice.

"To die for your majesty."

"To die for your majesty."

"To die for your majesty."

The ministers said in a loud voice.

subsequently, Li Xian rewarded meritorious ministers and rewarded meritorious service, and mobilized troops to prepare for the all-out attack on the Qing Dynasty.

In fact, during his coma, the war never stopped.

But comparatively speaking, Yue Fei and others are consuming, and now, with Li Xian waking up, they can finally attack comprehensively.

If you dare to hurt their majesty, you will die.

On the other hand, the Qing Dynasty was in endless chaos. Huang Taiji's life and death were unknown, and all the imperial relatives and relatives began to fight for power and profit. The three times of chaos that had been pacified started here.

It can be said that the whole Qing Dynasty was in a precarious situation, with internal and external troubles."Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill

In just two months, the army of the Tang Dynasty went all the way to the Forbidden City.

The number advantage of the Qing Dynasty was completely destroyed by civil strife and tactical advantage.

Outside the Forbidden City, Yue Fei leads the way.

"Open the city quickly, surrender and fight in the corner. There is no amnesty for killing."

"There is no amnesty for killing, there is no amnesty for killing!"

"There is no amnesty for killing, there is no amnesty for killing!"

"There is no amnesty for killing, there is no amnesty for killing!"

The sound of the tsunami made all the soldiers look pale.

Along the way, the Tang army showed a strong battle, which made people feel numb. At the moment, the Qing Dynasty was a garrison, and there was no idea of trying to fight.

"Go! Go! Go! Go

With Yue Fei's command, the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty launched an attack.

Nowadays, there are few practitioners left on both sides.

On that day, the monks led by Li Xian consumed the wolf cavalry of the Qing Dynasty. Although they suffered a heavy loss, the Qing Dynasty was even worse. At the moment, the two rebels were fighting with their military strength.

However, the Qing Dynasty was not an opponent at all.

In the Tang Dynasty, there were too many generals and soldiers of ten thousand enemies, which made people feel terrible.

Li Xian in the main camp quietly looked at all this and said nothing.

He did not recover, although nine days Xuannv shot, but he just saved his life, want to restore strength still need some time.

"Your Majesty, the Forbidden City has been conquered. Most of the Qing troops have surrendered, and only a few of them are stubborn in the palace."

Xue Jinlian came to Li Xian and said softly.

Since the last time, Xue Jinlian almost stayed by Li Xian's side and refused to leave.

"It's over."

Some of Li Xian can't believe it, some of them are like dreams.

So the great dynasty was broken, even without the ability to resist.

In fact, this is what Li Xian has been worried about.

This is the most fundamental gap between the Tang Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

Without Huang Taiji, the Qing Dynasty is a mess, but without Li Xian, the Tang Dynasty can still operate.

"It's all brilliant."

Xue Jinlian said with pride.

"Well, let's go out for a walk and finally meet Huang Taiji."

With that, a cold light flashed in Li Xian's eyes. ..