Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 576

"Why so persistent?"

Li Xian looks at the Qing'er who is walking step by step and is puzzled.

There are many reasons for loyalty, but he can't think of the reason why Qing'er died for Huang Taiji.

To be exact, he couldn't think what Qing'er's nearly desperate assassination was for.

"You are stronger than I thought, but I will kill you today."

Qing'er's voice is cold and crazy.

Suddenly, she raised her dagger fiercely, but instead of attacking Li Xian, she stabbed her own bear bank.

What's more strange is that the dagger goes into her chest, and Qing'er doesn't have any blood flowing on her body. On the contrary, her body is losing weight quickly, as if the flesh and blood are slowly disappearing.

"What's this?"

For a moment, Li Xian accurately felt a cold and dark breath.

Up to now, Li Xian no longer hesitated and waved his hand fiercely.

He felt that Qing'er's move might cause great trouble.

But don't want to, originally has the absolute advantage of Li Xian this attack failed, Qing son didn't stop, fight back meaning, let Li Xian a shot in the chest.

But the thin body did not move, on the contrary, Li Xiandeng stepped back a few steps.

Li Xian couldn't help looking down at his palm.

A wisp of black smoke in the palm, constantly want to invade towards the interior.

Li Xian runs Xuangong silently, Zila, the black fog disappears in an instant.

"I, the moon shadow clan, have a secret skill to convert the ghost king. Qing'er has little talent and learning. Although he can't summon the ghost king, he can turn himself into an ignorant ghost general. Li Xian, die for me."

While speaking, Qing'er rushes toward Li Xian fiercely. The speed is too fast for people to react.

I don't know.

There was a loud bang.

Qing'er's figure suddenly flew out by a huge force and hit the wall of the main hall. Layers of golden light bloomed like ripples of waves.

If you look at it again, the whole hall has been completely covered by golden light. On the ground, there are extremely complex talismans intertwined with each other. The walls and roofs of the hall are filled with talismans, just like a solid cage.

In countless golden light, Qing'er wails bitterly.

Li Xian looked at everything in front of him without expression, and was not moved at all.

As early as the time when he was assassinated in the imperial garden, he was ready to figure out how to deal with the ghost like assassination.

Some time ago, the Tianshi mansion was studying this matter almost all the time. Li Xian did not hesitate to spend his manpower and material resources. Under the heavy reward, there must be brave men. Sure enough, some people gave advice.

This array is called Dadu Tianfu demon array, which is specially used to restrain the evil spirits.

So Li Xian arranged this array in the hall early, waiting for the other party to fall into the trap.

Looking at Qing'er, who is gradually weak and returns to his original appearance, Li Xian shoots three silver needles with a blank face and backhand.

With the silver needle into the body, Qing'er is a cry of pain, struggling to stand up.

"You don't have to waste your efforts. This great heaven subduing magic array is specially used to restrain you. Now, your meridians have been blocked by me. Let's go and get them."

"You dream, I'll kill you, I'll kill you."

Even so, Qing'er is still struggling to attack.

Li Xian snorted coldly.


Even if he wants to kill Qing'er, he will not leave such a crazy existence to threaten himself and the safety of the harem.

But do not want to, at this time, a exclamation came from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, please show mercy."

Hearing this voice, Li Xian and Qing'er were stunned. It was Cong GuLun who came.

Li Xian hesitated and said.

"Come in!"

"Thank you, sir."

The door of the main hall opens slowly. Qing'er takes advantage of the situation and sees that there are already many soldiers outside the palace. She can't help but smile at herself.

"Originally everything was under the control of others."

"what is your royal highness?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive qinger."

Cong GuLun doesn't hesitate. He kneels down on the ground. Qing'er shouts at him.

"You are the princess of the Qing Dynasty. Why do you kneel down to the emperor of Li Tang? I don't need your help."

But he didn't want to. Conggulun, who had been submissive, sneered: "I'm not trying to save you. I'm trying to save all the remaining members of the moon shadow clan."

Hearing this, Li Xian felt quite interesting and asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"Report back to your majesty, in the early years, the moon shadow clan and the God of war clan were the most mysterious races on the grassland. After the God of war clan unified the grassland, for some reasons, the moon shadow clan made a blood contract and vowed to be loyal to the God of war clan until now.""The power of the moon shadow clan is not the strength of any single one, but the blood power of the whole clan converges on the purest people. Now, Qing'er is the purest successor of the whole moon shadow clan. If your majesty kills her, the moon shadow clan will be destroyed. Please forgive me."

"Do you mean that once she dies, the blood of the moon shadow clan will disappear, and no one will be able to use these secrets among the rest of the clan?"

"That's it, sire."

Listening to Li Xian and conggulun's reply, Qing'er looks pale.

She understood that.

She knew that when the Qing Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty went to war, the moon shadow clan would become the tool of Huang Taiji.

Now that zhe Zhe is dead and Hai Lanzhu is in a coma, only she and Zhuang Fei are left with blood power.

Once she fails, then Zhuang Fei is the last tool. With Huang Taiji's mind, he really comes to the critical moment. He doesn't care about the survival of the moon shadow clan.

Therefore, Qing'er must kill Li Xian and end all this here.

"I see."

Knowing the secret, Li Xian looked at conggulun kneeling on the ground and suddenly said, "but why should I let her go and let you go?"

"If we do these things for any monarch, it will be a mortal sin. I'm afraid it will be good to die. However, your majesty is kind-hearted and will not kill you completely. Moreover, your majesty is brilliant. So I want to make a deal with you."

Conggulun, kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised her head, but now she was full of confidence and bright eyes.

"Oh, what deal?"

"The moon shadow clan must be loyal to the God of war clan, and I also have the blood of the God of war clan."

Conggulun's two words changed Li Xian's face slightly.

After pondering for a long time, Li Xian said slowly, "you are lucky. I don't kill women."

Hearing this, conggulun felt relieved and breathed a long breath.

"Thank you, your majesty."

Then he helped Qing'er to leave the hall. ..