Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 567

"It doesn't matter. It's normal not to find it."

Li Xian shook his head indifferently. The result was expected.

The moon shadow clan itself is one of the biggest secrets of the Qing Dynasty. If he can find out something, he should really ponder it. It's better to do so. He's worried about nothing.

The only worry is that this kind of long-distance Summoning can kill people several times in the end. It's really annoying if you come to find yourself in trouble every two or three days.

Shaking his head, Li Xian took back his mind and said, "do you know why I want to draw this map?"

"I don't know."

Xue Jinlian shook her head. She thought about the role of this map. There is no doubt that this map can do a lot, but it is not easy to control the direction of a war.

"Now, the war can be basically divided into two parts. One is the duel between the practitioners of both sides, which is the competition of hard power. There are not many places to take advantage of. The second is the battle of ordinary soldiers. Relatively speaking, we have absolute and even, we can use ordinary soldiers to surround and kill each other's practitioners. However, there is a crucial issue in fighting against the Qing Dynasty. "

"There are many of them."

Among all the women, Xue Jinlian's war ability is the highest. She is the general's tiger daughter, and she has been influenced since she was a child.

No matter what the Qing Dynasty is, there is no doubt that the vast territory and abundant resources are several times of the Qing Dynasty.

In addition to years of development, even if the foundation is destroyed, the advantage of population is not so easy to erase. The most important point is that once the two sides start a decisive battle, these people can become soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.

Compared with the inside information, the Tang Dynasty is a little inferior after all, which can not be made up in a hurry.

This is also the reason why the important officials of the Tang Dynasty unanimously chose peaceful suppression. They did not know that Huang Taiji was reforming and developing, but the Tang Dynasty also needed time, and the gap was here.

"So we want to solve this problem as much as possible before the war, such as setting up some troubles for them. If the war starts, what will happen to the road collapse here?"

Li Xian pointed to a place and said softly.

Xue Jinlian fixed her eyes and saw that the place Li Xian pointed to was a mountainous area, which was close to the official road and had soft geology.

"If there were explosives, the road would be destroyed in an instant."

Xue Jinlian said softly.

"But how can explosives be transported in without knowing it?"

There is no doubt that explosives are one of the killer maces of the Tang Dynasty. They must not be exiled outside. If they want to be used in the Qing Dynasty, they must take some time. There are many human and material resources involved, and they should be very careful.

"The normal method certainly can't, but what if there are a group of people here digging?"

Li Xian's fingers gently tapping on a nearby mountain said.

In an instant, Xue Jinlian's eyes lit up and exclaimed, "Your Majesty means that someone has already sent someone to buy this mine within the Qing Dynasty."

Li Xian nodded and said, "it's not just the mines. I've already sent those people to the territory of the Qing Dynasty, using all kinds of names to plug in the mountain roads and waterways. However, because I'm afraid of exposure, I don't have the banner of war. But now I can't take care of so many people. I'll give them back to you. How can I do the whole thing? Come here and deal with it."

"Yes, my concubine."

Xue Jinlian naturally saw the feasibility of this plan at a glance. If it is really successful, once the war starts, as long as it is necessary to cut off these roads, even if only one third, no, one fifth is enough to cause great trouble to the Qing Dynasty. At least hundreds of thousands of troops can be delayed for a few days.

This is of great value to the war.

"Your Majesty, if I don't understand or have problems, which adult should I consult with?"

"Oh, why don't you consult me?"

"Your Majesty is very resourceful. How dare you disturb me? Besides, your majesty is not the real creator of this plan. I'd better ask the real creator for some things."

"Ha ha, you are smart. How do you know that I didn't come up with this plan?"

"Your Majesty's benevolence and righteousness, once this plan is implemented, it will certainly hurt the innocent. Perhaps your majesty just sent detailed work to the Qing Dynasty in advance to make early preparations, but I guess Cao Cao and Guo Jia worked out the plan."

"You're very knowledgeable."

Li Xian smiles and gently holds Xue Jinlian in his arms. He looks sad.

"On that day, I arranged for Cao Cao and fengxiao to deal with the detailed work. As a result, they came up with this plan. Originally, I didn't intend to use it, but now people are bullying us, so we have to prepare early."

"Don't worry, your majesty. I'll try my best to reduce the casualties."

Xue Jinlian said softly.

"Go ahead."

"Yes, your majesty."As she spoke, Xue Jinlian got up and left. When she came to the door, Li Xian suddenly spoke.


"Anything else, your majesty."

"No, nothing. Go."

Xue Jinlian nodded, although some doubts, but did not hesitate.

Looking at the empty study, Li Xian sighed. If he had a choice, he would not use the plan. If he had a choice, he would not even want to fight. He would only use peaceful means to force the other party to surrender. As for how to take heart, the trouble would be trouble, but it was better than death.


The bloody monster of that day and the ghost king of today flashed through his mind, and the cold color in Li Xian's eyes was all obvious.

"Today they are attacking me, tomorrow they are not attacking other people. I will never let you hurt the people I care about."

Even though the performance of light clouds, but Li Xian today naive fear.

If it's not a temporary idea, maybe it's Zhang Daoling and Wang Ling who have seen through the mystery of the ghost king in the imperial garden. If they don't, if Xuannv comes later.

The dead man may be

Li Xian didn't dare to think about it any more.

In any case, we must speed up the pace of dealing with the Qing Dynasty, from half a year to one year. I hope they will not continue to make trouble on this birthday.

Thinking about Huang Taiji's situation at the moment in his mind, Li Xian can probably guess what he thinks.

It's nothing more than a gambling assassination. It's a huge profit, but it doesn't hurt if it doesn't work. As for Ho Lin and the emissary team, the women who paid tribute, even his younger sister, are insignificant victims.

Such a person, Li Xian will never let him do whatever he likes, hurt himself, hurt the people he cherishes. ..