Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 561

For a moment, Li Xian's heart slightly touched, it seems to feel something, but soon disappeared.

No doubt, as he said, the singers and dancers who were sent to the Palace should thank Zhang Daoling.

If it wasn't for him, maybe the rest of their lives would be over.

Li Xian had thought that if he could not find out what the Qing Dynasty was going to do, he planned to imprison these people.

Although Li Xian is not a murdering monarch, he will not be merciful in this case. Knowing that there are pieces of the Qing Dynasty mixed in, he can't let himself go.

Once so, it will inevitably involve other innocent people. Perhaps their best ending is to be confined and lonely.

But Zhang Daoling's words touched Li Xian.

The world is the game, all beings are the chess.

I am not a member of this chessboard.

They are all pitying for each other. They are just a little higher than them. After all, they are the same. They are all chess pieces.

Zhang Daoling, who had said these words, was still a fool. No one would have thought that the shocking and philosophical words just now were his words.

"Little Taoist, what do you say cultivation is for?"

All of a sudden, Li Xian suddenly jumped out of a sentence to make everyone stunned.

Why do you practice?

Wang Ling asked herself that she was practicing to follow Li Xian's steps, and Lu Bing didn't want to be bullied.

Each practitioner has his own reason for immortality and royal power. Who can tell the original.

"Because there is injustice in the world."

The little Taoist gave an unexpected answer.

For a moment, everyone was silent. This simple sentence had no origin of heroism.

Li Xian was also silent for a long time, and suddenly grinned: "what a young immortal!"

All the way to the main hall, Li Xian, who had planned to practice, suddenly became confused. Zhang Daoling's words made him think about the system and his future.

All of a sudden, when he was walking through the garden, Zhang Daoling was stunned. He turned his head and looked at a green cypress in the garden, frowning slightly. After a moment of hesitation, he asked, "Your Majesty, when did the pine and cypress come in?"

Li Xianwen was stunned. He knew that although Zhang Daoling was a bit silly, he would not be aimless. He turned to look at Lu Bing.

"The pines and cypresses were sent in three days ago. When the Ministry of industry rebuilt the imperial garden, a clan offered this hundred year old green cypress."

Lu Bing is a kind-hearted man. Although these things were supposed to be the duties of eunuchs, he was very attentive in his daily life, and Li Xiancai decided to reuse him.

"Your Majesty, please step back." When Zhang Daoling heard the words, a haze flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, a cold sense of killing flashed across his tender face. He raised his foot and walked towards the keruibai. Suddenly, he made a stroke in the air with one hand. A faint light lit up and turned into a talisman.

Li Xian and others are good at cultivation. Although they don't understand the reason, they can see that there is something strange in the emerald cypress. They retreat according to their words.

These days, Li Xian also followed Zhang Daoling. The practitioners of the Tianshi mansion learned a lot of metaphysics. At a glance, they could see that Zhang Daoling was practicing a technique of capturing ghosts and expelling evil spirits.

However, the talisman was so weak that it disappeared in the emerald cypress. Zhang Daoling frowned tightly, hesitated a little, stretched out his hand a little, and a wisp of blood broke out of his finger and disappeared on the tree trunk again.

"The skill of summoning spirit, is it the reincarnation of an immortal?"

Li Xian was also secretly surprised. Since he learned about the existence of Xuannv and other immortals, he has studied these things. Although most of them are flashy legends, there are a few things that Li Xian still keeps in mind.

This kind of saying can communicate with heaven and earth. There are many sayings about inviting the ancient strong to summon spirit. Some of the records are very clear, saying that some divine power can be invited by using a specific method.

However, whether it's a legend or a true record, it's very troublesome. How old is Zhang Daoling? How can he use such a profound method? It seems that it's still so light.

"Is it?"

Fierce, Li Xian thought of a possibility, and then shook his head, this idea is too incredible, even he has some incredible.

But he didn't want to. At this time, Zhang Daoling's weak body suddenly burst out with a terrible power. The whole person suddenly looked very tall. Everyone could not help but retreat, and their hearts trembled.

Lu Bing is OK, but her realm is not high, but Wang Ling is a real master of Yuanying realm, but now she can't resist Zhang Daoling's power.

Not to mention Li Xian's strength is much higher than that of the same level. The supreme emperor is a unique skill in the world. In terms of prestige, there is no one in the world who can compete with him.

However, at the moment, Zhang Daoling's momentum made him a little afraid, which was just incredible.

"Where are the evils? An dares to harm others."Zhang Daoling's voice was tender but majestic. For a moment, the whole imperial garden was shaking violently, and the hundred year old emerald cypress was even more wobbly, as if to stand up like a master.

"Your Majesty, lady, please step away."

Although Lu Bing didn't know what was going on, he must be in trouble. He quickly stepped forward to block Li Xian and said.

Li Xian threw him behind him with a backhand and said, "take the others out and empty the people within ten feet. No, within thirty feet, let Princess Xue bring people here."

"Your Majesty..."

What else does Lu Bing have to say? Li Xian yelled: "don't go soon."

"It's your majesty."

Lu Bing didn't dare to say more and did as Li Xian told him.

The garden is constantly changing in China. Not long after, Xue Jinlian dares to come. There are still a few breath flows outside the garden. It is obvious that the general protecting the country has already felt it.

"What's the matter, your majesty?"

Xue Jinlian naturally understood Li Xian's meaning that the palace's appearance can't be spread to the outside world. Moreover, this kind of thing is not something that ordinary soldiers can deal with. It's just that the scene in front of her is unbelievable, even if they are practitioners.

At the moment, Zhang Daoling was chanting a few words in his mouth, but his voice was weak, but it seemed to have great power. As his voice became more and more urgent, the vibration of Cuibai became more and more violent, and it seemed that he wanted to get rid of something, but he couldn't get rid of it.

For a time, the two sides fell into the insistence.

Li Xian stares at the sober in the field, his brow is locked tightly. Suddenly, his eyes are shining. He has seen the light on Cuibai.

The three women who controlled the bloody monster that day seemed to have this kind of light, but it was very dim at that time. Li Xian didn't remember. ..