Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 550

The evening wind is blowing slowly, and Shanhaiguan in the evening is like a giant monster crawling on the ground.

According to Shanhaiguan a few years ago, this time should be when every family is closed, but now it is full of lights and voices.

Today, the gate of Shanhaiguan is a little late. Prince Dai Shan is sitting at the head of the city, and Zu dashou is looking into the distance.

"What do you mean, your highness? Send someone to the empress of the Tang Dynasty to celebrate her birthday. Is it so formal? "

All of a sudden, Zu dashou asked. He had a way of talking about his marching and fighting, but he couldn't understand the matter at the moment.

In fact, he was not the only one. Many people in the Qing army did not understand Huang Taiji's actions.

After all, the Tang Dynasty and they have a bitter feud. With the constant reform and integration of national strength, the whole army will see the invincible prairie wolf cavalry in the past.

"Don't speculate on your Majesty's mind, just do your duty."

Dai Shan shook his head and did not answer Zu dashou's question.

He knows Huang Taiji's plan, but what does he say.

It is said that the Qing Dynasty would secretly send a princess in order to gain time to restore its national strength, but the Tang Dynasty still said that Huang Taiji intended to take this opportunity to assassinate Li Xian and important officials of the Tang Dynasty.

Dai Shan knows who are the people who are going to the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, he understands that all the people who are going to the Tang Dynasty may be dead, including his half sister.

However, Dai Shan can neither say nor do anything.

He only hated that he had no ability to defend the city and defeat the Tang army.

"In the end, it's ridiculous that women should be used to save the country."

Dai Shan shook his head, slowly closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"Here you are, Prince."

I don't know how long later, the voice of Zu dashou came. Dai Shan opened his eyes and looked. Sure enough, on the official road, a group of horses came slowly.

There were about 300 soldiers in this group. The Qing Dynasty was the most elite prairie wolf cavalry.

In the center of the team, dozens of carriages were walking slowly, and the surrounding area was covered tightly.

Seeing the appearance of this team, Dai Shan's face was uncertain, and the faces of other soldiers also showed resentment.

They all know that the so-called congratulation to the empress of the Tang Dynasty is a fake. It's just a way for the Qing Dynasty to seek peace. However, they have no way. Many people even resent Huang Taiji.

Invincible is their inborn pride, but now, they ask for peace, which is unacceptable to them.

"Open the gate."

Dai Shan left a word and led people down the city tower.

He has received the imperial Taiji's will, this time the thing must do grandly, everybody knows.

The purpose behind Dai Shan is to show the sincerity of the Qing Dynasty. In this way, once Li Xian refuses, the direction of public opinion will fall on the side of the Qing Dynasty.

Once upon a time, the invincible Qing Dynasty became like this.

Dai Shan is depressed, but he has no ability.

The envoys slowly entered the city. Now Shanhaiguan is not controlled by the Qing Dynasty alone.

Since Yue Fei bombed the city gate, the army of the Tang Dynasty has never left, which is one of the conditions for the truce on that day.

The condition for Li Xian to withdraw from the army was not only to return to Li cunxiao, but also to set up Shanhaiguan capital protection station and obtain Shanhaiguan's garrison strength and trade rights.

Of course, both Dai Shan and Huang Taiji didn't think there was anything wrong with this before.

In such a big mountain and sea pass, what can hundreds of soldiers do? As for the right to trade, they don't care. They never think that commerce is of great use.

In fact, however, they were wrong.

Yue Fei's army was stationed outside Shanhai Pass. They didn't dare to do anything to the Tang army in the capital.

With the development of Li Xian's plan, Dai Shanru was choked by the terrible trade rights.

Nothing else, the Tang Dynasty is too rich.

They bought all kinds of goods from Shanhaiguan almost regardless of the cost, the most important of which were salt, iron and other things related to people's livelihood, as well as all kinds of necessities needed by the monks.

At first, Dai Shan didn't pay attention, but soon more and more people came to Shanhaiguan to sell these things. When the Qing Dynasty reacted and wanted to control the transaction, the Tang Dynasty had ended the acquisition.

What's more, the Tang Dynasty can start to influence the price of these goods.

No matter Dai Shan or Huang Taiji, they never thought that an army of hundreds of people could make Shanhaiguan turn upside down.

What's more, there are many messages about how the Tang Dynasty is prosperous and powerful, and the Duhufu also shows its corresponding strength. More and more people are interested in the Tang Dynasty, and even many people leave Shanhaiguan to go to the Tang Dynasty."Sooner or later, I'm going to tear down this mansion."

Take a look at the Duhufu, which is just like the one inserted in the chest. Daishan goes out of the city to meet the emissary.

"Your Highness."

"And my Lord."

The emissary team was led by Hezhen. Today's Hezhen is really under one person and above ten thousand people in the Qing Dynasty.

With the progress of the reform plan, he's students spread all over the government and the public, and his only several clean-up operations showed us the commanding ability of the military aircraft minister, and the trust of Huang Taiji gave him military power.

At present, in the Qing Dynasty, he Lu is a supreme minister.

"And Lord, go to the city!"

Dai Shan took a look at the carriage in the procession. A touch of cold flashed in his eyes, and then he said softly.

"Don't worry. I heard that the imperial palace of the Tang army is not far away. Go and have a look."

He said.

"OK, this way with the adults."

Dai Shan immediately understood each other's meaning, nodded and led the team to Duhufu.

It was Zhao Yun who led the troops to guard the capital.

He was quite surprised by the appearance of He Lin and Dai Shan, but he welcomed him immediately.

Although the relationship between the two countries is not very good, the courtesy of face still needs to be done well after all. Besides, Li Xian also told him that his task in Shanhaiguan is to stick in the hinterland of the Qing dynasty like a nail.

"This is general Zilong. Before the battle between the two armies, General Zhao was very brave."

Dai Shan and Zhao Yun have also dealt with each other several times, but they are familiar with each other, so they introduce them.

"Oh, I've heard so much about General Zhao."

"I'm flattered by your honor."

The two exchanged greetings without emotion. ..