Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 545

It was half a month after Li Xian returned to the imperial city.

In the past half a month, a lot of things happened in and out of the Tang Dynasty, but fortunately, they all developed in a good direction.

Inside the Chaotian hall.

"Dear Aiqing, since this period of time, our Tang Dynasty has been developing rapidly every day, even beyond everyone's imagination. You Aiqing must have known what happened recently. Our Tang Dynasty has become stable, and it's time to issue a new law."

The ministers did not look surprised at this.

"Your majesty

With Yunxia palace bowing its head, the great Tang Dynasty's practitioners were united, and the army and the people were united as one, the whole cangxuan region had no power to compete with the great Tang Dynasty.

Some of the ministers present were left by cangxuanyu's own forces. They were full of awe for the Tang Dynasty, and even had an impulse to worship Li Xian.

At this moment, they finally understand why Li Xian can have such a high prestige in the Tang Dynasty. Li Xian is almost omnipotent.

They have never seen a dynasty be able to fight against such a powerful enemy as the Qing Dynasty after such a rapid reunification, not only to fight, but to win gracefully.

What's more terrible is that in this process, there were almost no waves, no internal chaos, the people lived and worked in peace, the border was peaceful, all the troubles were solved, and the most difficult period of time was spent peacefully.

With the change of dynasties and the exchange of power in cangxuanyu, they had seen too many forces, and they finally separated from each other. As a result, they soon disappeared. It was difficult to start a business, and it was even more difficult to keep it.

But these for the Tang Dynasty, for Li Xian almost did not exist.

At the same time, the Tang Dynasty began to implement the new deal from the capital.

In fact, it's not a new deal. Li Xian has always adhered to these policies and decrees, and the Tang Dynasty has followed them all the way. It's just that in order to adapt to the mysterious world, they have to be changed and refined. Of course, the core has not changed.

These decrees were first implemented in the Imperial City, which made many people cry out.

There is no doubt that these decrees infringe upon their interests, and the penalty is very heavy, especially in terms of bullying the people, corruption and bending the law. The so-called real name registration system is also a policy that consumes a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, in any case, these things finally started in the imperial city. As time went on, those who were not optimistic about these decrees gradually changed.

Everything Li Xian did was fair, just, open and clear about rewards and punishments.

You can get many honors and benefits according to your ability. Those who obey the law and discipline will get good results. Those who violate the law will be punished severely.

Gradually, the decrees of the Tang Dynasty were accepted and respected by more people.

The people are the foundation of a country, which has never changed.

What's more, everyone sees hope. The stronger the Tang Dynasty is, the better their life and interests will be. This may be biased, but gradually, everyone is working hard to build the Tang Dynasty.

Today, Li Xian wants to spread the new law. No one is surprised. Almost everyone has accepted this fact.

After the promulgation of the new law, Li Xian announced the second thing.

The Zhang family in Yunxia palace has the right of hereditary Tianshi.

Hearing this, the officials could not help but be in an uproar. It was said that Li Xian and Yunxia palace had reached some agreements, which seemed to be true. But soon, they were shocked by Li Xian's next words.

"In the Tang Dynasty, I only looked at ability, regardless of origin, and di Aiqing read out the new imperial examination system."

"It's your majesty!"

Di Renjie came out slowly and began to read out the new imperial examination system.

This system was roughly planned by Li Xian and co-ordinated by all. The ultimate goal is to reasonably select talents and give all the poor disciples a chance to get ahead.

The imperial examination was divided into civil and military, involving the clan, the poor and the outsiders. Of course, the national of the Tang Dynasty had a certain degree of advantage.

The contents of the imperial examination were classified, covering almost all the possibilities, far from the two items of civil and military in the impression of normal people.

This selection system has been read by Di Renjie for half an hour, and its wide range can be seen.

As di Renjie's voice fell, the officials still didn't respond. They didn't accept the selection system for a while.

"Sire, it seems that there are still some places to discuss about the imperial examination system."

"That's right, your majesty. Such selection may affect the stability of the dynasty."

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

As for the reaction of the officials, Li Xian is expected. This is inevitable. Under the current system, there are many relationships among officials. However, once the new election system takes shape, this monopoly pattern will be broken, which will naturally infringe on the interests of many people."There is a common saying among the people that there is no humble family in the top class and no gentry in the bottom class. This is a naked irony. I want to give all the people of the Tang Dynasty an opportunity to change their destiny. Although this imperial examination system is not the final version, no matter how it is revised, it will not change. "

Hearing what Li Xian said, some of the ministers had ideas, but they didn't dare to oppose them openly.

Later, Li Xianyou announced several things, big and small, which were the first things to be solved by the Tang Dynasty.

Finally, Li Xian's face suddenly became solemn.

"Next, the most important thing today is that the Tang Dynasty will issue several new decrees separately, including commerce, employment, agriculture..."

Li Xian said a few words in one breath, and the officials heard them again in a fog.

Since ancient times, it sounds as if Li Xian has isolated some industries. Many industries that people despise before seem to be supported by him alone. What do you mean?

The ministers didn't understand, so they didn't dare to talk.

Li Xian had expected this for a long time. He asked Di Renjie and Liu Bowen to explain it separately. This time, it took more than an hour to explain the specific uses and development of these industries.

Of course, it's mainly because Liu Bowen and di Renjie themselves don't understand what these new occupations and new organizations Li Xian created are for. They are also exploring. ..