Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 534

"The Qing Dynasty is really shameless to the extreme."

Inside the xuanzheng hall, a rough and crazy voice came, with a bit of anger in the words.

"What's the matter, Bao?"

Wang Anshi took the memorial in Bao Zheng's hand and looked at it roughly. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "it's really shameless."

"Who can say it's not? It's clear that we have won in canglan River and Shanhai Pass. The Qing Dynasty dares to say that we have been defeated for a long time, and the death of Dorgon is also on our head."

Bao Zheng said indignantly.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Dourgen died before he returned to the imperial city of the Qing Dynasty from canglan river. It's normal for us to account for this. But it's too much to say that we can't win in the battlefield. It's really a bit too much to assassinate Dourgen with evil magic behind his back."

There was a look of disdain on Wang Anshi's face. It was obvious that he was not ashamed of the Qing Dynasty.

Hearing their comments, the people around also gathered around.

The xuanzheng hall is very busy these days, and almost all the important officials of the Tang Dynasty are here.

Zhuge Liang, Bao Zheng, Xu Shu, Guo Jia, Wang Anshi and Zhang Juzheng were on duty in turn. As for Di Renjie and Liu Bowen, they had not rested for a long time.

After the war, a lot of things need to be dealt with.

We should pay attention to people's livelihood in different places, the common people should recuperate, how to stabilize the two fronts of canglan River and Shanhai Pass, and how to deal with the internal forces of the Tang Dynasty.

Nothing can be solved by force.

After reading the memorials in Wang Anshi's hands, all the ministers who have been working hard for days smile.

For nothing else, it was the Qing Dynasty's play that was too naive. It made them want to laugh.

Generally speaking, the Qing Dynasty expressed two attitudes after the war.

The first is to advocate their own strength, saying that the Tang Dynasty was a villain who used intrigue. In any case, it is to discredit the Tang Dynasty from various aspects and eliminate the influence of defeat as much as possible.

The second is about Dorgon. They say that the Tang Dynasty used some unknown means to assassinate Dorgon.

In the final analysis, the Qing Dynasty did not admit that the defeat was a matter of strength.

What's more, these voices are not official statements of the Qing Dynasty, but rumors. Huang Taiji's handling of this matter neither admits nor denies it.

"It seems that Huang Taiji wants to use this method to eliminate the influence of defeat. Although this method is not bright, it is very effective. Turning internal conflicts into external hatred and filial piety seems like an idea for you. "

Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"Me?" Guo Jia yawned and said, "if I were to kill some defeated generals directly, it would not be more effective to settle the charge of colluding with the enemy."

Hearing this, the crowd suddenly became silent and stared at Guo Jia one by one.

"What's the matter? What do you want me to do?"

Guo Jia touched her face and felt very strange.

Xu Shu shook his head and said, "fortunately, fengxiao is not the enemy. If you don't talk about this, what do you think of Dorgon's death?"

"Something's wrong."

Bao Zheng was the first to say.

"When Dorgon left, he was not seriously injured. Along the way, he beat back general Zhou Yu's ambush several times. He was alive and died suddenly, which shouldn't have happened."

"Can it be the internal power struggle of the Qing Dynasty? After all, at this time, unless Huang Taiji is crazy, he can't kill Dorgon."

Wang Anshi doubts a way.

"But the Qing Dynasty has always been the dictatorship of Huang Taiji. Others don't have the strength and courage. Besides, when Duo Ergun is dead, Huang Taiji is more worried than us. He should check it out, but there is no news from the royal guards."

Guo Jia said.

"You say, is it Huang Taiji who wants to reform?"

Suddenly, Wang Anshi thought of something and exclaimed.

"No! How can Huang Taiji be so cruel? "

All those present were smart people. With a word from Wang Anshi, they wanted to understand the key to the problem.

Wang Anshi shook his head and said, "not necessarily. The Qing Dynasty is now deeply corrupt. If it doesn't reform, it will be doomed sooner or later. With the death of Dorgon, the chaotic imperial court of the Qing Dynasty will be even more chaotic, and all forces will be in strife. Huang Taiji just needs to wait on the sidelines and wait for them to run out of strength, and then let go of the reform, and no one will stop them. "

"In addition, although the death of Dorgon had a great impact on the Qing Dynasty, many new posts were also vacated, and Huang Taiji had an excuse to employ new people."

Guo Jia said.

For a moment, people could not help but silence.

"In this way, the defeat of the Qing Dynasty is not necessarily a good thing for Huang Taiji."

Zhuge Liang said with a sigh."It's both good and bad. It's mainly because no one expected that Huang Taiji would be able to kill duo Ergun and have such a big determination. No, we have to report this to your majesty. If we sit down and guess, we must make preparations early."

Zhang Juzheng, who has been silent, said.

Hearing this, everyone immediately nodded and went to meet Li Xian.

If at this moment he Lin heard the words of the ministers of the Tang Dynasty, he would be frightened.

There is no other reason. Although there is a certain gap between people's conjecture and the truth in the Tang Dynasty, the only mistake is that Huang Taiji didn't work hard, and all the people who did it were He Li.

There is no doubt that he is a smart man, much smarter than he seems.

He has seen through the disadvantages of the Qing Dynasty for a long time, that is, the autocracy of the imperial family, the strength of the imperial court, the lack of fresh blood, and the cronyism.

So, many years ago, he was ready, but he didn't want to use these preparations one day.

However, nowadays, if the Qing Dynasty did not reform, it would really perish.

The funny thing is that everyone in the Qing Dynasty was in a dream, not alert.

In fact, it's wrong to say that Huang Taiji doesn't know at all. These plans have already been revealed in his words, but he didn't make it clear.

And Huang Taiji didn't stop it. It was tacit.

"Sure enough, it's easy to be an emperor. If the reform fails, I'm afraid I'm not far away from death."

"Father, what do you say?"

Just as he sighed, a tender voice came.

The haze on He Lin's face disappeared and he turned to look at the 13-4-year-old children around him.

Feng Shen Yin De, the son of he Lin.

Since the death of his eldest son, He Lin has put all his thoughts on the only child.

He could do anything for the Qing Dynasty, but he was still worried about the child.

If one day, Huang Taiji would let Feng Shen Yin de go.

"It seems that it's time to arrange a way out for you." He Lin looked at his son and thought silently. ..