Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 488

Li Xian killed a strong man in the golden elixir of the Cheng family without any pressure in his heart.

Although the Cheng family is a dynastic force with strong elixirs, Li Xian is not afraid at all, or even at all.

The current strength of Datang is absolutely very powerful, and the number of foundation building experts is also increasing rapidly, even reaching hundreds.

This is also due to the strength of the Holy Spirit pool, which can make the later and the peak of Qi training directly break through to the building foundation.

Although the Cheng family is powerful, and the status of Cheng in the whole cangxuan area is extremely important, the development of the Tang Dynasty is very fast. I believe it will not be long before Cheng family can surpass the overlord of cangxuan area.

Taiji palace.

The little eunuch called out in his shrill duck voice, "if you have something to play, you have nothing to retreat."

"Your Majesty, I have something to start."

"Aiqing, please."

"Your Majesty, after more than half a year's development, our army in the Tang Dynasty is strong now. We should launch a war and unify all the eastern territories of cangxuan as soon as possible."

"I agree."

"The minister and others seconded."

The ministers said immediately.

Only with the constant battles of Datang can Datang be stronger, and the more power they have, of course.

"To be sure."

"Your Majesty, we in the Tang Dynasty should issue an imperial edict to all the forces in the east of the whole mysterious region, so that they can submit to us in the Tang Dynasty. We can directly accept the forces that we submit to, and we can directly send troops to eliminate the forces that we do not submit to."


After retiring from the court, Datang moved quickly, and all his ministers were very excited. After half a year, Datang would show his tusks again.

I believe that this time, Datang can shock countless people, absolutely be able to win the whole mysterious oriental region as soon as possible.

In a short period of ten days, the foundation building masters of the Tang Dynasty spread the imperial edict to all the eastern forces in the whole cangxuan region.

And these forces are all very scared. They know what Datang's action represents now?

This means that the Tang Dynasty had the ambition to unify the whole cangxuan region in the East. Does the vast territory of cangxuan region in the East really belong to the rule of the Tang Dynasty?

Many forces have chosen to refuse to submit to the Tang Dynasty. They believe that it is not easy for the Tang Dynasty to unify the whole cangxuan region.

But how can they know that Datang has been developing fiercely in the past half a year? They think Datang is just the strength before. What they don't know is that Datang's strength has increased several times.

Then all the troops of the Tang Dynasty attacked. This time, Li Xian had to have the fastest speed to unify the east of cangxuan territory. The east of cangxuan territory was about one twelfth of the whole cangxuan territory.

Once the Tang Dynasty unifies the East, the strength of the Tang Dynasty will have a qualitative leap, even if it can not be promoted to the Tang Dynasty, it is not comparable to the general empire.

But there are also six forces who chose to surrender directly to the Tang Dynasty. In their eyes, the Tang Dynasty is very powerful, even powerful to a frightening level, and they have made the right choice.

Although they are questioned by other forces, what can they do? As long as they can keep their lives and continue to practice, everything is worth it.

However, the speed of the Tang army's deployment was very fast, even beyond the imagination of many people, which shocked countless people.

Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Chang Yuchun, Xu Da, Xue Rengui, Mei Changshu and Zhou Yu all led the main forces to fight. They also played the military power of the Tang Dynasty and shocked countless people.

The terrifying combat effectiveness of the Tang army made all the forces in the dark area feel a deep fear. They never thought that the combat effectiveness of the Tang army was so scared.

Now they want to surrender, but it's too late. Datang raised a butcher's knife to them, even a very sharp one, which made them unable to adapt.

But they have no choice but to accept fate.

This time, the Tang Dynasty was really powerful. In just two months, it took the whole mysterious region of the East. What a terrible thing.

The unification of the Tang Dynasty with the eastern world also shocked the Cheng family. ..