Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 485

Yue Fei and others know that the power of explosives is huge, but they did not expect that the power of explosives should be so strong.

Just ask, the Tang Dynasty has such a sharp weapon, which force in cangxuan domain dares to be the enemy of the Tang Dynasty?

Explosives can only be used to attack cities and destroy the walls of enemy forces. When monks reach Yuanying realm, the power of explosives can be ignored.

Because the aura shield formed by yuanyingjing's own aura can block the damage of hundreds of kilograms of explosives, and yuanyingjing's strong can fly in the air, they can't stand still and let you bomb him!

But Li Xian nodded with satisfaction. All this was in his expectation. He finally ordered the people of the work department to develop explosives. How could it not be used?

And xuanbing and others are shocked and stunned. They can't imagine that Datang has such a powerful weapon. Isn't it fair?

Why do Datang have such powerful siege weapons, but they don't.

"Your Majesty, what shall we do now?"

Now the morale of their xuanyue Imperial Army's taxis is extremely low, even to a very terrible level, which is no longer suitable for further fighting.

The army of xuanyue Empire didn't want to fight the Tang army. They were all shocked by the Tang army.

What can they do to stop such a terrible attack by the Tang army?

"Your Majesty, I suggest that our army withdraw from xuanyue city immediately in order to make a comeback."

"Your Majesty, yes! It is our only choice to withdraw from the capital now. There is little morale for the soldiers now. I'm afraid that the Tang army will be defeated by a single charge. "

A great general.

"Incompetent! Are you so incompetent? "

"Now the Tang army is under the city, but you want me to run away without fighting. I can't do it. I'll send orders to fight. Even if we fight to the last soldier, we can't give up. We have to guard our xuanyue empire."

Black ice roars a way.

"It's your majesty."

"Your Majesty has an order for the whole army to fight."

Immediately xuanbing's will spread all over the city. Although more than a million xuanyue Imperial troops didn't want to fight the Tang army, they had to choose to fight.

Outside the city.

"Pass the edict, attack xuanyue City, today we must destroy xuanyue empire."

Li Xian ordered directly.

"I will obey the order."

General Yue Fei, Li cunxiao, Chang Yuchun and Dian Wei immediately took orders.


The invincible Tang army immediately launched a charge against xuanyue city. This is the first time that the Tang army charged against xuanyue city. It is believed that xuanyue city will be conquered soon.

After all, the morale of xuanyue Imperial Army's taxis is extremely low, even to a very terrible level.

Now the best choice for xuanyue empire is to withdraw from xuanyue city and preserve its strength.

But deep in xuanbing's heart, there is still a trace of expectation that xuanyue imperial army can defeat Tang army.

Because xuanbing believed in the inside information of his xuanyue Empire, but it was very difficult, even beyond his imagination.

The powerful fighting capacity of Tang army is really beyond his imagination. The terror of Tang army's fighting capacity makes xuanyue imperial army very nervous and even panic. They can't imagine that there is such a powerful army in the world.

In fact, in China, the armies of many dynasties, emperors and emperors are much stronger than those of the Tang Dynasty. But after all, the xuanyue Empire has never met them. That's why they think that the Tang army is a terrible and invincible army.

Gradually, the whole xuanyue city almost fell into the sea of slaughter. As soon as the xuanyue Imperial Army and the Tang army fought each other, they immediately ran to rout without any victory.

The strength of the Tang army has gradually made every soldier of xuanyue Empire feel desperate.

Xuanbing was even more angry that the army under his command was not the opponent of the Tang army, and even had little power to fight back. What's the matter?

Even the master builders of xuanyue Empire were not the enemies of the Tang army. At this moment, xuanbing felt deep fear. He seemed to see the contemptuous smile of Emperor Li Xian of the Tang Dynasty. He was not a good emperor. Without Li Xian's good luck and strength, he became the last king of xuanyue Empire and the king of xuanyue empire.

"Your Majesty, go away, or it will be too late."

"I won't go. I've lost completely. Even if I escape from xuanyue City, I won't have a chance to make a comeback."

Xuanbing road.

Then xuanbing committed suicide, and xuanyue empire was destroyed, while its officials and army had to surrender. ..