Bringing the System to the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 476

Immediately, with the sound of countless rustles, the whole mountain forest burned directly. The fire was irresistible and rushed down the mountain. The scene was very spectacular.

"Great Dharma protector, what should we do now?"

A monk in the later period of Qi cultivation.

"Immediately order people to clean up the environment around us, and never let the fire spread to the army."

The great Dharma protector said immediately.

"It's the great protector."

What do people say.

Then they immediately took action. They must not let the fire burn them. Otherwise, I'm afraid that all of them will be cool except those masters who are above the middle stage of Qi training.

This is the horror of the Tang army. What they thought and did was unexpected by the xuanming sect.

They only know how to match their own strength and crush their opponents. Unfortunately, they are already in a hurry now without even seeing many sides. How should they fight in the future?

Now the situation on the battlefield seems to be very clear. The Tang army completely suppressed the xuanmingzong army. Although the Liang army has not formally fought, the end is doomed.

Xuanmingzong doesn't have the slightest chance to speak of. They are busy running about now and want to put out the fire, which requires a lot of effort. Whether it's the loss of spiritual energy in the monks, or the loss of physical strength of the soldiers in wuwangjing and wuzongjing, it's very huge. I believe that once the war really starts, the army of xuanmingzong has little power to fight.

"It's time to drum."

Li cunxiao saw that the time was ripe, and immediately ordered.

Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong

Immediately in the sound of the earthquake, 300000 Tang troops launched a charge, which made them the prelude to annihilating the enemy.

"I, Li cunxiao, am the commander-in-chief of the Tang army. Who is your commander-in-chief

Li cunxiao's voice spread throughout the battlefield and shocked the enemy.

However, the great Dharma protector of xuanmingzong kept sneering. Although the other side had done all the right things in front of him, this time he jumped out to fight with himself, which was obviously a failure.

"Ha ha ha! Li cunxiao, the great Dharma protector of xuanming sect, will take your dog's life today! "

The great Dharma protector of xuanming sect laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha! But do you have that ability? "

"To die! Kill

The great Dharma protector of xuanming sect pours directly at Li cunxiao. It seems that he really wants to kill Li cunxiao.

In the eyes of the great Dharma protector of xuanming sect, Li cunxiao was just a master at the early stage of building the foundation. He was already at the peak of the middle stage of building the foundation. He was only half a step away from the later stage of building the foundation. Can't he defeat Li cunxiao?

If the great Dharma protector of xuanmingzong really lost today, who can blame it? He can only blame himself, and even he thinks he will not lose.


Li cunxiao and the great protector of xuanming sect had a fight.

Li cunxiao stepped back.

The Dharma protector of xuanming sect retreated more than ten steps. He was shocked and even panicked. He was not the opponent of the other party.

How is that possible?

It has been more than ten years since he broke through the foundation building. He is also a famous master of xuanming sect. Why is he not Li cunxiao's opponent.

But the great protector of xuanmingzong immediately calmed down, and he still had no hand. Maybe he had a chance.

It's a pity that Li cunxiao's next words made him feel ashamed.

"Lao Zamao, what's the taste of the palm just now? I only used 70% of my strength just now."

Li cunxiao sneered.

"It's impossible!"

The great protector of xuanming sect roared.

If the other side really only uses 70% of the strength, then he will definitely lose. Even if he has a backhand, what can he do? Can't turn over!

Li cunxiao rushed directly to the great Dharma protector of the xuanming sect. With one move, he directly flew the great Dharma protector of the xuanming sect and vomited blood in the air.

The great protector of xuanming sect didn't have time to react, so he was killed by Li cunxiao.

Before his death, the great Dharma protector of xuanming sect didn't expect that he would die so stifled.

With the death of the great Dharma protector of xuanming sect, Li cunxiao directly swept the other side's monks in the later and peak state of Qi training.

Finally, the remaining soldiers of xuanming sect all chose to surrender. They really had no choice but to surrender.

Do you want them to be loyal to xuanming sect? That's impossible.

"General, our army has won. We have killed 100000 enemies and captured 100000 prisoners."

The deputy general said excitedly.

"This is just the beginning. I believe that with the growing strength of the Tang Dynasty, the war in the future will be a hundred times, or even a thousand times more than this war."

"The great general, the last general, will keep it in mind." ..